Description of The Tapeworm Anomotaenia Cohn, 1900 (Fam: Dilepididae) in Homing Pigeons Columbae liva and Domestic Chicken Gallus gallus domesticus

Year : 2024 | Volume :13 | Issue : 02 | Page : 1-8

Ban Shaker Alushuker,

Sahira Ayyed Abdul-Sahib Almusawi,

Reissan Shakir Abdalamer,

  1. Lecturer Department of Biology, Faculty of Education for Girl, University of Kufa Iraq
  2. Assistant Professor Technical Institution, Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University, Najaf Iraq
  3. Assistant Professor Laser Department, Al-Nisour University College Iraq


The current study was carried out in the Governorate of Najaf from January 2023 to March 2023, and 20 tapeworms, Anomotaenia sp., were isolated from the intestines of 10 exporter pigeons (Columbae liva) and the intestines of 5 local chickens (Gallus gallus domesticus). morphological characteristics tapeworms were studied by examining the head area, mature segments and the choral data segment using optic microscope. The current study aimed to study the phenotypic characteristics of the tapeworm Anomotaenia sp. This is done by examining with an optical microscope. Also Tapeworms are a common intestinal parasite that can affect also. They are long, flat and segmented parasites. The segments can look like grains of rice, and they are passed through an infected feces, where they may be seen in the stool, the fur around the dog’s anus or in their bedding. Unlike many other parasites that it can get from exposure to an infected feces, It only become infected with tapeworms by ingesting a flea or rodent carrying a tapeworm. There are a few species of tapeworms that can infect. The most common (Dipylidium caninum) is spread by ingesting a flea. It can also get a different kind of tapeworm (Taenia sp.) from eating rodents that carry tapeworm larvae (an immature form of the parasite). Tapeworms are long parasites made up of multiple segments, each containing many tapeworm eggs. Fleas and rodents ingest tapeworm eggs found in the environment, which then hatch into larvae and live inside of them. The chicken (Gallus domesticus) is a large and round short-winged bird, domesticated from the red jungle fowl of Southeast Asia around 8,000 years ago. Most chickens are raised for food, providing meat and eggs

Keywords: Tapeworm, Anomotaenia Cohn, Columbae liva, Gallus gallus domesticus

[This article belongs to Research & Reviews : Journal of Veterinary Science and Technology(rrjovst)]

How to cite this article: Ban Shaker Alushuker, Sahira Ayyed Abdul-Sahib Almusawi, Reissan Shakir Abdalamer. Description of The Tapeworm Anomotaenia Cohn, 1900 (Fam: Dilepididae) in Homing Pigeons Columbae liva and Domestic Chicken Gallus gallus domesticus. Research & Reviews : Journal of Veterinary Science and Technology. 2024; 13(02):1-8.
How to cite this URL: Ban Shaker Alushuker, Sahira Ayyed Abdul-Sahib Almusawi, Reissan Shakir Abdalamer. Description of The Tapeworm Anomotaenia Cohn, 1900 (Fam: Dilepididae) in Homing Pigeons Columbae liva and Domestic Chicken Gallus gallus domesticus. Research & Reviews : Journal of Veterinary Science and Technology. 2024; 13(02):1-8. Available from:

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Regular Issue Subscription Original Research
Volume 13
Issue 02
Received June 11, 2024
Accepted July 9, 2024
Published July 31, 2024

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