A Comparative Review of AI-driven 3D Modelling for Simplified Photogrammetry and Object Acquisition

Year : 2024 | Volume :11 | Issue : 02 | Page : –

Surya Pratap

Harsh Tekwani

Ratnesh Chandra

Suhail Javed Qureshi

  1. Student MCA, Manav Rachna International Institute of Research and Studies, Faridabad Haryana India
  2. Student MCA, Manav Rachna International Institute of Research and Studies Faridabad Haryana India
  3. Student MCA, Manav Rachna International Institute of Research and Studies Faridabad Haryana India
  4. HoD & Professor Department of Computer Applications, Manav Rachna International Institute of Research and Studies Faridabad Haryana India


The field of photogrammetry, historically reliant on guide strategies, is present process a metamorphosis with the emergence of AI-powered 3d modeling answers. This assessment paper delves into this evolving panorama by using evaluating and comparing various AI-pushed gear presented by means of exclusive businesses. The paper in particular makes a speciality of their effectiveness in simplifying photogrammetry workflows and facilitating the acquisition of 3D gadgets. The analysis contains a diverse range of tools, together with open-supply systems like NeRF through NVIDIA, Blender NeRF, LeRF, Open3D, and PyTorch3D. additionally, the potential of the use of Generative antagonistic Networks (GANs) and other generative AI equipment for photogrammetry packages is explored. thru a complete examination of their functionalities, strengths, and barriers, the paper gives treasured insights into the modern kingdom of AI-powered answers for photogrammetry. It also identifies key areas for destiny development and sheds light at the capability for AI to further revolutionize this vital era. This evaluates pursuits to function a valuable useful resource for researchers, practitioners, and absolutely everyone interested by knowledge the effect of AI on photogrammetry and its capacity

Keywords: Photogrammetry, 3D modelling, NeRF, LeRF, Open3D, PyTorch3D, GAN, Generative AI

[This article belongs to Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research & Advances(joaira)]

How to cite this article: Surya Pratap, Harsh Tekwani, Ratnesh Chandra, Suhail Javed Qureshi. A Comparative Review of AI-driven 3D Modelling for Simplified Photogrammetry and Object Acquisition. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research & Advances. 2024; 11(02):-.
How to cite this URL: Surya Pratap, Harsh Tekwani, Ratnesh Chandra, Suhail Javed Qureshi. A Comparative Review of AI-driven 3D Modelling for Simplified Photogrammetry and Object Acquisition. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research & Advances. 2024; 11(02):-. Available from: https://journals.stmjournals.com/joaira/article=2024/view=0


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Regular Issue Subscription Review Article
Volume 11
Issue 02
Received May 24, 2024
Accepted June 23, 2024
Published July 10, 2024

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