Virtual Reality based Decentralized Educational Art Gallery

Year : 2024 | Volume :11 | Issue : 02 | Page : –

Salma Itagi


Arjun S.

Bharath S.

Rohith Badrinath

Tejashwini N.

  1. Assistant Professor Department of Computer Science Engineering, Sai Vidya Institute of Technology Bengaluru Karnataka India
  2. UG Student Department of Computer Science Engineering, Sai Vidya Institute of Technology Bengaluru Karnataka India
  3. UG Student Department of Computer Science Engineering, Sai Vidya Institute of Technology Bengaluru Karnataka India
  4. UG Student Department of Computer Science Engineering, Sai Vidya Institute of Technology Bengaluru Karnataka India
  5. UG Student Department of Computer Science Engineering, Sai Vidya Institute of Technology Bengaluru Karnataka India
  6. Associate Professor Department of Computer Science Engineering, Sai Vidya Institute of Technology Bengaluru Karnataka India


Experience the forefront of education by engaging with our Virtual Reality (VR) powered Decentralized Educational Art Gallery. This groundbreaking platform seamlessly integrates VR technology with decentralized networks, crafting an unmatched learning journey. Explore curated collections of art from diverse cultures and eras, accompanied by interactive educational modules that deepen your understanding of each piece. Engage with fellow learners in real-time, fostering collaboration and dialogue regardless of geographic boundaries. Our platform revolutionizes how we engage with art and education, empowering individuals to explore, learn, and grow in a dynamic virtual environment. Join us on this journey to redefine the art of learning.This model utilizes the use of UNITY platform for the environment setup of museum assets and also it depicts 3 kinds of applications the VR of Ancient relics ,NFT bases cryptocurrency blockchain sell and buy of artifacts and to view any museum which is far of our reach.All these 3 applications are well organized and NFT feature is hosted on a local website which is accessible by anybody to commercial business. This paper presents a design approach for a multi-view virtual display system for Museum Cultural Relics using AR-VR fusion technology. By enhancing the hardware configuration, refining system operations, optimizing the multi-view virtual display algorithm, and improving software performance, an efficient design for the multi-view virtual display system is achieved. The proposed design demonstrate that the design effectively meets the practical needs of Museum Cultural Relics display, showcasing high effectiveness in real-world applications and fulfilling the research objectives.

Keywords: Virtual Reality, Decentralized, Educational, Art Gallery, Immersive Learning, NFT

[This article belongs to Journal of Multimedia Technology & Recent Advancements(jomtra)]

How to cite this article: Salma Itagi, Alfazal, Arjun S., Bharath S., Rohith Badrinath, Tejashwini N.. Virtual Reality based Decentralized Educational Art Gallery. Journal of Multimedia Technology & Recent Advancements. 2024; 11(02):-.
How to cite this URL: Salma Itagi, Alfazal, Arjun S., Bharath S., Rohith Badrinath, Tejashwini N.. Virtual Reality based Decentralized Educational Art Gallery. Journal of Multimedia Technology & Recent Advancements. 2024; 11(02):-. Available from:


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Regular Issue Subscription Review Article
Volume 11
Issue 02
Received May 6, 2024
Accepted June 20, 2024
Published July 9, 2024

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