Evaluation And Demonstration of MAR1495 And Local Strain (SB-12) on Soybean Yield At Gofa Woreda Southern Nation Nations Nationalities and Peoples of Ethiopia

Year : 2024 | Volume : | : | Page : –

Yehuala Alemneh,

Aynalem Kutafo,

  1. Researcher Southern Agricultural Research Institute, Hawassa Ethiopia Areka Agricultural Research center, Areka Ethiopia
  2. Researcher Southern Agricultural Research Institute, Hawassa Ethiopia Areka Agricultural Research center, Areka Ethiopia


Soybean is the most important legume crop in the world which can be used for human food source, animal feed, soy milk production, oil production as well as for soil fertility improvement by fixation of nitrogen. The benefits apiece use of Rhizobium inoculants show that a completely good deal of services may be saved by borderline labourers by utilizing quality proven inoculants on the farm. Rhizobia immunization to seeds is well intentional and bleeding concerning this beneficial nitrogen repairing root lump collaboration represents a symbol of favourably applied land microbiology. So, this study was aimed to study types of strain for better production soya bean at the study area. This experiment was conducted in two consecutive cropping season of the area with the objective of evaluating two commercial strain MAR 1495 and local strain SB 12 with and without inorganic fertilizer and consisted of eight treatments. Tis experiment was done in two consecutive years with tree replication in randomized block design. interaction application of local strain SB12 +100kg TSP and local strain SB12 +50 kg DAP gave the maximum grain yield of 1925 kg ha-1 and 1916 kg ha-1 respectively. Experiments result shown that combined application of local strain s with DAP and TSP could increase total grain yield of soyabean, this may be due to availability of optimum plant nutrients from both combination application of bio fertilizer and chemical fertilizer of N and P sources. Soil fertility can be improved by application of MAR1495+100kg ha-1 TSP and Local strain (SB-12)+100kg ha-1 TSP as observed from this study from 0.01 to 0.094 and 0.084 respectively. Therefore to improve soil fertility and soy bean production farmers could use local strain (SB12) with 100kg ha-1 TSP or local strain (SB12) with 50kg ha-1 DAP.

Keywords: Fixation, Inoculation, Rhizobia, Soil-Fertility

How to cite this article: Yehuala Alemneh, Aynalem Kutafo. Evaluation And Demonstration of MAR1495 And Local Strain (SB-12) on Soybean Yield At Gofa Woreda Southern Nation Nations Nationalities and Peoples of Ethiopia. Research & Reviews : Journal of Botany. 2024; ():-.
How to cite this URL: Yehuala Alemneh, Aynalem Kutafo. Evaluation And Demonstration of MAR1495 And Local Strain (SB-12) on Soybean Yield At Gofa Woreda Southern Nation Nations Nationalities and Peoples of Ethiopia. Research & Reviews : Journal of Botany. 2024; ():-. Available from: https://journals.stmjournals.com/rrjob/article=2024/view=156960


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Ahead of Print Subscription Original Research
Received June 14, 2024
Accepted July 12, 2024
Published July 19, 2024