Large-Scale Green Hydrogen Storage and Transportation: Advancements and Challenges for Sustainable Energy Integration

Year : 2024 | Volume :11 | Issue : 03 | Page : –

Sunil Kumar Dewangan,

Divyang G Bohra,

Krish J Suthar,

  1. Assistant Professor Department of Mechanical Engineering, Dharmsinh Desai University (DDU), Nadiad Gujarat India
  2. Assistant Professor Department of Mechanical Engineering, Dharmsinh Desai University (DDU), Nadiad Gujarat India
  3. Research Scholar Department of Mechanical Engineering, Dharmsinh Desai University (DDU), Nadiad Gujarat India


The transition from non-renewable energy sources to renewable energy sources is a significant step in the direction of a sustainable future. Hydrogen is acknowledged as a great renewable energy source, which may help overcome the energy intermittency challenges. Hydrogen must have convenient storage and transportation to become a green hydrogen, i.e., greenhouse gas emission-free energy carrier. Large-scale green hydrogen storage and transportation are pivotal for the effective integration of renewable energy sources within the current power grid infrastructure and may play the role of reservoir. The scalability of green hydrogen storage presents opportunities for terawatt-scale long-term energy storage, which is critical for decarbonization objectives and sustainable energy goals. This research thoroughly reviews the most recent large-scale green hydrogen storage and transportation technologies. It examines the various storage and transportation techniques, such as liquefaction, compression, chemical storage, solid-state storage, cryo-adsorption, and hydrogen carriers, considering their benefits, drawbacks, most recent advancements, and economic factors. Findings reveal significant information on expenses, difficulties, and future developments in the field. Over time, technological developments and economies of scale should reduce the cost of storage and transportation, but in order to successfully commercialize new technologies, it is essential to solve issues with storage techniques, modes of transportation, efficiency optimization, and technology adoption. In-depth technical and financial analyses offer important insights for developing an economically and sustainably feasible green hydrogen sector.

Keywords: Sustainable future, green hydrogen, decarbonization, storage and transportation technologies, economics.

[This article belongs to Emerging Trends in Chemical Engineering(etce)]

How to cite this article: Sunil Kumar Dewangan, Divyang G Bohra, Krish J Suthar. Large-Scale Green Hydrogen Storage and Transportation: Advancements and Challenges for Sustainable Energy Integration. Emerging Trends in Chemical Engineering. 2024; 11(03):-.
How to cite this URL: Sunil Kumar Dewangan, Divyang G Bohra, Krish J Suthar. Large-Scale Green Hydrogen Storage and Transportation: Advancements and Challenges for Sustainable Energy Integration. Emerging Trends in Chemical Engineering. 2024; 11(03):-. Available from:

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Regular Issue Subscription Original Research
Volume 11
Issue 03
Received June 26, 2024
Accepted July 11, 2024
Published August 1, 2024

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