Year : 2024 | Volume :13 | Issue : 01 | Page : 1-5

Maneesha Singh,

  1. Professor Shri Guru Ram Rai University, Patel Nagar Campus, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India (248001) Uttarakhand India


Plant breeding dates back thousands of years, when people first deliberately bred plants based on visually pleasing characteristics. The domestication of wild plants aided this process, resulting in the evolution of numerous breeding strategies over time. Conventional breeding, which is distinguished by selective breeding based on superior performance, used procedures such as pure-line selections, mass selection, backcross breeding, recurrent selection, and hybridization. While effective, classical breeding procedures were time-consuming and overly reliant on phenotypic expression, which can be altered by external variables, resulting in selection mistakes. To address these restrictions, breeders began incorporating diverse fields of biology into plant breeding, resulting in the creation of contemporary breeding techniques. With the introduction of Mendelian theory and the discovery of DNA and RNA, plant breeding entered the molecular era. Breeders started focusing on less environmentally susceptible parameters such as genotypes, visual and genetic markers, image analysis, and loci mapping. Common modern breeding practices include genomic selection, marker-assisted breeding. However, the advancements in plant breeding have also raised concerns about gene erosion due to the loss of local landraces and wild-type plants. Preserving genetic diversity is crucial for the long-term sustainability of plant breeding efforts and agricultural systems. Despite these challenges, plant breeding continues to evolve, driven by the need to meet the increasing demand for food production while addressing environmental and societal concerns.

Keywords: Plant breeding,human civilization ,plant genetics , microbial, Soil

[This article belongs to Research & Reviews : Journal of Crop science and Technology(rrjocst)]

How to cite this article: Maneesha Singh. ADVANCEMENTS AND CHALLENGES OF MODERN BREEDING OVER CONVENTIONAL BREEDING. Research & Reviews : Journal of Crop science and Technology. 2024; 13(01):1-5.
How to cite this URL: Maneesha Singh. ADVANCEMENTS AND CHALLENGES OF MODERN BREEDING OVER CONVENTIONAL BREEDING. Research & Reviews : Journal of Crop science and Technology. 2024; 13(01):1-5. Available from:


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Regular Issue Subscription Review Article
Volume 13
Issue 01
Received July 8, 2024
Accepted July 10, 2024
Published July 10, 2024

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