JOITI Volume: 14, Issue: 02 Year: 2024

Journal of Instrumentation Technology & Innovations Cover

Journal of Instrumentation Technology & Innovations

ISSN: 2249–4731

Editors Overview

joiti maintains an Editorial Board of practicing researchers from around the world, to ensure manuscripts are handled by editors who are experts in the field of study.


Regular Issue  Subscription Original Research Published on :- Jul 16, 2024

Mario Ai Model Using Gaming Reinforcement Learning



Pooja Bharat Raskar, Rahi Vilas Thale, Krutika Satish Shinde, Nikita Saindane,
Abstract : It is essential for research on computational and/or artificial intelligence (CI/AI) applied to games to have relevant games to apply AI algorithms read more

[This section belongs to Journal of Instrumentation Technology & Innovations (joiti)]


