The Stakeholder Integration Model for Sustainable Infrastructure Management in Africa

Year : 2024 | Volume :14 | Issue : 02 | Page : 24-37

Uzor Onyia,

  1. Professor Department of Civil Engineering, University of Nigeria


Construction is highly fragmented across multiple stakeholder expectations. But then studies focusing on stakeholder integration (SI) for sustainable infrastructure management (SIM) are still evolving, this paper conducted a systematic literature review on SI for SIM in the last 20 years to identify the current trends and strategies. Through semi-structured interviews of 20 practicing managers of infrastructures in the African public sector, it further explored the identified current trends and strategies using coding of thematic patterns for data analysis. Evidences reveal that publications on SI for SIM fluctuate, and are directly proportional to economic and environmental challenges. It further explored SI for SIM across different countries and disclosed that the Chinese SI for SIM style in Africa is exclusive, exploitative, conflict-prone, and unsustainable. Conclusively, this study recognises complete SI across all management processes and tools as the impactful strategy for SIM. It then developed stakeholder integration model, identified challenges, hybrid skills, and critical factors for complete SI for SIM in Africa. It further provides direction to both policymakers and researchers on SI in SIM.

Keywords: Stakeholder Integration Model; Sustainable Management Strategy; Sustainable Infrastructure Management; Stakeholder Management; Management Skills

[This article belongs to Journal of Construction Engineering, Technology & Management(jocetm)]

How to cite this article: Uzor Onyia. The Stakeholder Integration Model for Sustainable Infrastructure Management in Africa. Journal of Construction Engineering, Technology & Management. 2024; 14(02):24-37.
How to cite this URL: Uzor Onyia. The Stakeholder Integration Model for Sustainable Infrastructure Management in Africa. Journal of Construction Engineering, Technology & Management. 2024; 14(02):24-37. Available from:


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Regular Issue Subscription Original Research
Volume 14
Issue 02
Received June 1, 2024
Accepted July 10, 2024
Published July 11, 2024

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