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International Journal of Urban Design and Development

ISSN: 2584-0568


Focus and Scope

About the Journal

International Journal of Urban Design and Development is a peer-reviewed hybrid open-access journal launched in 2023 that covers a wide range of topics including urban nature and city design, urban design methods and techniques, and various other fields that are related to urban design. The journal aims to create break free communication link between the research communities.

Focus and Scope

  • Urban Design Theory and Methodology: Exploration of theoretical frameworks, conceptual models, and methodological approaches in urban design practice, including the integration of design thinking, urban theory, and empirical research methods, Urban design, Theory, Methodology, Urban morphology, Built environment, Spatial planning, Design principles, Urban form, Design process, Place-making, Design theory, Design approaches, Urban context, Design analysis, Design frameworks, Design strategies, Urban development, Design History, Design critique, Design evaluation, Design Synthesis, Design intervention, Design application, Design Research, Urban design practice, Design philosophy, Design principles, Design methods, Design techniques, Design tools, Design guidelines, Design frameworks, Design paradigms, Design discourse, Urban sustainability, Sustainable design, Design ethics, Design aesthetics, Design innovation, Design education, Design pedagogy, Design discourse.
  • Urban Morphology and Typology: Analysis of the form, structure, and spatial patterns of urban environments, including the classification of urban typologies, historical evolution of urban forms, and the relationship between built form and social, cultural, and economic processes, Urban morphology, urban typology, urban form, city structure, spatial organization, built environment, urban fabric, land use patterns, urban design, urban development, architectural typology, street patterns, neighborhood design, urban growth, urban planning, historic urbanism, urban transformation, urban renewal, urban analysis, urban geography, urban sociology, urban ecology, urban infrastructure, urban morphology theory, urban morphology methods, urban morphology models, urban morphology assessment, urban morphology indicators.
  • Urban Design Principles and Processes: Examination of urban design principles, guidelines, and processes for creating livable, inclusive, and sustainable urban environments, including the role of participatory design, stakeholder engagement, and collaborative decision-making in the urban design process, Urban design, urban planning, city planning, urban development, built environment, public space, streetscape design, land use planning, zoning regulations, mixed-use development, pedestrian-friendly design, transit-oriented development, urban regeneration, placemaking, community engagement, historic preservation, urban sustainability, green infrastructure, smart cities, urban form, density, connectivity, urban morphology, landscape urbanism, sustainable transportation, active transportation, complete streets, urban design guidelines, design charrettes, urban governance, equitable development, inclusive cities, resilient cities, urban revitalization, urban morphology, urban fabric, urban amenities, urban aesthetics, urban ecology, urban sociology, urban economics, urban policy, urban innovation.
  • Public Space Design and Activation: Investigation of the design, programming, and management of public spaces, including parks, plazas, streetscapes, and waterfronts, as well as strategies for enhancing social interaction, community engagement, and public life in urban settings, Public space, Design, Activation, Urban design, Placemaking, Community Engagement, Public realm, Civic space, Social interaction, Urban planning, Participatory design, Place attachment, Human scale, Environmental psychology, Community development, Tactical urbanism, Mixed-use development, Accessibility, Inclusive design, Green spaces, Streetscape design, Land use, Cultural programming, Creative interventions, Community events, Public art, Street furniture, Pedestrian-friendly design, Active Transportation, Sustainable design, Environmental sustainability, Economic revitalization, Sense of Place, Identity, Safety, Well-being.
  • Urban Regeneration and Revitalization: Analysis of strategies for revitalizing declining urban areas, brownfield redevelopment, adaptive reuse of heritage buildings, and the regeneration of post-industrial landscapes, as well as approaches for promoting equitable development and social inclusion in revitalization projects, Urban regeneration, urban revitalization, urban renewal, urban redevelopment, sustainable urban development, brownfield redevelopment, inner-city renewal, neighborhood regeneration, community revitalization, urban transformation, urban rehabilitation, place-making, gentrification, urban decay, heritage conservation, historic preservation, mixed-use development, public-private partnerships, community engagement, social inclusion, economic development, cultural heritage, environmental sustainability, green infrastructure, transit-oriented development, affordable housing, urban design, public space, adaptive reuse, infrastructure renewal, community empowerment, urban planning, urban governance, smart cities, inclusive growth, participatory planning.
  • Transit-Oriented Development and Sustainable Mobility: Examination of transit-oriented development (TOD) principles, transit-oriented design (TOD), and sustainable transportation planning strategies aimed at reducing car dependency, promoting active transportation modes, and enhancing accessibility and connectivity in urban areas, Transit-oriented development, Sustainable Mobility, Public Transit, Transit Infrastructure, Mixed-Use Development, Walkability, Cycling Infrastructure, Pedestrian-Friendly Design, Transit Accessibility, Transit Connectivity, Urban Planning, Smart Growth, Sustainable Transportation, Active Transportation, Non-Motorized Transportation, Mass Transit, Car-Free Living, Transit Hubs, Transit-Oriented Design, Sustainable Urbanism, Green Transportation, Transit Corridors, Transit Nodes, Transit-Focused Communities, Multi-Modal Transportation, Transit Equity, Transit-Oriented Policies, Transit-Oriented Zoning, Transit Ridership, Transit-Oriented Amenities, Environmental Planning.
  • Sustainable Urban Infrastructure: Analysis of infrastructure planning, design, and management approaches that promote resource efficiency, environmental sustainability, and climate resilience in urban settings, including green infrastructure, low-impact development (LID), and smart city technologies, Sustainable, Urban, Infrastructure, Green infrastructure, Sustainable development, Urban planning, Transportation, Public transportation, Transit-oriented development, Walkability, Cycling infrastructure, Renewable energy, Energy efficiency, Water management, Waste management, Green spaces, Parks, Urban agriculture, Smart cities, Resilience, Climate change adaptation, Low-impact development, Mixed land use, Urban Design, Sustainable construction, Eco-friendly materials, Energy-efficient buildings, Green roofs, Sustainable drainage systems, Rainwater harvesting, Renewable energy sources, Sustainable mobility, Active transportation, Pedestrian-friendly, Biodiversity conservation, Carbon footprint reduction, Environmental sustainability.
  • Urban Governance and Policy: Evaluation of urban governance structures, planning regulations, and policy frameworks related to urban design and development, including issues of land use regulation, zoning ordinances, urban design guidelines, and public-private partnerships, Urban governance, Policy formulation, Decision-making, Urban management, Local government, Municipal administration, Urban planning, Public Administration, Governance structures, Policy implementation, Urban development, City management, Policy analysis, Urban infrastructure, Governance mechanisms, Urban sustainability, Participatory governance, Policy evaluation, Urbanization, City planning, Governance frameworks, Urban policy, Urban services, Governance models, Policy frameworks, Urban regulations, Governance strategies, Policy interventions, Urban Resilience, Institutional governance, Policy reforms, Urban equity, Governance challenges, Policy coordination, Urban democracy, Governance systems, Policy Priorities, Urban environment, Governance practices, Policy advocacy, Urban stakeholders, Governance dynamics, Policy outcomes, Urban transformation, Governance processes, Policy coherence.
  • Urban Resilience and Adaptation: Examination of strategies for enhancing urban resilience to climate change, natural hazards, and socio-economic disruptions, including the integration of resilience principles into urban design, land use planning, and infrastructure development, Urban resilience, adaptation strategies, climate change, environmental hazards, disaster preparedness, community resilience, sustainable urban planning, infrastructure resilience, resilient cities, climate resilience, risk management, vulnerability assessment, disaster recovery, urban development, resilience planning, adaptation measures, climate mitigation, disaster response, urban governance, resilient infrastructure, climate adaptation planning, adaptive capacity, urban vulnerability, sustainable development, climate resilience strategies, urban risk reduction, disaster risk management, resilience building, climate adaptation policies, urban sustainability, climate change adaptation, resilience frameworks, climate resilience planning, resilience indicators, adaptation planning, urbanization, disaster resilience, climate change impacts, resilient communities, infrastructure adaptation, urban climate resilience, resilience assessment, disaster resilience planning, climate adaptation strategies.
  • Urban Design and Health: Exploration of the relationship between urban design, public health, and well-being, including the impact of built environment factors on physical activity, mental health, social equity, and quality of life in urban populations, Urban design, Health, Public health, Urban planning, Built environment, Urban form, Physical activity, Walkability, Active transportation, Green spaces, Parks, Urban parks, Open spaces, Urban greenery, Urbanization, Healthy Cities, Livable cities, Well-being, Environmental health, Social determinants of health, Access to amenities, Urban infrastructure, Community design, Urban density, Mixed land use, Cycling infrastructure, Pedestrian-friendly, Accessibility, Equity, Social cohesion, Mental health, Air Quality, Noise pollution, Water quality, Environmental justice, Urban regeneration, Place-making, Urban amenities, Healthy neighborhoods, Neighborhood design, Social interaction, Social capital, Safety, Crime Prevention, Health impact assessment, Urban governance, Policy interventions.


  • Urban Design
  • Urban Development
  • City Planning
  • Urban Regeneration
  • Urbanization
  • Urban Form
  • Public Space
  • Streetscape Design
  • Mixed-Use Development
  • Transit-Oriented Development
  • Sustainable Urbanism
  • Placemaking
  • Historic Preservation
  • Community Engagement
  • Landscape Urbanism
  • Urban Morphology
  • Design Guidelines
  • Smart Cities
  • Resilient Cities
  • Participatory Design
  • Urban Governance
  • Social Equity
  • Environmental Sustainability
  • Pedestrian-Friendly Design
  • Green Infrastructure