Therapeutic Potential of Composite Flour Prepared from EleusineCoracana and Cicer Arietinum

Year : 2024 | Volume :13 | Issue : 01 | Page : 31-41

Pratishtha Kesarwani,

Aditi Rikhar,

Divita Jain,

Akansha .,

  1. Student Department Of Nutrition and Dietetics,SAHS, Sharda University, Greater Noida India
  2. Assistant Professor Department Of Nutrition and Dietetics,SAHS, Sharda University, Greater Noida India
  3. Research Scholar Department Of Nutrition and Dietetics,SAHS, Sharda University, Greater Noida India
  4. Assistant Professor Department Of Nutrition and Dietetics,SAHS, Sharda University, Greater Noida India


Composite flour is a mixture of wheat and non – wheat flours used for the preparation of bakery products such as, breads, tarts, muffins, biscuits etc that is rich in protein and starch. Finger millet is considered as a special food supplement because of its unique nutritional properties when compared with other cereals. It is also known as poor man’s food. Many dishes, both in their natural and malted forms, such as porridge, puddings, pancakes, biscuits, roti, bread, noodles, and other snacks, are made from finger millet. In addition, it is thought to be a healthful meal for diabetics and is used as a nutritious meal for babies when malted. Finger millet (Ragi) inhabits elevated levels of calcium, antioxidants and phytochemicals. It possesses therapeutic properties relevant for patients of cardiovascular disease, cancer, cognitive issues and diabetes. Among pulses chickpeas are considered as an inexpensive and a substantially highly nutritious food. A wide range of non-nutritive phytochemicals, such as oligosaccharides, saponins, tannins, polyphenols, flavonoids, and enzyme inhibitors, are present in chickpeas beyond their basic nutritional value. Chickpeas present varying bioactive constituents with their medicinal properties such as anti-tumour, anti – hypertensive and hypocholesterolemic. In this study, we outline the dietary profile of finger millet and chickpea, as well as the principal biological activities associated with these functional foods.

Keywords: Composite Flour, Millets, Nutritional Benefits, Therapeutic Advantages, Bioactive Composition

[This article belongs to Research & Reviews : Journal of Crop science and Technology(rrjocst)]

How to cite this article: Pratishtha Kesarwani, Aditi Rikhar, Divita Jain, Akansha .. Therapeutic Potential of Composite Flour Prepared from EleusineCoracana and Cicer Arietinum. Research & Reviews : Journal of Crop science and Technology. 2024; 13(01):31-41.
How to cite this URL: Pratishtha Kesarwani, Aditi Rikhar, Divita Jain, Akansha .. Therapeutic Potential of Composite Flour Prepared from EleusineCoracana and Cicer Arietinum. Research & Reviews : Journal of Crop science and Technology. 2024; 13(01):31-41. Available from:


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Regular Issue Subscription Review Article
Volume 13
Issue 01
Received July 9, 2024
Accepted July 11, 2024
Published July 11, 2024

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