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Journal of AYUSH: Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy

ISSN: 2278-2214


Focus and Scope

About the Journal

Journal of AYUSH: Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy [2278-2214 (e)] is a peer-reviewed hybrid open-access journal launched in 2018 that focuses on the publication of current research work carried out under Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha, and Homeopathy. This journal covers all major fields of applications in AYUSH.

Focus and Scope

  • Ayurveda: Knowledge of life, Vayu Jala, Aakash, Prithvi, Teja, herbal treatment, treat illnesses, turmeric, Triphala, ashwagandha, Gotu kola, guggul, Boswellia, Anxiety. Asthma. Arthritis, Vata, Kapha, pitta, herbalism, Ayurveda, herbal, rasayanas homeopathy.
  • Yoga: Cultivating Sattva, meditating, improving mental acuity, managing emotional and psychological disorders, healing, spiritual objective, medication, diet, lifestyle changes, harmonizing of mind, mental health, mindfulness, healthy eating, weight loss, quality sleep, stress management, Contrology.
  • Hatha yoga: Anusara Yoga, Bikram Yoga, Integral Yoga, Jivamukti Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, Kripalu Yoga, Kriya Yoga, Sivananda Yoga, Viniyoga, Gheranda Samhita and Shiva Samhita, Exercise to Exorcise, controlled breathing, posture, life-force energy, cultivate prana, activate kundalini, dormant spiritual energy, flexibility, Strengthen, Shatkarmas, Asanas, Mudras, Pranayama.
  • Karma yoga: Positive feelings like humility, kindness, compassion, honor, gratefulness, generosity, love, joy, prarabdha, sanchita, kriyamana, agami, Karma marga, the yoga of action, Jnana yoga, Raja Yoga.
  • Kundalini yoga: Chanting, singing, breathing exercises, repetitive poses, root chakra, sacral chakra, naval, solar plexus, chakra, heart chakra, throat chakra, third eye chakra, crown chakra, Sahaja, jnana and kriya, Kundali Shakti.
  • Unani: Umoor-e-Tabiya, Unani Tibb, Arabian medicine, Islamic medicine, Unani medicine, treatment of diseases, herbal, arkan, mizaj, akhlat, aaza, arwah, quwa, afaal.
  • Siddha: Perfection, Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Space, a traditional system of medicine, Rasa, Rakta, Mamsa, Meda, Asthi, Majja, Sukhra, Agasthiyar, Bogar, Kamalamuni, Thirumoolar, Korakkar, Konganar, Sattaimuni, Machamuni.
  • Homeopathy: Conventional Medicine, Medical Situation, Vital Force, Homeopathic Remedy, Mainstream Medicine, herbalism, homeopathic, homeopathic, naturopathy, herbal, homeopathy, iridology, acupuncture, shiatsu, ayurvedic, heroic medicine, Auto-isopathy, Classical homeopathy, Clinical homeopathy, Complex homeopathy, Homotoxicology, Isopathy.
  • Treatment with traditional medicines: plant-based medicines, animal-based medicines, mineral-based medicines, traditional European medicine, traditional Chinese medicine, traditional Korean medicine, traditional African medicine, Ayurveda, Siddha medicine, Unani, ancient Iranian medicine, traditional Iranian medicine, medieval Islamic medicine, spiritual therapies, exercises, diagnose, Echinacea, medicinal plant, flowering plant, Elderberry, Turmeric, Ginger, Valerian.
  • Naturopathy: pseudoscience, holistic medicine, treatment, change unhealthy living, positive lifestyle, aerotherapy, bibliotherapy, climatotherapy, dietotherapy, dosimetry, galactotherapy, phototherapy, ultrasonic therapy, preventing, herbalist, homeopath, homeopath, reflexologist and aromatherapist.