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International Journal of Landscape Planning and Architecture Cover

International Journal of Landscape Planning and Architecture

ISSN: 2456-5091


Focus and Scope

About the Journal

International Journal of Landscape Planning and Architecture [2456-5091(e)] is a peer-reviewed hybrid open-access journal launched in 2015 that provides a platform that publishes high-quality conference proceedings, original research articles, and editorial reviews from the field of landscape planning, ecosystem analysis, field ecology, and other major related issues.

Focus and Scope

  • Landscape Planning: Exploration of principles, methods, and approaches for the systematic analysis, assessment, and design of landscapes at various scales, including regional, urban, and site-specific contexts, Site analysis, environmental assessment, land use, zoning, biodiversity, ecological restoration, urban design, spatial planning, green infrastructure, sustainable development, habitat conservation, watershed management, cultural landscape preservation, community engagement, landscape architecture, horticulture, urban forestry, parks and recreation, scenic beauty, visual impact assessment, land management, transportation planning, water resources, climate adaptation, greenways, public spaces, stakeholder collaboration, landscape ecology, natural resource management, historic preservation, landscape aesthetics, indigenous knowledge, ecosystem services, land reclamation, green building, wildlife corridors, urban agriculture, coastal zone management, landscape assessment, land-use planning, green design, recreational planning, landscape management, visual resource management.
  • Landscape Design and Architecture: Examination of creative design solutions, aesthetic principles, and spatial interventions aimed at enhancing the visual quality, functionality, and cultural significance of landscapes and outdoor spaces, Landscape architecture, Garden design, Urban planning, Site analysis, Environmental sustainability, Hardscape design, Softscape design, Planting design, Water features, Outdoor lighting, Land art, Ecological restoration, Sustainable materials, Green infrastructure, Public spaces, Private gardens, Residential landscapes, Commercial landscapes, Civic spaces, Landscape construction, Site grading, Drainage solutions, Irrigation systems, Outdoor furniture, Native plants, Wildlife habitats, Seasonal interest, Design principles, Cultural landscapes, Historical preservation, Ecological footprint, Climate-responsive design, Permaculture principles, Aesthetic harmony, Functional spaces, Accessible design, Universal design, Community engagement, Collaboration, Project management, Budgeting, Permitting, Construction supervision, Maintenance planning.
  • Ecological Landscape Design: Integration of ecological principles, biodiversity conservation strategies, and ecosystem services into landscape planning and design processes to promote habitat restoration, wildlife conservation, and sustainable land management practices. Ecological, Landscape, Design, Sustainability, Ecosystem, Restoration, Biodiversity, Native, Plants, Wildlife, Habitat, Conservation, Permaculture, Green Infrastructure, Rainwater Harvesting, Sustainable Materials, Urban Planning, Environmental Impact, Ecological Footprint, Energy Efficiency, Climate Resilience, Natural Resources, Regenerative Design, Ecological Services, Land Management, Ecological Balance, Site Analysis, Holistic Approach, Green Roofs, Renewable Energy, Carbon Sequestration, Water Management, Soil Health, Ecological Succession, Community Engagement.
  • Urban Green Infrastructure: Analysis of green infrastructure planning and implementation strategies for enhancing urban resilience, mitigating environmental risks, and improving the quality of life through the provision of parks, green spaces, urban forests, and green corridors. Green roofs, Rain gardens, Urban parks, Permeable pavements, Tree canopy, Biodiversity, Stormwater management, Sustainable drainage systems (SuDS), Urban forestry, Green walls, Green corridors, Ecological networks, Community gardens, Public spaces, Urban agriculture, Wildlife habitats, Greenways, Sustainable urban design, Carbon sequestration, Air quality improvement, Heat island mitigation, Ecosystem services, Urban ecology, Green infrastructure planning.
  • Cultural Landscapes: Investigation of the cultural heritage, historical significance, and social meanings associated with landscapes, as well as strategies for preserving, interpreting, and managing cultural landscapes for future generations, Cultural, Landscapes, Heritage, Conservation, Preservation, Tradition, Identity, History, Architecture, Environment, Community, Interpretation, Management, UNESCO, World Heritage, Indigenous, Sacred Sites, Ethnography, Cultural Diversity, Archaeology, Tourism, Sustainability, Urbanization, Rural, Cultural Routes, Cultural Mapping, Landscape Architecture, Cultural Ecology, Cultural Significance, Cultural Practices, Cultural Resources, Cultural Identity, Cultural Expression, Cultural Anthropology, Cultural Geography, Cultural Values, Cultural Heritage Management.
  • Landscape Ecology: Study of the ecological processes, patterns, and dynamics shaping landscapes, including habitat fragmentation, species distribution, and landscape connectivity, and their implications for landscape planning and management, Landscape Ecology, spatial heterogeneity, ecological patterns, land use, land cover, habitat fragmentation, connectivity, biodiversity conservation, ecosystem services, spatial scale, landscape metrics, landscape dynamics, ecological processes, landscape management, landscape planning, ecosystem function, spatial analysis, landscape pattern analysis, ecological resilience, landscape fragmentation, landscape genetics, landscape connectivity, landscape sustainability.
  • Landscape Management and Governance: Evaluation of landscape governance structures, management frameworks, and policy mechanisms for sustainable landscape stewardship, including collaborative approaches involving multiple stakeholders and community engagement, Landscape, Management, Governance, Sustainability, Environment, Planning, Biodiversity, Conservation, Policy, Regulations, Stakeholders, Community, Land Use, Natural Resources, Ecosystem Services, Climate Change, Resilience, Monitoring, Assessment, Decision-making, Participatory, Collaboration, Stakeholder Engagement, Adaptive Management, Sustainable Development, Landscaping, Urban Planning, Rural Development, Ecological Restoration, Public Administration, Landscape Design, Environmental Management, Integrated Approach, Multi-level Governance, Institutional Frameworks, Capacity Building, Strategic Planning, Public-private Partnerships, Sustainable Practices, Green Infrastructure.
  • Landscape Performance and Evaluation: Assessment of the performance, effectiveness, and impact of landscape planning and design interventions in terms of ecological, social, economic, and cultural outcomes, as well as the development of evaluation methods and metrics, Landscape architecture, environmental design, urban planning, sustainability, green infrastructure, ecosystem services, biodiversity, ecological health, urban ecology, landscape assessment, performance metrics, quantitative analysis, qualitative analysis, landscape aesthetics, user experience, public space, community engagement, cultural landscape, site evaluation, post-occupancy evaluation, landscape monitoring, stakeholder involvement, social equity, economic evaluation, green space utilization, landscape management, resilience, climate adaptation, land use planning, data collection, spatial analysis, case studies, best practices, policy development, decision-making support.
  • Landscape Resilience and Adaptation: Examination of strategies for enhancing the resilience of landscapes to climate change, natural hazards, and other environmental stressors through adaptive management, landscape restoration, and green infrastructure planning, Landscape, Resilience, Adaptation, Sustainability, Ecosystem Services, Climate Change, Mitigation, Vulnerability, Biodiversity, Restoration, Conservation, Green Infrastructure, Community Engagement, Policy Frameworks, Natural Resource Management, Risk Assessment, Adaptive Management, Stakeholder Collaboration, Ecological Restoration, Disaster Preparedness, Social-Ecological Systems, Environmental Planning, Capacity Building, Climate Resilient Design, Innovation, Green Economy, Urban Planning, Rural Development, Water Management, Land Use Planning.
  • Landscape Perception and Experience: Investigation of human perceptions, preferences, and experiences of landscapes, including aesthetic preferences, psychological well-being, and the socio-cultural significance of outdoor environments, Landscape, perception, experience, environment, nature, scenery, beauty, aesthetics, sensory, cognitive, emotional, cultural, psychological, spatial, interaction, interpretation, connection, appreciation, immersion, perspective, sensory engagement, visual stimulation, emotional response, cultural context, human-nature relationship, ecological awareness, sense of place, tranquility, serenity, harmony, wilderness, urban landscape, rural landscape, natural elements, built environment, sensory exploration, environmental psychology, landscape architecture, ecological design, place attachment, environmental aesthetics.


  • Landscape Architecture
  • Urban Planning
  • Rural Planning
  • Landscape Design
  • Ecological Planning
  • Sustainable Landscapes
  • Green Infrastructure
  • Urban Green Spaces
  • Parks and Recreation Planning
  • Ecological Restoration
  • Landscape Ecology
  • Biodiversity Conservation
  • Cultural Landscapes
  • Historic Preservation
  • Landscape Management
  • Public Space Design
  • Landscape Aesthetics
  • Climate Resilience
  • Water-Sensitive Urban Design
  • Community Engagement