Using AIML to Enhance Demand Forecasting in Business

Year : 2024 | Volume :15 | Issue : 01 | Page : 35-40

Nihar Rathod

Shivanshu Rai

  1. Research Scholar MCA, Thakur Institute of Management Studies, Career Development & Research (TIMSCDR), Mumbai Maharashtra India
  2. Research Scholar MCA, Thakur Institute of Management Studies, Career Development & Research (TIMSCDR), Mumbai Maharashtra India


Artificial intelligence machine learning (AIML) can play a significant role in enhancing demand forecasting in business. AIML is a programming language designed for creating chatbots and conversational agents, but its application extends beyond simple interactions. In the context of demand forecasting, AIML can be utilized to analyze historical data, customer interactions, and market trends. By implementing AIML algorithms, businesses can create intelligent models that learn from past demand patterns, customer behaviors, and external factors influencing demand. These models have the capability to evolve and enhance their accuracy with time, delivering more precise and up-to-date predictions of demand. AIML enables the automation of complex data analysis tasks, allowing businesses to process vast amounts of information efficiently. Additionally, AI- and ML-driven platforms can connect with diverse data outlets such as social media, customer input, and economic signals, facilitating the capture of immediate insights. This holistic strategy empowers companies to promptly adapt to shifts in market conditions and make well-informed choices when forecasting demand. In summary, leveraging AIML for demand forecasting enhances accuracy, agility, and responsiveness in business operations, ultimately leading to improved inventory management, customer satisfaction, and overall business performance

Keywords: Forecasting, demand and supply, inventory management, business, machine learning, artificial intelligence

[This article belongs to Journal of Computer Technology & Applications(jocta)]

How to cite this article: Nihar Rathod, Shivanshu Rai. Using AIML to Enhance Demand Forecasting in Business. Journal of Computer Technology & Applications. 2024; 15(01):35-40.
How to cite this URL: Nihar Rathod, Shivanshu Rai. Using AIML to Enhance Demand Forecasting in Business. Journal of Computer Technology & Applications. 2024; 15(01):35-40. Available from:


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Regular Issue Subscription Review Article
Volume 15
Issue 01
Received February 29, 2024
Accepted March 20, 2024
Published April 5, 2024