Meta-Analysis on Antibiotic Resistance and Its Irrational Use in India: Need of Antibiotic Stewardship Program Implementation

Year : 2024 | Volume :14 | Issue : 02 | Page : 6-14

Mohammed Mustafa G,

Ashwini M,

Ravinandan AP,

Pudi Chiranjeevi,

Abuzar Imam Faruqui,

  1. Pharm D graduate Department of Pharmacy Practice, Sree Siddaganga College of Pharmacy Karnataka India
  2. Pharm D graduate Department of Pharmacy Practice, Sree Siddaganga College of Pharmacy Karnataka India
  3. Pharm D graduate Department of Pharmacy Practice, Sree Siddaganga College of Pharmacy Karnataka India
  4. Senior Scientific Writer Sanofi Telangana India
  5. Senior Clinical Research Quality Control Coordinator Koncord Clinical Research Services Telangana India


Antibiotic Resistance is a major health issue in developing countries. This issue is increasing exponentially due to increased consumption, easy availability of medicine and higher incidence of inappropriate use. Moreover, India stands as one among the highest infectious disease burdened country in the world. This study aims to conduct a statistical analysis to find the association between antibiotic resistance and its irrational use in India. Thereby, emphasizing the need for the antibiotic stewardship program implementation in India. The inclusion criteria applied by the researchers for the literature search process include that the study should be scientific peer-reviewed articles which are published from 2011 to 2023 in the English language. The database source used by the researchers for the scientific literature search includes PubMed, Elsevier Science Direct, and Google Scholar. Among the 10 studies used in the meta-analysis, a total sample size of 146,536 was considered for the assessment of bacterial resistance and irrational antibiotic use in India. The researchers conducted the statistical analysis by using RewMan software of version 5.4.1. The forest plot, funnel plot, and PRISMA 2009 recommendations flow diagram are used to illustrate the statistical data. This investigation shows the statistical relationship between the two variables. Hence the irrational use can be tackled by the implementation of the antibacterial stewardship programs in every hospital at the national level.

Keywords: Antibacterial resistance; meta-analysis; antibiotics; stewardship program; antibiotic resistance in India.

[This article belongs to Research & Reviews: A Journal of Pharmacology(rrjop)]

How to cite this article: Mohammed Mustafa G, Ashwini M, Ravinandan AP, Pudi Chiranjeevi, Abuzar Imam Faruqui. Meta-Analysis on Antibiotic Resistance and Its Irrational Use in India: Need of Antibiotic Stewardship Program Implementation. Research & Reviews: A Journal of Pharmacology. 2024; 14(02):6-14.
How to cite this URL: Mohammed Mustafa G, Ashwini M, Ravinandan AP, Pudi Chiranjeevi, Abuzar Imam Faruqui. Meta-Analysis on Antibiotic Resistance and Its Irrational Use in India: Need of Antibiotic Stewardship Program Implementation. Research & Reviews: A Journal of Pharmacology. 2024; 14(02):6-14. Available from:


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Regular Issue Subscription Review Article
Volume 14
Issue 02
Received April 24, 2024
Accepted July 4, 2024
Published July 23, 2024