Subscribe Journal

    Journal Name Journal Abbreviation Subject Print Price Online Price Print + Online Price Frequency
    In India Out of India In India Out of India In India Out of India
  1. International Journal of Structural Mechanics and finite elements
    ijsmfe Applied Mechanics ₹ 3500 $ 149 ₹ 6500 $ 149 ₹ 7315 $ 200 2 Issues
  2. International Journal of Architecture and Infrastructure Planning
    ijaip Architecture ₹ 3500 $ 149 ₹ 6500 $ 149 ₹ 7315 $ 200 2 Issues
  3. International Journal of Rural and Regional Development
    ijrrd Architecture ₹ 3500 $ 149 ₹ 6500 $ ₹ 7315 $ 200 2 Issues
  4. International Journal of Landscape Planning and Architecture
    ijlpa Architecture ₹ 3500 $ 149 ₹ 6500 $ 149 ₹ 7315 $ 200 2 Issues
  5. International Journal of Environmental Planning and Development Architecture
    ijepda Architecture ₹ 3500 $ 149 ₹ 6500 $ 149 ₹ 7315 $ 200 2 Issues
  6. International Journal of Town Planning and Management
    ijtpm Architecture ₹ 3500 $ 149 ₹ 6500 $ 149 ₹ 7315 $ 200 2 Issues
  7. International Journal of Urban Design and Development
    ijudd Architecture ₹ 3500 $ 149 ₹ 6500 $ 149 ₹ 7315 $ 200 2 Issues
  8. International Journal of Sustainable Building Technology
    ijsbt Architecture ₹ 3500 $ 149 ₹ 6500 $ 149 ₹ 7315 $ 200 2 Issues
  9. International Journal of Architectural Heritage
    ijah Architecture $ 149 ₹ 6500 $ 149 ₹ 7315 $ 200 2 Issues
  10. International Journal of Architectural Design and Planning
    ijadp Architecture ₹ 3500 $ 149 ₹ 6500 $ 149 ₹ 7315 $ 200 2 Issues
  11. International Journal of Housing and Human Settlement Planning
    ijhhsp Architecture ₹ 3500 $ 149 ₹ 6500 $ 149 ₹ 7315 $ 200 2 Issues
  12. Research & Reviews : A Journal of Ayurvedic Science, Yoga & Naturopathy
    rrjoasyn Ayurveda ₹ 4500 $ 299 ₹ 7900 $ 199 ₹ 8880 $ 399 3 Issues
  13. Research & Reviews : A Journal of Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy
    rrjoush Ayurveda ₹ 4500 $ 299 ₹ 7900 $ 199 ₹ 8880 $ 399 3 Issues
  14. Research & Reviews: A Journal of Pharmacognosy
    rrjopc Pharmacy ₹ 4500 $ 299 ₹ 7900 $ 199 ₹ 8880 $ 399 3 Issues
  15. Journal of AYUSH: Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy
    joayush Ayurveda ₹ 4500 $ 299 ₹ 7900 $ 199 ₹ 8880 $ 399 3 Issues
  16. Research & Reviews : Journal of Computational Biology
    rrjocb Bio Technology ₹ 4500 $ 299 ₹ 7900 $ 199 ₹ 8880 $ 399 3 Issues
  17. International Journal of Animal Biotechnology and Applications
    ijaba Bio Technology $ ₹ 6500 $ 149 $ 2 Issues
  18. International Journal of Plant Biotechnology
    ijpb Agriculture ₹ 3500 $ 149 ₹ 6500 $ 149 ₹ 7315 $ 200 2 Issues
  19. International Journal of Industrial Biotechnology and Biomaterials
    ijibb Bio Technology ₹ 3500 $ 149 ₹ 6500 $ 149 ₹ 7315 $ 200 2 Issues
  20. Research & Reviews : A Journal of Biotechnology
    rrjobt Bio Technology ₹ 4500 $ 299 ₹ 7900 $ 199 ₹ 8880 $ 399 3 Issues
  21. Journal of Modern Chemistry & Chemical Technology
    jomcct Chemical Engineering ₹ 4500 $ 299 ₹ 7900 $ 199 ₹ 8880 $ 399 3 Issues
  22. Journal of Polymer and Composites
    jopc Chemical Engineering ₹ 4500 $ 299 ₹ 7900 $ 199 ₹ 8880 $ 399 6 Issues
  23. Journal of Materials & Metallurgical Engineering
    jomme Chemical Engineering ₹ 4500 $ 299 ₹ 7900 $ 199 ₹ 8880 $ 399 3 Issues
  24. Journal of Petroleum Engineering & Technology
    jopet Chemical Engineering ₹ 4500 $ 299 ₹ 7900 $ 199 ₹ 8880 $ 399 3 Issues
  25. Emerging Trends in Chemical Engineering
    etce Chemical Engineering ₹ 4500 $ 299 ₹ 7900 $ 199 ₹ 8880 $ 399 3 Issues
  26. Journal of Catalyst & Catalysis
    jocc Chemical Engineering ₹ 4500 $ 299 ₹ 7900 $ 199 ₹ 8880 $ 399 3 Issues
  27. Journal of Thin Films, Coating Science Technology & Application
    jotcsta Chemical Engineering ₹ 4500 $ 299 ₹ 7900 $ 199 ₹ 8880 $ 399 3 Issues
  28. International Journal of Chemical Separation Technology
    ijcst Chemical Engineering ₹ 3500 $ 149 ₹ 6500 $ 149 ₹ 7315 $ 200 2 Issues
  29. International Journal of Chemical Engineering and Processing
    ijocep Chemical Engineering $ $ $ 2 Issues
  30. International Journal of Renewable Energy and its Commercialization
    ijrec Chemical Engineering ₹ 3500 $ 149 ₹ 6500 $ 149 ₹ 7315 $ 200 2 Issues
  31. International Journal of Green Chemistry
    ijgc Chemistry ₹ 3500 $ 149 ₹ 6500 $ 149 ₹ 7315 $ 200 2 Issues
  32. International Journal of Environmental Chemistry
    ijec Chemistry ₹ 3500 $ 149 ₹ 6500 $ 149 ₹ 7315 $ 200 2 Issues
  33. International Journal of Agro-chemistry
    ija Chemistry $ ₹ 6500 $ 149 $ 2 Issues
  34. International Journal of Analytical and Applied Chemistry
    ijaac Chemistry ₹ 3500 $ 149 ₹ 6500 $ 149 ₹ 7315 $ 200 2 Issues
  35. International Journal of Thermodynamics and Chemical Kinetics
    ijtck Chemistry ₹ 3500 $ 149 ₹ 6500 $ 149 ₹ 7315 $ 200 2 Issues
  36. International Journal of Chemical Synthesis and Chemical Reactions
    ijcscr Chemistry ₹ 3500 $ 149 ₹ 6500 $ 149 ₹ 7315 $ 200 2 Issues
  37. Trends in Transport Engineering and Applications
    ttea Civil/Construction Engineering ₹ 4500 $ 299 ₹ 7900 $ 199 ₹ 8880 $ 399 3 Issues
  38. Journal of Structural Engineering and Management
    josem Civil/Construction Engineering ₹ 4500 $ 299 ₹ 7900 $ 199 ₹ 8880 $ 399 3 Issues
  39. Journal of Water Resource Engineering and Management
    jowrem Civil/Construction Engineering ₹ 4500 $ 299 ₹ 7900 $ 199 ₹ 8880 $ 399 3 Issues
  40. Recent Trends in Civil Engineering & Technology
    rtcet Civil/Construction Engineering ₹ 4500 $ 299 ₹ 7900 $ 199 ₹ 8880 $ 399 3 Issues
  41. Journal of Construction Engineering, Technology & Management
    jocetm Civil/Construction Engineering ₹ 4500 $ 299 ₹ 7900 $ 199 ₹ 8880 $ 399 3 Issues
  42. Journal of Industrial Safety Engineering
    joise Civil/Construction Engineering ₹ 4500 $ 299 ₹ 7900 $ 199 ₹ 8880 $ 399 3 Issues
  43. Journal of Offshore Structure and Technology
    joost Civil/Construction Engineering ₹ 4500 $ 299 ₹ 7900 $ 199 ₹ 8880 $ 399 3 Issues
  44. Journal of Geotechnical Engineering
    joge Civil/Construction Engineering ₹ 4500 $ 299 ₹ 7900 $ 199 ₹ 8880 $ 399 3 Issues
  45. International Journal of Concrete Technology
    ijct Civil/Construction Engineering ₹ 3500 $ 149 ₹ 6500 $ 149 ₹ 7315 $ 200 2 Issues
  46. International Journal of Structural Engineering and Analysis
    ijsea Civil/Construction Engineering ₹ 3500 $ 149 ₹ 6500 $ 149 ₹ 7315 $ 200 2 Issues
  47. International Journal of Transportation Engineering and Traffic System
    ijtets Civil/Construction Engineering ₹ 3500 $ 149 ₹ 6500 $ 149 ₹ 7315 $ 200 2 Issues
  48. International Journal of Construction Engineering and Planning
    ijcep Civil/Construction Engineering ₹ 3500 $ 149 ₹ 6500 $ 149 ₹ 7315 $ 200 2 Issues
  49. International Journal of Water Resources Engineering
    ijwre Civil/Construction Engineering ₹ 3500 $ 149 ₹ 6500 $ 149 ₹ 7315 $ 200 2 Issues
  50. International Journal of Geological and Geotechnical Engineering
    ijgge Civil/Construction Engineering ₹ 3500 $ 149 ₹ 6500 $ 149 ₹ 7315 $ 200 2 Issues
  51. E-Commerce for Future & Trends
    ecft Computer/IT ₹ 4500 $ 299 ₹ 7900 $ 199 ₹ 8880 $ 399 3 Issues
  52. International Journal of Distributed Computing and Technology
    ijdct Computer/IT ₹ 3500 $ 149 ₹ 6500 $ 149 ₹ 7315 $ 200 2 Issues
  53. International Journal of Image Processing and Pattern Recognition
    ijippr Computer/IT ₹ 3500 $ 149 ₹ 6500 $ 149 ₹ 7315 $ 200 3 Issues
  54. International Journal of Software Computing and Testing
    ijsct Computer/IT ₹ 3500 $ 149 ₹ 6500 $ 149 ₹ 7315 $ 200 2 Issues
  55. Journal of Advanced Database Management & Systems
    joadms Computer/IT ₹ 4500 $ 299 ₹ 7900 $ 199 ₹ 8880 $ 399 3 Issues
  56. Journal of Advancements in Robotics
    joarb Computer/IT ₹ 4500 $ 299 ₹ 7900 $ 199 ₹ 8880 $ 399 3 Issues
  57. Journal of Advances in Shell Programming
    joasp Computer/IT ₹ 4500 $ 299 ₹ 7900 $ 199 ₹ 8880 $ 399 3 Issues
  58. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research & Advances
    joaira Computer/IT ₹ 4500 $ 299 ₹ 7900 $ 199 ₹ 8880 $ 399 3 Issues
  59. Journal of Computer Technology & Applications
    jocta Computer/IT ₹ 4500 $ 299 ₹ 7900 $ 199 ₹ 8880 $ 399 3 Issues
  60. Journal of Image Processing & Pattern Recognition Progress
    joipprp Computer/IT ₹ 4500 $ 299 ₹ 7900 $ 199 ₹ 8880 $ 399 3 Issues
  61. Journal of Mobile Computing, Communications & Mobile Networks
    jomccmn Computer/IT ₹ 4500 $ 299 ₹ 7900 $ 199 ₹ 8880 $ 399 3 Issues
  62. Journal of Multimedia Technology & Recent Advancements
    jomtra Computer/IT ₹ 4500 $ 299 ₹ 7900 $ 199 ₹ 8880 $ 399 3 Issues
  63. Journal of Open Source Developments
    joosd Computer/IT ₹ 4500 $ 299 ₹ 7900 $ 199 ₹ 8880 $ 399 3 Issues
  64. Journal of Operating Systems Development & Trends
    joosdt Computer/IT ₹ 4500 $ 299 ₹ 7900 $ 199 ₹ 8880 $ 399 3 Issues
  65. Journal of Software Engineering Tools & Technology Trends
    josettt Computer/IT ₹ 4500 $ 299 ₹ 7900 $ 199 ₹ 8880 $ 399 3 Issues
  66. Journal of Web Engineering & Technology
    jowet Computer/IT ₹ 4500 $ 299 ₹ 7900 $ 199 ₹ 8880 $ 399 3 Issues
  67. Recent Trends in Parallel Computing
    rtpc Computer/IT ₹ 4500 $ 299 ₹ 7900 $ 199 ₹ 8880 $ 399 3 Issues
  68. Recent Trends in Programming languages
    rtpl Computer/IT ₹ 4500 $ 299 ₹ 7900 $ 199 ₹ 8880 $ 399 3 Issues
  69. Research & Reviews: Discrete Mathematical Structures
    rrdms Applied Sciences ₹ 4500 $ 299 ₹ 7900 $ 199 ₹ 8880 $ 399 3 Issues
  70. Current Trends in Information Technology
    ctit Computer/IT ₹ 4500 $ 299 ₹ 7900 $ 199 ₹ 8880 $ 399 3 Issues
  71. Journal Of Network security
    jons Computer/IT ₹ 4500 $ 299 ₹ 7900 $ 199 ₹ 8880 $ 399 3 Issues
  72. Journal of Instrumentation Technology & Innovations
    joiti Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering ₹ 4500 $ 299 ₹ 7900 $ 199 ₹ 8880 $ 399 3 Issues
  73. Journal of Communication Engineering & Systems
    joces Computer/IT ₹ 4500 $ 299 ₹ 7900 $ 199 ₹ 8880 $ 399 3 Issues
  74. Journal of Power Electronics and Power Systems
    jopeps Electrical Engineering ₹ 4500 $ 299 ₹ 7900 $ 199 ₹ 8880 $ 399 3 Issues
  75. Trends in Electrical Engineering
    tee Electrical Engineering ₹ 4500 $ 299 ₹ 7900 $ 199 ₹ 8880 $ 399 3 Issues
  76. Journal of Control & Instrumentation
    joci Electrical Engineering ₹ 4500 $ 299 ₹ 7900 $ 199 ₹ 8880 $ 399 3 Issues
  77. Journal of VLSI Design Tools and Technology
    jovdtt Electrical Engineering ₹ 4500 $ 299 ₹ 7900 $ 199 ₹ 8880 $ 399 3 Issues
  78. International Journal of Electrical Power System and Technology
    ijepst Electrical Engineering ₹ 3500 $ 149 ₹ 6500 $ 149 ₹ 7315 $ 200 2 Issues
  79. International Journal of Microelectronics and Digital Integrated Circuits
    ijmdic Electrical Engineering ₹ 3500 $ 149 ₹ 6500 $ 149 ₹ 7315 $ 200 2 Issues
  80. International Journal of Analog Integrated Circuits
    ijaic Electrical Engineering ₹ 3500 $ 149 ₹ 6500 $ 149 ₹ 7315 $ 200 2 Issues
  81. International Journal of Power Electronics Controllers and Converters
    ijpecc Electrical Engineering ₹ 3500 $ 149 ₹ 6500 $ 149 ₹ 7315 $ 200 2 Issues
  82. Journal of Electronic Design Technology
    joedt Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering ₹ 4500 $ 299 ₹ 7900 $ 199 ₹ 8880 $ 399 3 Issues
  83. Current Trends in Signal Processing
    ctsp Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering ₹ 4500 $ 299 ₹ 7900 $ 199 ₹ 8880 $ 399 3 Issues
  84. Trends in Opto-electro & Optical Communication
    toeoc Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering ₹ 4500 $ 299 ₹ 7900 $ 199 ₹ 8880 $ 399 3 Issues
  85. Journal of Semiconductor Devices and Circuits
    josdc Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering ₹ 4500 $ 299 ₹ 7900 $ 199 ₹ 8880 $ 399 3 Issues
  86. Journal of Microelectronics and Solid State Devices
    jomsd Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering ₹ 4500 $ 299 ₹ 7900 $ 199 ₹ 8880 $ 399 3 Issues
  87. Recent Trends in Electronics Communication Systems
    rtecs Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering ₹ 4500 $ 299 ₹ 7900 $ 199 ₹ 8880 $ 399 3 Issues
  88. Journal of Microcontroller Engineering and Applications
    jomea Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering ₹ 4500 $ 299 ₹ 7900 $ 199 ₹ 8880 $ 399 3 Issues
  89. Journal of Microwave Engineering and Technologies
    jomet Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering ₹ 4500 $ 299 ₹ 7900 $ 199 ₹ 8880 $ 399 3 Issues
  90. Journal of Telecommunication, Switching Systems and Networks
    jotssn Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering $ $ $ 3 Issues
  91. Recent Trends in Sensor Research & Technology
    rtsrt Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering ₹ 4500 $ 299 ₹ 7900 $ 199 ₹ 8880 $ 399 3 Issues
  92. International Journal of Embedded Systems and Emerging Technologies
    ijeset Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering ₹ 3500 $ 149 ₹ 6500 $ 149 ₹ 7315 $ 200 2 Issues
  93. International Journal of Digital Communication and Analog Signals
    ijdcas Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering ₹ 3500 $ 149 ₹ 6500 $ 149 ₹ 7315 $ 200 2 Issues
  94. International Journal of Microwave Engineering and Technology
    ijmet Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering ₹ 3500 $ 149 ₹ 6500 $ 149 ₹ 7315 $ 200 2 Issues
  95. International Journal of Broadband Cellular Communication
    ijbcc Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering ₹ 3500 $ 149 ₹ 6500 $ 149 ₹ 7315 $ 200 2 Issues
  96. International Journal of Telecommunications & Emerging Technologies
    ijtet Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering ₹ 3500 $ 149 ₹ 6500 $ 149 ₹ 7315 $ 200 2 Issues
  97. Journal of Nuclear Engineering & Technology
    jonet Energy ₹ 4500 $ 299 ₹ 7900 $ 199 ₹ 8880 $ 399 3 Issues
  98. Journal of Alternate Energy Sources & Technologies
    joaest Energy ₹ 4500 $ 299 ₹ 7900 $ 199 ₹ 8880 $ 399 3 Issues
  99. Journal of Energy, Environment & Carbon Credits
    joeecc Energy ₹ 4500 $ 299 ₹ 7900 $ 199 ₹ 8880 $ 399 3 Issues
  100. Journal of Thermal Engineering and Applications
    jotea Energy ₹ 4500 $ 299 ₹ 7900 $ 199 ₹ 8880 $ 399 3 Issues
  101. Recent Trends in Fluid Mechanics
    rtfm Energy ₹ 4500 $ 299 ₹ 7900 $ 199 ₹ 8880 $ 399 3 Issues
  102. Journal of Human Rights Law and Practice
    jhrlp Law ₹ 3500 $ 149 ₹ 6500 $ 149 ₹ 7315 $ 200 2 Issues
  103. Journal of Intellectual Property rights Law
    jiprl Law ₹ 3500 $ 149 ₹ 6500 $ 149 ₹ 7315 $ 200 2 Issues
  104. Journal of Corporate Governance and International Business Law
    jcgibl Law ₹ 3500 $ 149 ₹ 6500 $ 149 ₹ 7315 $ 200 2 Issues
  105. Journal of Banking and Insurance Law
    jbil Law ₹ 3500 $ 149 ₹ 6500 $ 149 ₹ 7315 $ 200 2 Issues
  106. National Journal of Real Estate Law
    njrel Law ₹ 3500 $ 149 ₹ 6500 $ 149 ₹ 7315 $ 200 2 Issues
  107. National Journal of Environmental law
    njel Law ₹ 3500 $ 149 ₹ 6500 $ 149 ₹ 7315 $ 200 2 Issues
  108. Journal of Taxation and Regulatory framework
    jtrf Law ₹ 3500 $ 149 ₹ 6500 $ 149 $ 200 2 Issues
  109. Journal of Constitutional Law and Jurisprudence
    jclj Law ₹ 3500 $ 149 ₹ 6500 $ 149 ₹ 7315 $ 200 2 Issues
  110. Journal of Family and Adoption Law
    jfal Law ₹ 3500 $ 149 ₹ 6500 $ 149 ₹ 7315 $ 200 2 Issues
  111. Journal of Law of Torts and Consumer Protection Law
    jltcpl Law ₹ 3500 $ 149 ₹ 6500 $ 149 ₹ 7315 $ 200 2 Issues
  112. National Journal of Labour and Industrial Law
    njlil Law ₹ 3500 $ 149 ₹ 6500 $ 149 ₹ 7315 $ 200 2 Issues
  113. National Journal of Cyber Security Law
    njcsl Law ₹ 3500 $ 149 ₹ 6500 $ 149 ₹ 7315 $ 200 2 Issues
  114. Indian Journal of Health & Medical Laws
    ijhml Law ₹ 3500 $ 149 ₹ 6500 $ 149 ₹ 7315 $ 200 2 Issues
  115. Journal of Capital Market and Securities Law
    jcmsl Law ₹ 3500 $ 149 ₹ 6500 $ 149 ₹ 7315 $ 200 2 Issues
  116. National Journal of Criminal Law
    njcl Law ₹ 3500 $ 149 ₹ 6500 $ 149 ₹ 7315 $ 200 2 Issues
  117. Research & Reviews : Journal of Herbal Science
    rrjohs Ayurveda ₹ 4500 $ 299 ₹ 7900 $ 199 ₹ 8880 $ 399 3 Issues
  118. Research & Reviews : Journal of Botany
    rrjob Life Sciences ₹ 4500 $ 299 ₹ 7900 $ 199 ₹ 8880 $ 399 3 Issues
  119. Research & Reviews : Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology
    rrjoast Agriculture ₹ 4500 $ 299 ₹ 7900 $ 199 ₹ 8880 $ 399 3 Issues
  120. Research & Reviews : Journal of Crop science and Technology
    rrjocst Agriculture ₹ 4500 $ 299 ₹ 7900 $ 199 ₹ 8880 $ 399 3 Issues
  121. Research & Reviews : Journal of Food Science & Technology
    rrjofst Agriculture ₹ 4500 $ 299 ₹ 7900 $ 199 ₹ 8880 $ 399 3 Issues
  122. Research & Reviews : Journal of Dairy Science & Technology
    rrjodst Life Sciences ₹ 4500 $ 299 ₹ 7900 $ 199 ₹ 8880 $ 399 3 Issues
  123. Research & Reviews : Journal of Veterinary Science and Technology
    rrjovst Life Sciences $ ₹ 7900 $ 199 $ 3 Issues
  124. Research & Reviews : Journal of Ecology
    rrjoe Life Sciences ₹ 4500 $ 299 ₹ 7900 $ 199 ₹ 8880 $ 399 3 Issues
  125. Research & Reviews : A Journal of Life Sciences
    rrjols Life Sciences ₹ 4500 $ 299 ₹ 7900 $ 199 ₹ 8880 $ 399 3 Issues
  126. Research & Reviews: A Journal of Microbiology & Virology
    rrjomv Life Sciences ₹ 4500 $ 299 ₹ 7900 $ 199 ₹ 8880 $ 399 3 Issues
  127. Omni Science: A Multi-disciplinary Journal
    osmj Multidisciplinary ₹ 4500 $ 299 ₹ 7900 $ 199 ₹ 8880 $ 399 3 Issues
  128. Journal of Advancements in Library Sciences
    joals Applied Sciences ₹ 4500 $ 299 ₹ 7900 $ 199 ₹ 8880 $ 399 3 Issues
  129. Research & Reviews : Journal of Statistics
    rrjost Applied Sciences $ $ $ 3 Issues
  130. NOLEGEIN Journal of Management Information Systems
    njmis Management ₹ 3500 $ 149 ₹ 6500 $ 149 ₹ 7315 $ 200 2 Issues
  131. NOLEGEIN Journal of Business Ethics , Ethos & CSRw
    njbeec Management ₹ 3500 $ 149 ₹ 6500 $ 149 ₹ 7315 $ 200 2 Issues
  132. NOLEGEIN Journal of Entrepreneurship Planning, Development and Management
    njepdm Management ₹ 3500 $ 149 ₹ 6500 $ 149 ₹ 7315 $ 200 2 Issues
  133. NOLEGEIN Journal of Operations Research & Management
    njorm Management ₹ 3500 $ 149 ₹ 6500 $ 149 ₹ 7315 $ 200 2 Issues
  134. NOLEGEIN Journal of Supply Chain and Logistics Management
    njsclm Management ₹ 3500 $ 149 ₹ 6500 $ 149 ₹ 7315 $ 200 2 Issues
  135. NOLEGEIN Journal of Financial Planning And Management
    njfpm Management ₹ 3500 $ 149 ₹ 6500 $ 149 ₹ 7315 $ 200 2 Issues
  136. NOLEGEIN Journal of Performance Management & Retention Strategies
    njpmrs Management ₹ 3500 $ 149 ₹ 6500 $ 149 ₹ 7315 $ 200 2 Issues
  137. NOLEGEIN Journal of Human Resource Management & Development
    njhrmd Management ₹ 3500 $ 149 ₹ 6500 $ 149 ₹ 7315 $ 200 2 Issues
  138. NOLEGEIN Journal of Information Technology & Management
    njitm Management ₹ 3500 $ 149 ₹ 6500 $ 149 ₹ 7315 $ 200 2 Issues
  139. NOLEGEIN Journal of Business Risk management
    njbrm Management ₹ 3500 $ 149 ₹ 6500 $ 149 ₹ 7315 $ 200 3 Issues
  140. NOLEGEIN Journal of Corporate & Business Laws
    njcbl Management ₹ 3500 $ 149 ₹ 6500 $ 149 ₹ 7315 $ 200 3 Issues
  141. NOLEGEIN Journal of Organizational Behavior Management
    njobm Management ₹ 3500 $ 149 ₹ 6500 $ 149 ₹ 7315 $ 200 2 Issues
  142. NOLEGEIN Journal of Leadership and Strategic Management
    njlsm Management ₹ 3500 $ 149 ₹ 6500 $ 149 ₹ 7315 $ 200 3 Issues
  143. NOLEGEIN Journal of Global Marketing
    njgm Management ₹ 3500 $ 149 ₹ 6500 $ 149 ₹ 7315 $ 200 2 Issues
  144. NOLEGEIN Journal of Advertising and Brand Management
    njabm Management ₹ 3500 $ 149 ₹ 6500 $ 149 ₹ 7315 $ 200 2 Issues
  145. NOLEGEIN Journal of Consumer Behavior & Market Research
    njcbmr Management ₹ 3500 $ 149 ₹ 6500 $ 149 ₹ 7315 $ 200 2 Issues
  146. International Journal of Composite Materials and Matrices
    ijcmm Material Science ₹ 3500 $ 149 ₹ 6500 $ 149 ₹ 7315 $ 200 2 Issues
  147. International Journal of Energetic Materials
    ijem Material Science $ ₹ 6500 $ 149 $ 2 Issues
  148. International Journal of Metallurgy and Alloys
    ijma Material Science ₹ NA $ NA ₹ 6500 $ 149 ₹ NA $ NA 2 Issues
  149. International Journal of Polymer Science & Engineering
    ijpse Material Science ₹ 3500 $ 149 ₹ 6500 $ 149 ₹ 7315 $ 200 2 Issues
  150. Trends in Mechanical Engineering & Technology
    tmet Mechanical Engineering ₹ 4500 $ 299 ₹ 7900 $ 199 ₹ 8880 $ 399 3 Issues
  151. Journal of Experimental & Applied Mechanics
    joeam Mechanical Engineering ₹ 4500 $ 299 ₹ 7900 $ 199 ₹ 8880 $ 399 3 Issues
  152. Journal of Mechatronics and Automation
    joma Mechanical Engineering ₹ 4500 $ 299 ₹ 7900 $ 199 ₹ 8880 $ 399 3 Issues
  153. Trends in Machine design
    tmd Mechanical Engineering ₹ 4500 $ 299 ₹ 7900 $ 199 ₹ 8880 $ 399 3 Issues
  154. Journal of Automobile Engineering and Applications
    joaea Mechanical Engineering ₹ 4500 $ 299 ₹ 7900 $ 199 ₹ 8880 $ 399 3 Issues
  155. Journal of Refrigeration, Air conditioning, Heating and ventilation
    jorachv Mechanical Engineering ₹ 4500 $ 299 ₹ 7900 $ 199 ₹ 8880 $ 399 3 Issues
  156. International Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing
    ijmmp Mechanical Engineering ₹ 3500 $ 149 ₹ 6500 $ 149 ₹ 7315 $ 200 2 Issues
  157. International Journal of Computer Aided Manufacturing
    ijcam Mechanical Engineering ₹ 3500 $ 149 ₹ 6500 $ 149 ₹ 7315 $ 200 2 Issues
  158. International Journal of I.C. Engines and Gas Turbines
    ijicegt Mechanical Engineering ₹ 3500 $ 149 ₹ 6500 $ 149 ₹ 7315 $ 200 2 Issues
  159. International Journal of Mechanics and Design
    ijmd Mechanical Engineering ₹ 3500 $ 149 ₹ 6500 $ 149 ₹ 7315 $ 200 2 Issues
  160. Journal of Production Research & Management
    joprm Mechanical Engineering ₹ 4500 $ 299 ₹ 7900 $ 199 ₹ 8880 $ 3999 3 Issues
  161. Research & Reviews : A Journal of Immunology
    rrjoi Medical Sciences ₹ 4500 $ 299 ₹ 7900 $ 199 ₹ 8880 $ 399 3 Issues
  162. Research & Reviews : A Journal of Medical Science and Technology
    rrjomst Medical Sciences ₹ 4500 $ 299 ₹ 7900 $ 199 ₹ 8880 $ 399 3 Issues
  163. Research & Reviews : Journal of Surgery
    rrjos Medical Sciences ₹ 4500 $ 299 ₹ 7900 $ 199 ₹ 8880 $ 399 3 Issues
  164. Research & Reviews: A Journal of Dentistry
    rrjod Medical Sciences ₹ 4500 $ 299 ₹ 7900 $ 199 ₹ 8880 $ 399 3 Issues
  165. Research & Reviews: A Journal of Health Professions
    rrjohp Medical Sciences ₹ 4500 $ 299 ₹ 7900 $ 199 ₹ 8880 $ 399 3 Issues
  166. Research & Reviews: A Journal of Medicine
    rrjom Medical Sciences ₹ 4500 $ 299 ₹ 7900 $ 199 ₹ 8880 $ 399 3 Issues
  167. Research & Reviews: A Journal of Neuroscience
    rrjons Medical Sciences ₹ 4500 $ 299 ₹ 7900 $ 199 ₹ 8880 $ 399 3 Issues
  168. Research & Reviews: A Journal of Toxicology
    rrjot Medical Sciences ₹ 4500 $ 299 ₹ 7900 $ 199 ₹ 8880 $ 399 3 Issues
  169. Research & Reviews: Journal of Oncology and Hematology
    rrjooh Medical Sciences ₹ 4500 $ 299 ₹ 7900 $ 199 ₹ 8880 $ 399 3 Issues
  170. Journal of Aerospace Engineering & Technology
    joaet Multidisciplinary ₹ 4500 $ 299 ₹ 7900 $ 199 ₹ 8880 $ 399 3 Issues
  171. Research & Reviews : Journal of Space Science & Technology
    rrjosst Multidisciplinary ₹ 4500 $ 299 ₹ 7900 $ 199 ₹ 8880 $ 399 3 Issues
  172. Journal of Remote Sensing & GIS
    jorsg Multidisciplinary ₹ 4500 $ 299 ₹ 7900 $ 199 ₹ 8880 $ 399 3 Issues
  173. Journal of Water Pollution & Purification Research
    jowppr Multidisciplinary ₹ 4500 $ 299 ₹ 7900 $ 199 ₹ 8880 $ 399 3 Issues
  174. Nano Trends-A Journal of Nano Technology & Its Applications
    nts Nano Technology ₹ 4500 $ 299 ₹ 7900 $ 199 ₹ 8880 $ 399 3 Issues
  175. Journal of Nanoscience, NanoEngineering & Applications
    jonsnea Nano Technology ₹ 4500 $ 299 ₹ 7900 $ 199 ₹ 8880 $ 399 3 Issues
  176. International Journal of Applied Nanotechnology
    ijan Nano Technology ₹ 3500 $ 199 ₹ 6500 $ 149 ₹ 7315 $ 200 2 Issues
  177. International Journal of Nanomaterials and Nanostructures
    ijnn Nano Technology ₹ 3500 $ 199 ₹ 6500 $ 149 ₹ 7315 $ 200 2 Issues
  178. International Journals of Nanobiotechnology
    ijnb Nano Technology ₹ 3500 $ 199 ₹ 6500 $ 149 ₹ 7315 $ 200 2 Issues
  179. International Journal of Composite and Constituent Materials
    ijccm Nano Technology ₹ 3500 $ 199 ₹ 6500 $ 149 ₹ 7315 $ 200 2 Issues
  180. Journal of Nursing Science & Practice
    jonsp Nursing ₹ 4500 $ 299 ₹ 7900 $ 199 ₹ 8880 $ 399 3 Issues
  181. International Journal of Immunological Nursing
    ijin Nursing ₹ 3500 $ 149 ₹ 6500 $ 149 ₹ 7315 $ 200 2 Issues
  182. International Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing
    ijcn Nursing ₹ 3500 $ 149 ₹ 6500 $ 149 ₹ 7315 $ 200 2 Issues
  183. International Journal of Neurological Nursing
    ijnen Nursing ₹ 3500 $ 149 ₹ 6500 $ 149 ₹ 7315 $ 200 2 Issues
  184. International Journal of Orthopedic Nursing and Practices
    ijornp Nursing ₹ 3500 $ 149 ₹ 6500 $ 149 ₹ 7315 $ 200 2 Issues
  185. International Journal of Oncological Nursing and Practices
    ijonnp Nursing ₹ 3500 $ 149 ₹ 6500 $ 149 ₹ 7315 $ 200 2 Issues
  186. International Journal of Obstetrics, Perinatal and Neonatal Nursing
    ijopnn Nursing ₹ 3500 $ 149 ₹ 6500 $ 149 ₹ 7315 $ 200 2 Issues
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