International Journal of Machine Design and Manufacturing

Editor Overview

ijmdm maintains an Editorial Board of practicing researchers from around the world, to ensure manuscripts are handled by editors who are experts in the field of study.


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Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Machine Design and Manufacturing understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijmdm uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijmdm explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijmdm will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijmdm provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijmdm is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijmdm, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

    Grounds for removal

    • A manuscript may be removed from our publication if it contains material that is defamatory, fraudulent, or otherwise in breach of our ethical standards or legal requirements.


    • If we become aware of any grounds for removal, we will notify the author(s) and the publisher(s) of the manuscript, giving them an opportunity to respond.


    • We will conduct an investigation into the matter and assess whether the grounds for removal are justified. We may seek expert advice or consult our editorial board in this process.


    • If we determine that the grounds for removal are justified, we will make a decision to remove the manuscript from our publication. We will notify the author(s) and publisher(s) of this decision and provide reasons for it.


    • Manuscript removal will result in the withdrawal of the article from our publication and its permanent removal from our online archives. We may also impose sanctions on the author(s) and/or publisher(s) of the manuscript, including banning them from submitting future manuscripts to our Journals.
  • It is important to note that manuscript removal is a serious step that we take only as a last resort. We encourage all authors to adhere to our ethical standards and guidelines to ensure the integrity of our publications.

Article Replacement

ijmdm‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


  • Correction of errors or omissions in the original article
  • Addition of new data or findings that significantly change the conclusions or implications of the article
  • Revision of the methodology or analysis that affects the validity or reliability of the article’s results
  • Replacement of images or figures that were inaccurately or inappropriately presented in the original article
  • Translation of the article into another language to reach a broader audience
  • Republishing the article with a new title or formatting to enhance its visibility or accessibility
  • Reprinting the article in a collection or anthology for academic or scholarly purposes.

Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

  • Unresolved questions regarding ethical compliance.
  • Potential misconduct under investigation.
  • Concerns about data integrity or reliability.
  • Legal disputes that impact the article.
  • Any other condition that significantly impacts the article’s integrity but does not conclusively warrant withdrawal or retraction at the moment.

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

  • Allegations or evidence of misconduct (e.g., data fabrication, falsification, plagiarism).
  • PSignificant errors or inaccuracies pending correction.
  • Ethical issues concerning research participants or consent.
  • Disputes about authorship, conflicts of interest, or funding sources that may affect the interpretation of the findings.
  • Ongoing investigations by institutions or third parties that have not yet reached a conclusion.

Process and Resolution

  • Preliminary Assessment:Upon identifying a potential issue that may warrant an Expression of Concern, the editorial team conducts a preliminary assessment and may engage with the authors, institutions involved, or external experts.
  • Notification and Response:The corresponding author will be notified of the concerns and given an opportunity to respond or address the issues identified.
  • Issuing the Expression:If the concerns are deemed significant and unresolved, the journal will issue an Expression of Concern, clearly detailing the nature of the concerns and indicating that the matter is under investigation or review.
  • Linking and Accessibility:The Expression of Concern will be linked to the original article and made accessible to all readers, ensuring transparency.
  • Final Resolution: Depending on the outcome of the investigation or resolution of the concerns, the Expression of Concern may be updated or followed by a retraction, correction, or statement of exoneration, as appropriate.

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

  • Contact the Journal or publisher’s editorial office or customer service department and explain the situation. Provide the article title, author names, and any relevant details.
  • Depending on the situation, the Journal or publisher may require you to fill out a formal request form or provide additional documentation.
  • If the request is approved, the Journal or publisher will typically issue a formal letter of withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, and take the necessary steps to remove the article from their online platform or other databases.
  • If the Journal or publisher does not agree to the request, they will provide an explanation for their decision.

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Structural Mechanics and finite elements understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijsmfe uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijsmfe explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijsmfe will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijsmfe provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijsmfe is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijsmfe, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

    Grounds for removal

    • A manuscript may be removed from our publication if it contains material that is defamatory, fraudulent, or otherwise in breach of our ethical standards or legal requirements.


    • If we become aware of any grounds for removal, we will notify the author(s) and the publisher(s) of the manuscript, giving them an opportunity to respond.


    • We will conduct an investigation into the matter and assess whether the grounds for removal are justified. We may seek expert advice or consult our editorial board in this process.


    • If we determine that the grounds for removal are justified, we will make a decision to remove the manuscript from our publication. We will notify the author(s) and publisher(s) of this decision and provide reasons for it.


    • Manuscript removal will result in the withdrawal of the article from our publication and its permanent removal from our online archives. We may also impose sanctions on the author(s) and/or publisher(s) of the manuscript, including banning them from submitting future manuscripts to our Journals.
  • It is important to note that manuscript removal is a serious step that we take only as a last resort. We encourage all authors to adhere to our ethical standards and guidelines to ensure the integrity of our publications.

Article Replacement

ijsmfe‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


  • Correction of errors or omissions in the original article
  • Addition of new data or findings that significantly change the conclusions or implications of the article
  • Revision of the methodology or analysis that affects the validity or reliability of the article’s results
  • Replacement of images or figures that were inaccurately or inappropriately presented in the original article
  • Translation of the article into another language to reach a broader audience
  • Republishing the article with a new title or formatting to enhance its visibility or accessibility
  • Reprinting the article in a collection or anthology for academic or scholarly purposes.

Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

  • Unresolved questions regarding ethical compliance.
  • Potential misconduct under investigation.
  • Concerns about data integrity or reliability.
  • Legal disputes that impact the article.
  • Any other condition that significantly impacts the article’s integrity but does not conclusively warrant withdrawal or retraction at the moment.

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

  • Allegations or evidence of misconduct (e.g., data fabrication, falsification, plagiarism).
  • PSignificant errors or inaccuracies pending correction.
  • Ethical issues concerning research participants or consent.
  • Disputes about authorship, conflicts of interest, or funding sources that may affect the interpretation of the findings.
  • Ongoing investigations by institutions or third parties that have not yet reached a conclusion.

Process and Resolution

  • Preliminary Assessment:Upon identifying a potential issue that may warrant an Expression of Concern, the editorial team conducts a preliminary assessment and may engage with the authors, institutions involved, or external experts.
  • Notification and Response:The corresponding author will be notified of the concerns and given an opportunity to respond or address the issues identified.
  • Issuing the Expression:If the concerns are deemed significant and unresolved, the journal will issue an Expression of Concern, clearly detailing the nature of the concerns and indicating that the matter is under investigation or review.
  • Linking and Accessibility:The Expression of Concern will be linked to the original article and made accessible to all readers, ensuring transparency.
  • Final Resolution: Depending on the outcome of the investigation or resolution of the concerns, the Expression of Concern may be updated or followed by a retraction, correction, or statement of exoneration, as appropriate.

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

  • Contact the Journal or publisher’s editorial office or customer service department and explain the situation. Provide the article title, author names, and any relevant details.
  • Depending on the situation, the Journal or publisher may require you to fill out a formal request form or provide additional documentation.
  • If the request is approved, the Journal or publisher will typically issue a formal letter of withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, and take the necessary steps to remove the article from their online platform or other databases.
  • If the Journal or publisher does not agree to the request, they will provide an explanation for their decision.

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Mechanical Dynamics & Analysis understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijmda uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijmda explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijmda will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijmda provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijmda is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijmda, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

    Grounds for removal

    • A manuscript may be removed from our publication if it contains material that is defamatory, fraudulent, or otherwise in breach of our ethical standards or legal requirements.


    • If we become aware of any grounds for removal, we will notify the author(s) and the publisher(s) of the manuscript, giving them an opportunity to respond.


    • We will conduct an investigation into the matter and assess whether the grounds for removal are justified. We may seek expert advice or consult our editorial board in this process.


    • If we determine that the grounds for removal are justified, we will make a decision to remove the manuscript from our publication. We will notify the author(s) and publisher(s) of this decision and provide reasons for it.


    • Manuscript removal will result in the withdrawal of the article from our publication and its permanent removal from our online archives. We may also impose sanctions on the author(s) and/or publisher(s) of the manuscript, including banning them from submitting future manuscripts to our Journals.
  • It is important to note that manuscript removal is a serious step that we take only as a last resort. We encourage all authors to adhere to our ethical standards and guidelines to ensure the integrity of our publications.

Article Replacement

ijmda‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


  • Correction of errors or omissions in the original article
  • Addition of new data or findings that significantly change the conclusions or implications of the article
  • Revision of the methodology or analysis that affects the validity or reliability of the article’s results
  • Replacement of images or figures that were inaccurately or inappropriately presented in the original article
  • Translation of the article into another language to reach a broader audience
  • Republishing the article with a new title or formatting to enhance its visibility or accessibility
  • Reprinting the article in a collection or anthology for academic or scholarly purposes.

Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

  • Unresolved questions regarding ethical compliance.
  • Potential misconduct under investigation.
  • Concerns about data integrity or reliability.
  • Legal disputes that impact the article.
  • Any other condition that significantly impacts the article’s integrity but does not conclusively warrant withdrawal or retraction at the moment.

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

  • Allegations or evidence of misconduct (e.g., data fabrication, falsification, plagiarism).
  • PSignificant errors or inaccuracies pending correction.
  • Ethical issues concerning research participants or consent.
  • Disputes about authorship, conflicts of interest, or funding sources that may affect the interpretation of the findings.
  • Ongoing investigations by institutions or third parties that have not yet reached a conclusion.

Process and Resolution

  • Preliminary Assessment:Upon identifying a potential issue that may warrant an Expression of Concern, the editorial team conducts a preliminary assessment and may engage with the authors, institutions involved, or external experts.
  • Notification and Response:The corresponding author will be notified of the concerns and given an opportunity to respond or address the issues identified.
  • Issuing the Expression:If the concerns are deemed significant and unresolved, the journal will issue an Expression of Concern, clearly detailing the nature of the concerns and indicating that the matter is under investigation or review.
  • Linking and Accessibility:The Expression of Concern will be linked to the original article and made accessible to all readers, ensuring transparency.
  • Final Resolution: Depending on the outcome of the investigation or resolution of the concerns, the Expression of Concern may be updated or followed by a retraction, correction, or statement of exoneration, as appropriate.

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

  • Contact the Journal or publisher’s editorial office or customer service department and explain the situation. Provide the article title, author names, and any relevant details.
  • Depending on the situation, the Journal or publisher may require you to fill out a formal request form or provide additional documentation.
  • If the request is approved, the Journal or publisher will typically issue a formal letter of withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, and take the necessary steps to remove the article from their online platform or other databases.
  • If the Journal or publisher does not agree to the request, they will provide an explanation for their decision.

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Fracture and Damage Mechanics understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijfdm uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijfdm explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijfdm will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijfdm provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijfdm is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijfdm, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

    Grounds for removal

    • A manuscript may be removed from our publication if it contains material that is defamatory, fraudulent, or otherwise in breach of our ethical standards or legal requirements.


    • If we become aware of any grounds for removal, we will notify the author(s) and the publisher(s) of the manuscript, giving them an opportunity to respond.


    • We will conduct an investigation into the matter and assess whether the grounds for removal are justified. We may seek expert advice or consult our editorial board in this process.


    • If we determine that the grounds for removal are justified, we will make a decision to remove the manuscript from our publication. We will notify the author(s) and publisher(s) of this decision and provide reasons for it.


    • Manuscript removal will result in the withdrawal of the article from our publication and its permanent removal from our online archives. We may also impose sanctions on the author(s) and/or publisher(s) of the manuscript, including banning them from submitting future manuscripts to our Journals.
  • It is important to note that manuscript removal is a serious step that we take only as a last resort. We encourage all authors to adhere to our ethical standards and guidelines to ensure the integrity of our publications.

Article Replacement

ijfdm‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


  • Correction of errors or omissions in the original article
  • Addition of new data or findings that significantly change the conclusions or implications of the article
  • Revision of the methodology or analysis that affects the validity or reliability of the article’s results
  • Replacement of images or figures that were inaccurately or inappropriately presented in the original article
  • Translation of the article into another language to reach a broader audience
  • Republishing the article with a new title or formatting to enhance its visibility or accessibility
  • Reprinting the article in a collection or anthology for academic or scholarly purposes.

Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

  • Unresolved questions regarding ethical compliance.
  • Potential misconduct under investigation.
  • Concerns about data integrity or reliability.
  • Legal disputes that impact the article.
  • Any other condition that significantly impacts the article’s integrity but does not conclusively warrant withdrawal or retraction at the moment.

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

  • Allegations or evidence of misconduct (e.g., data fabrication, falsification, plagiarism).
  • PSignificant errors or inaccuracies pending correction.
  • Ethical issues concerning research participants or consent.
  • Disputes about authorship, conflicts of interest, or funding sources that may affect the interpretation of the findings.
  • Ongoing investigations by institutions or third parties that have not yet reached a conclusion.

Process and Resolution

  • Preliminary Assessment:Upon identifying a potential issue that may warrant an Expression of Concern, the editorial team conducts a preliminary assessment and may engage with the authors, institutions involved, or external experts.
  • Notification and Response:The corresponding author will be notified of the concerns and given an opportunity to respond or address the issues identified.
  • Issuing the Expression:If the concerns are deemed significant and unresolved, the journal will issue an Expression of Concern, clearly detailing the nature of the concerns and indicating that the matter is under investigation or review.
  • Linking and Accessibility:The Expression of Concern will be linked to the original article and made accessible to all readers, ensuring transparency.
  • Final Resolution: Depending on the outcome of the investigation or resolution of the concerns, the Expression of Concern may be updated or followed by a retraction, correction, or statement of exoneration, as appropriate.

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

  • Contact the Journal or publisher’s editorial office or customer service department and explain the situation. Provide the article title, author names, and any relevant details.
  • Depending on the situation, the Journal or publisher may require you to fill out a formal request form or provide additional documentation.
  • If the request is approved, the Journal or publisher will typically issue a formal letter of withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, and take the necessary steps to remove the article from their online platform or other databases.
  • If the Journal or publisher does not agree to the request, they will provide an explanation for their decision.

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Architecture and Infrastructure Planning understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijaip uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijaip explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijaip will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijaip provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijaip is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijaip, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

    Grounds for removal

    • A manuscript may be removed from our publication if it contains material that is defamatory, fraudulent, or otherwise in breach of our ethical standards or legal requirements.


    • If we become aware of any grounds for removal, we will notify the author(s) and the publisher(s) of the manuscript, giving them an opportunity to respond.


    • We will conduct an investigation into the matter and assess whether the grounds for removal are justified. We may seek expert advice or consult our editorial board in this process.


    • If we determine that the grounds for removal are justified, we will make a decision to remove the manuscript from our publication. We will notify the author(s) and publisher(s) of this decision and provide reasons for it.


    • Manuscript removal will result in the withdrawal of the article from our publication and its permanent removal from our online archives. We may also impose sanctions on the author(s) and/or publisher(s) of the manuscript, including banning them from submitting future manuscripts to our Journals.
  • It is important to note that manuscript removal is a serious step that we take only as a last resort. We encourage all authors to adhere to our ethical standards and guidelines to ensure the integrity of our publications.

Article Replacement

ijaip‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


  • Correction of errors or omissions in the original article
  • Addition of new data or findings that significantly change the conclusions or implications of the article
  • Revision of the methodology or analysis that affects the validity or reliability of the article’s results
  • Replacement of images or figures that were inaccurately or inappropriately presented in the original article
  • Translation of the article into another language to reach a broader audience
  • Republishing the article with a new title or formatting to enhance its visibility or accessibility
  • Reprinting the article in a collection or anthology for academic or scholarly purposes.

Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

  • Unresolved questions regarding ethical compliance.
  • Potential misconduct under investigation.
  • Concerns about data integrity or reliability.
  • Legal disputes that impact the article.
  • Any other condition that significantly impacts the article’s integrity but does not conclusively warrant withdrawal or retraction at the moment.

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

  • Allegations or evidence of misconduct (e.g., data fabrication, falsification, plagiarism).
  • PSignificant errors or inaccuracies pending correction.
  • Ethical issues concerning research participants or consent.
  • Disputes about authorship, conflicts of interest, or funding sources that may affect the interpretation of the findings.
  • Ongoing investigations by institutions or third parties that have not yet reached a conclusion.

Process and Resolution

  • Preliminary Assessment:Upon identifying a potential issue that may warrant an Expression of Concern, the editorial team conducts a preliminary assessment and may engage with the authors, institutions involved, or external experts.
  • Notification and Response:The corresponding author will be notified of the concerns and given an opportunity to respond or address the issues identified.
  • Issuing the Expression:If the concerns are deemed significant and unresolved, the journal will issue an Expression of Concern, clearly detailing the nature of the concerns and indicating that the matter is under investigation or review.
  • Linking and Accessibility:The Expression of Concern will be linked to the original article and made accessible to all readers, ensuring transparency.
  • Final Resolution: Depending on the outcome of the investigation or resolution of the concerns, the Expression of Concern may be updated or followed by a retraction, correction, or statement of exoneration, as appropriate.

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

  • Contact the Journal or publisher’s editorial office or customer service department and explain the situation. Provide the article title, author names, and any relevant details.
  • Depending on the situation, the Journal or publisher may require you to fill out a formal request form or provide additional documentation.
  • If the request is approved, the Journal or publisher will typically issue a formal letter of withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, and take the necessary steps to remove the article from their online platform or other databases.
  • If the Journal or publisher does not agree to the request, they will provide an explanation for their decision.

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Rural and Regional Development understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijrrd uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijrrd explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijrrd will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijrrd provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijrrd is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijrrd, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

    Grounds for removal

    • A manuscript may be removed from our publication if it contains material that is defamatory, fraudulent, or otherwise in breach of our ethical standards or legal requirements.


    • If we become aware of any grounds for removal, we will notify the author(s) and the publisher(s) of the manuscript, giving them an opportunity to respond.


    • We will conduct an investigation into the matter and assess whether the grounds for removal are justified. We may seek expert advice or consult our editorial board in this process.


    • If we determine that the grounds for removal are justified, we will make a decision to remove the manuscript from our publication. We will notify the author(s) and publisher(s) of this decision and provide reasons for it.


    • Manuscript removal will result in the withdrawal of the article from our publication and its permanent removal from our online archives. We may also impose sanctions on the author(s) and/or publisher(s) of the manuscript, including banning them from submitting future manuscripts to our Journals.
  • It is important to note that manuscript removal is a serious step that we take only as a last resort. We encourage all authors to adhere to our ethical standards and guidelines to ensure the integrity of our publications.

Article Replacement

ijrrd‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


  • Correction of errors or omissions in the original article
  • Addition of new data or findings that significantly change the conclusions or implications of the article
  • Revision of the methodology or analysis that affects the validity or reliability of the article’s results
  • Replacement of images or figures that were inaccurately or inappropriately presented in the original article
  • Translation of the article into another language to reach a broader audience
  • Republishing the article with a new title or formatting to enhance its visibility or accessibility
  • Reprinting the article in a collection or anthology for academic or scholarly purposes.

Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

  • Unresolved questions regarding ethical compliance.
  • Potential misconduct under investigation.
  • Concerns about data integrity or reliability.
  • Legal disputes that impact the article.
  • Any other condition that significantly impacts the article’s integrity but does not conclusively warrant withdrawal or retraction at the moment.

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

  • Allegations or evidence of misconduct (e.g., data fabrication, falsification, plagiarism).
  • PSignificant errors or inaccuracies pending correction.
  • Ethical issues concerning research participants or consent.
  • Disputes about authorship, conflicts of interest, or funding sources that may affect the interpretation of the findings.
  • Ongoing investigations by institutions or third parties that have not yet reached a conclusion.

Process and Resolution

  • Preliminary Assessment:Upon identifying a potential issue that may warrant an Expression of Concern, the editorial team conducts a preliminary assessment and may engage with the authors, institutions involved, or external experts.
  • Notification and Response:The corresponding author will be notified of the concerns and given an opportunity to respond or address the issues identified.
  • Issuing the Expression:If the concerns are deemed significant and unresolved, the journal will issue an Expression of Concern, clearly detailing the nature of the concerns and indicating that the matter is under investigation or review.
  • Linking and Accessibility:The Expression of Concern will be linked to the original article and made accessible to all readers, ensuring transparency.
  • Final Resolution: Depending on the outcome of the investigation or resolution of the concerns, the Expression of Concern may be updated or followed by a retraction, correction, or statement of exoneration, as appropriate.

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

  • Contact the Journal or publisher’s editorial office or customer service department and explain the situation. Provide the article title, author names, and any relevant details.
  • Depending on the situation, the Journal or publisher may require you to fill out a formal request form or provide additional documentation.
  • If the request is approved, the Journal or publisher will typically issue a formal letter of withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, and take the necessary steps to remove the article from their online platform or other databases.
  • If the Journal or publisher does not agree to the request, they will provide an explanation for their decision.

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Landscape Planning and Architecture understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijlpa uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijlpa explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijlpa will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijlpa provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijlpa is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijlpa, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

    Grounds for removal

    • A manuscript may be removed from our publication if it contains material that is defamatory, fraudulent, or otherwise in breach of our ethical standards or legal requirements.


    • If we become aware of any grounds for removal, we will notify the author(s) and the publisher(s) of the manuscript, giving them an opportunity to respond.


    • We will conduct an investigation into the matter and assess whether the grounds for removal are justified. We may seek expert advice or consult our editorial board in this process.


    • If we determine that the grounds for removal are justified, we will make a decision to remove the manuscript from our publication. We will notify the author(s) and publisher(s) of this decision and provide reasons for it.


    • Manuscript removal will result in the withdrawal of the article from our publication and its permanent removal from our online archives. We may also impose sanctions on the author(s) and/or publisher(s) of the manuscript, including banning them from submitting future manuscripts to our Journals.
  • It is important to note that manuscript removal is a serious step that we take only as a last resort. We encourage all authors to adhere to our ethical standards and guidelines to ensure the integrity of our publications.

Article Replacement

ijlpa‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


  • Correction of errors or omissions in the original article
  • Addition of new data or findings that significantly change the conclusions or implications of the article
  • Revision of the methodology or analysis that affects the validity or reliability of the article’s results
  • Replacement of images or figures that were inaccurately or inappropriately presented in the original article
  • Translation of the article into another language to reach a broader audience
  • Republishing the article with a new title or formatting to enhance its visibility or accessibility
  • Reprinting the article in a collection or anthology for academic or scholarly purposes.

Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

  • Unresolved questions regarding ethical compliance.
  • Potential misconduct under investigation.
  • Concerns about data integrity or reliability.
  • Legal disputes that impact the article.
  • Any other condition that significantly impacts the article’s integrity but does not conclusively warrant withdrawal or retraction at the moment.

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

  • Allegations or evidence of misconduct (e.g., data fabrication, falsification, plagiarism).
  • PSignificant errors or inaccuracies pending correction.
  • Ethical issues concerning research participants or consent.
  • Disputes about authorship, conflicts of interest, or funding sources that may affect the interpretation of the findings.
  • Ongoing investigations by institutions or third parties that have not yet reached a conclusion.

Process and Resolution

  • Preliminary Assessment:Upon identifying a potential issue that may warrant an Expression of Concern, the editorial team conducts a preliminary assessment and may engage with the authors, institutions involved, or external experts.
  • Notification and Response:The corresponding author will be notified of the concerns and given an opportunity to respond or address the issues identified.
  • Issuing the Expression:If the concerns are deemed significant and unresolved, the journal will issue an Expression of Concern, clearly detailing the nature of the concerns and indicating that the matter is under investigation or review.
  • Linking and Accessibility:The Expression of Concern will be linked to the original article and made accessible to all readers, ensuring transparency.
  • Final Resolution: Depending on the outcome of the investigation or resolution of the concerns, the Expression of Concern may be updated or followed by a retraction, correction, or statement of exoneration, as appropriate.

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

  • Contact the Journal or publisher’s editorial office or customer service department and explain the situation. Provide the article title, author names, and any relevant details.
  • Depending on the situation, the Journal or publisher may require you to fill out a formal request form or provide additional documentation.
  • If the request is approved, the Journal or publisher will typically issue a formal letter of withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, and take the necessary steps to remove the article from their online platform or other databases.
  • If the Journal or publisher does not agree to the request, they will provide an explanation for their decision.

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Environmental Planning and Development Architecture understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijepda uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijepda explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijepda will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijepda provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijepda is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijepda, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

    Grounds for removal

    • A manuscript may be removed from our publication if it contains material that is defamatory, fraudulent, or otherwise in breach of our ethical standards or legal requirements.


    • If we become aware of any grounds for removal, we will notify the author(s) and the publisher(s) of the manuscript, giving them an opportunity to respond.


    • We will conduct an investigation into the matter and assess whether the grounds for removal are justified. We may seek expert advice or consult our editorial board in this process.


    • If we determine that the grounds for removal are justified, we will make a decision to remove the manuscript from our publication. We will notify the author(s) and publisher(s) of this decision and provide reasons for it.


    • Manuscript removal will result in the withdrawal of the article from our publication and its permanent removal from our online archives. We may also impose sanctions on the author(s) and/or publisher(s) of the manuscript, including banning them from submitting future manuscripts to our Journals.
  • It is important to note that manuscript removal is a serious step that we take only as a last resort. We encourage all authors to adhere to our ethical standards and guidelines to ensure the integrity of our publications.

Article Replacement

ijepda‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


  • Correction of errors or omissions in the original article
  • Addition of new data or findings that significantly change the conclusions or implications of the article
  • Revision of the methodology or analysis that affects the validity or reliability of the article’s results
  • Replacement of images or figures that were inaccurately or inappropriately presented in the original article
  • Translation of the article into another language to reach a broader audience
  • Republishing the article with a new title or formatting to enhance its visibility or accessibility
  • Reprinting the article in a collection or anthology for academic or scholarly purposes.

Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

  • Unresolved questions regarding ethical compliance.
  • Potential misconduct under investigation.
  • Concerns about data integrity or reliability.
  • Legal disputes that impact the article.
  • Any other condition that significantly impacts the article’s integrity but does not conclusively warrant withdrawal or retraction at the moment.

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

  • Allegations or evidence of misconduct (e.g., data fabrication, falsification, plagiarism).
  • PSignificant errors or inaccuracies pending correction.
  • Ethical issues concerning research participants or consent.
  • Disputes about authorship, conflicts of interest, or funding sources that may affect the interpretation of the findings.
  • Ongoing investigations by institutions or third parties that have not yet reached a conclusion.

Process and Resolution

  • Preliminary Assessment:Upon identifying a potential issue that may warrant an Expression of Concern, the editorial team conducts a preliminary assessment and may engage with the authors, institutions involved, or external experts.
  • Notification and Response:The corresponding author will be notified of the concerns and given an opportunity to respond or address the issues identified.
  • Issuing the Expression:If the concerns are deemed significant and unresolved, the journal will issue an Expression of Concern, clearly detailing the nature of the concerns and indicating that the matter is under investigation or review.
  • Linking and Accessibility:The Expression of Concern will be linked to the original article and made accessible to all readers, ensuring transparency.
  • Final Resolution: Depending on the outcome of the investigation or resolution of the concerns, the Expression of Concern may be updated or followed by a retraction, correction, or statement of exoneration, as appropriate.

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

  • Contact the Journal or publisher’s editorial office or customer service department and explain the situation. Provide the article title, author names, and any relevant details.
  • Depending on the situation, the Journal or publisher may require you to fill out a formal request form or provide additional documentation.
  • If the request is approved, the Journal or publisher will typically issue a formal letter of withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, and take the necessary steps to remove the article from their online platform or other databases.
  • If the Journal or publisher does not agree to the request, they will provide an explanation for their decision.

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Town Planning and Management understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijtpm uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijtpm explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijtpm will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijtpm provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijtpm is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijtpm, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

    Grounds for removal

    • A manuscript may be removed from our publication if it contains material that is defamatory, fraudulent, or otherwise in breach of our ethical standards or legal requirements.


    • If we become aware of any grounds for removal, we will notify the author(s) and the publisher(s) of the manuscript, giving them an opportunity to respond.


    • We will conduct an investigation into the matter and assess whether the grounds for removal are justified. We may seek expert advice or consult our editorial board in this process.


    • If we determine that the grounds for removal are justified, we will make a decision to remove the manuscript from our publication. We will notify the author(s) and publisher(s) of this decision and provide reasons for it.


    • Manuscript removal will result in the withdrawal of the article from our publication and its permanent removal from our online archives. We may also impose sanctions on the author(s) and/or publisher(s) of the manuscript, including banning them from submitting future manuscripts to our Journals.
  • It is important to note that manuscript removal is a serious step that we take only as a last resort. We encourage all authors to adhere to our ethical standards and guidelines to ensure the integrity of our publications.

Article Replacement

ijtpm‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


  • Correction of errors or omissions in the original article
  • Addition of new data or findings that significantly change the conclusions or implications of the article
  • Revision of the methodology or analysis that affects the validity or reliability of the article’s results
  • Replacement of images or figures that were inaccurately or inappropriately presented in the original article
  • Translation of the article into another language to reach a broader audience
  • Republishing the article with a new title or formatting to enhance its visibility or accessibility
  • Reprinting the article in a collection or anthology for academic or scholarly purposes.

Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

  • Unresolved questions regarding ethical compliance.
  • Potential misconduct under investigation.
  • Concerns about data integrity or reliability.
  • Legal disputes that impact the article.
  • Any other condition that significantly impacts the article’s integrity but does not conclusively warrant withdrawal or retraction at the moment.

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

  • Allegations or evidence of misconduct (e.g., data fabrication, falsification, plagiarism).
  • PSignificant errors or inaccuracies pending correction.
  • Ethical issues concerning research participants or consent.
  • Disputes about authorship, conflicts of interest, or funding sources that may affect the interpretation of the findings.
  • Ongoing investigations by institutions or third parties that have not yet reached a conclusion.

Process and Resolution

  • Preliminary Assessment:Upon identifying a potential issue that may warrant an Expression of Concern, the editorial team conducts a preliminary assessment and may engage with the authors, institutions involved, or external experts.
  • Notification and Response:The corresponding author will be notified of the concerns and given an opportunity to respond or address the issues identified.
  • Issuing the Expression:If the concerns are deemed significant and unresolved, the journal will issue an Expression of Concern, clearly detailing the nature of the concerns and indicating that the matter is under investigation or review.
  • Linking and Accessibility:The Expression of Concern will be linked to the original article and made accessible to all readers, ensuring transparency.
  • Final Resolution: Depending on the outcome of the investigation or resolution of the concerns, the Expression of Concern may be updated or followed by a retraction, correction, or statement of exoneration, as appropriate.

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

  • Contact the Journal or publisher’s editorial office or customer service department and explain the situation. Provide the article title, author names, and any relevant details.
  • Depending on the situation, the Journal or publisher may require you to fill out a formal request form or provide additional documentation.
  • If the request is approved, the Journal or publisher will typically issue a formal letter of withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, and take the necessary steps to remove the article from their online platform or other databases.
  • If the Journal or publisher does not agree to the request, they will provide an explanation for their decision.

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Urban Design and Development understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijudd uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijudd explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijudd will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijudd provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijudd is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijudd, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

    Grounds for removal

    • A manuscript may be removed from our publication if it contains material that is defamatory, fraudulent, or otherwise in breach of our ethical standards or legal requirements.


    • If we become aware of any grounds for removal, we will notify the author(s) and the publisher(s) of the manuscript, giving them an opportunity to respond.


    • We will conduct an investigation into the matter and assess whether the grounds for removal are justified. We may seek expert advice or consult our editorial board in this process.


    • If we determine that the grounds for removal are justified, we will make a decision to remove the manuscript from our publication. We will notify the author(s) and publisher(s) of this decision and provide reasons for it.


    • Manuscript removal will result in the withdrawal of the article from our publication and its permanent removal from our online archives. We may also impose sanctions on the author(s) and/or publisher(s) of the manuscript, including banning them from submitting future manuscripts to our Journals.
  • It is important to note that manuscript removal is a serious step that we take only as a last resort. We encourage all authors to adhere to our ethical standards and guidelines to ensure the integrity of our publications.

Article Replacement

ijudd‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


  • Correction of errors or omissions in the original article
  • Addition of new data or findings that significantly change the conclusions or implications of the article
  • Revision of the methodology or analysis that affects the validity or reliability of the article’s results
  • Replacement of images or figures that were inaccurately or inappropriately presented in the original article
  • Translation of the article into another language to reach a broader audience
  • Republishing the article with a new title or formatting to enhance its visibility or accessibility
  • Reprinting the article in a collection or anthology for academic or scholarly purposes.

Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

  • Unresolved questions regarding ethical compliance.
  • Potential misconduct under investigation.
  • Concerns about data integrity or reliability.
  • Legal disputes that impact the article.
  • Any other condition that significantly impacts the article’s integrity but does not conclusively warrant withdrawal or retraction at the moment.

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

  • Allegations or evidence of misconduct (e.g., data fabrication, falsification, plagiarism).
  • PSignificant errors or inaccuracies pending correction.
  • Ethical issues concerning research participants or consent.
  • Disputes about authorship, conflicts of interest, or funding sources that may affect the interpretation of the findings.
  • Ongoing investigations by institutions or third parties that have not yet reached a conclusion.

Process and Resolution

  • Preliminary Assessment:Upon identifying a potential issue that may warrant an Expression of Concern, the editorial team conducts a preliminary assessment and may engage with the authors, institutions involved, or external experts.
  • Notification and Response:The corresponding author will be notified of the concerns and given an opportunity to respond or address the issues identified.
  • Issuing the Expression:If the concerns are deemed significant and unresolved, the journal will issue an Expression of Concern, clearly detailing the nature of the concerns and indicating that the matter is under investigation or review.
  • Linking and Accessibility:The Expression of Concern will be linked to the original article and made accessible to all readers, ensuring transparency.
  • Final Resolution: Depending on the outcome of the investigation or resolution of the concerns, the Expression of Concern may be updated or followed by a retraction, correction, or statement of exoneration, as appropriate.

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

  • Contact the Journal or publisher’s editorial office or customer service department and explain the situation. Provide the article title, author names, and any relevant details.
  • Depending on the situation, the Journal or publisher may require you to fill out a formal request form or provide additional documentation.
  • If the request is approved, the Journal or publisher will typically issue a formal letter of withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, and take the necessary steps to remove the article from their online platform or other databases.
  • If the Journal or publisher does not agree to the request, they will provide an explanation for their decision.

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Sustainable Building Technology understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijsbt uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijsbt explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijsbt will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijsbt provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijsbt is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijsbt, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijsbt‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Architectural Heritage understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijah uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijah explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijah will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijah provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijah is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijah, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijah‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Architectural Design and Planning understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijadp uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijadp explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijadp will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijadp provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijadp is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijadp, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijadp‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Housing and Human Settlement Planning understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijhhsp uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijhhsp explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijhhsp will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijhhsp provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijhhsp is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijhhsp, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijhhsp‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Research & Reviews : A Journal of Ayurvedic Science, Yoga & Naturopathy understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

rrjoasyn uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to rrjoasyn explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • rrjoasyn will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with rrjoasyn provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of rrjoasyn is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At rrjoasyn, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

rrjoasyn‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Research & Reviews : A Journal of Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

rrjoush uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to rrjoush explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • rrjoush will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with rrjoush provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of rrjoush is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At rrjoush, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

rrjoush‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Research & Reviews: A Journal of Pharmacognosy understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

rrjopc uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to rrjopc explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • rrjopc will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with rrjopc provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of rrjopc is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At rrjopc, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

rrjopc‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Journal of AYUSH: Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

joayush uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to joayush explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • joayush will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with joayush provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of joayush is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At joayush, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

joayush‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Research & Reviews : Journal of Computational Biology understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

rrjocb uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to rrjocb explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • rrjocb will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with rrjocb provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of rrjocb is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At rrjocb, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

rrjocb‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Cell Biology and Cellular Processes understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijcbcp uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijcbcp explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijcbcp will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijcbcp provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijcbcp is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijcbcp, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijcbcp‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Molecular Biotechnology understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijmb uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijmb explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijmb will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijmb provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijmb is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijmb, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijmb‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Biochemistry and Biomolecules understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijbb uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijbb explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijbb will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijbb provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijbb is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijbb, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijbb‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Computational Biology and Bioinformatics understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijcbb uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijcbb explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijcbb will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijcbb provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijcbb is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijcbb, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijcbb‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Genetic Engineering and Recombination understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijger uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijger explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijger will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijger provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijger is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijger, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijger‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Animal Biotechnology and Applications understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijaba uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijaba explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijaba will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijaba provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijaba is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijaba, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijaba‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Plant Biotechnology understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijpb uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijpb explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijpb will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijpb provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijpb is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijpb, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijpb‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Industrial Biotechnology and Biomaterials understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijibb uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijibb explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijibb will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijibb provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijibb is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijibb, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijibb‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Research & Reviews : A Journal of Biotechnology understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

rrjobt uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to rrjobt explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • rrjobt will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with rrjobt provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of rrjobt is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At rrjobt, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

rrjobt‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Journal of Modern Chemistry & Chemical Technology understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

jomcct uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to jomcct explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • jomcct will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with jomcct provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of jomcct is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At jomcct, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

jomcct‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Journal of Polymer and Composites understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

jopc uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to jopc explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • jopc will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with jopc provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of jopc is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At jopc, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

jopc‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Journal of Materials & Metallurgical Engineering understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

jomme uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to jomme explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • jomme will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with jomme provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of jomme is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At jomme, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

jomme‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Journal of Petroleum Engineering & Technology understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

jopet uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to jopet explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • jopet will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with jopet provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of jopet is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At jopet, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

jopet‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Emerging Trends in Chemical Engineering understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

etce uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to etce explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • etce will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with etce provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of etce is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At etce, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

etce‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Journal of Catalyst & Catalysis understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

jocc uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to jocc explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • jocc will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with jocc provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of jocc is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At jocc, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

jocc‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Journal of Thin Films, Coating Science Technology & Application understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

jotcsta uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to jotcsta explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • jotcsta will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with jotcsta provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of jotcsta is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At jotcsta, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

jotcsta‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Chemical Separation Technology understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijcst uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijcst explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijcst will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijcst provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijcst is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijcst, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijcst‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Chemical Engineering and Processing understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijocep uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijocep explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijocep will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijocep provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijocep is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijocep, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijocep‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Renewable Energy and its Commercialization understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijrec uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijrec explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijrec will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijrec provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijrec is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijrec, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijrec‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Prevention and Control of Industrial Pollution understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijpcip uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijpcip explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijpcip will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijpcip provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijpcip is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijpcip, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijpcip‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Chemical and Molecular Engineering understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijcme uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijcme explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijcme will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijcme provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijcme is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijcme, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijcme‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Chem-informatics Research understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijcir uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijcir explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijcir will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijcir provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijcir is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijcir, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijcir‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Green Chemistry understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijgc uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijgc explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijgc will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijgc provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijgc is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijgc, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijgc‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Environmental Chemistry understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijec uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijec explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijec will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijec provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijec is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijec, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijec‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Agro-chemistry understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ija uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ija explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ija will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ija provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ija is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ija, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ija‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Analytical and Applied Chemistry understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijaac uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijaac explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijaac will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijaac provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijaac is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijaac, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijaac‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Thermodynamics and Chemical Kinetics understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijtck uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijtck explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijtck will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijtck provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijtck is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijtck, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijtck‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Photochemistry understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijp uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijp explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijp will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijp provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijp is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijp, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijp‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Chemical Synthesis and Chemical Reactions understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijcscr uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijcscr explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijcscr will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijcscr provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijcscr is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijcscr, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijcscr‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Trends in Transport Engineering and Applications understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ttea uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ttea explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ttea will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ttea provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ttea is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ttea, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ttea‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Journal of Structural Engineering and Management understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

josem uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to josem explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • josem will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with josem provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of josem is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At josem, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

josem‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Journal of Water Resource Engineering and Management understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

jowrem uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to jowrem explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • jowrem will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with jowrem provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of jowrem is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At jowrem, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

jowrem‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Recent Trends in Civil Engineering & Technology understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

rtcet uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to rtcet explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • rtcet will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with rtcet provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of rtcet is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At rtcet, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

rtcet‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Journal of Construction Engineering, Technology & Management understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

jocetm uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to jocetm explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • jocetm will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with jocetm provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of jocetm is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At jocetm, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

jocetm‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Journal of Industrial Safety Engineering understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

joise uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to joise explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • joise will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with joise provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of joise is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At joise, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

joise‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Journal of Offshore Structure and Technology understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

joost uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to joost explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • joost will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with joost provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of joost is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At joost, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

joost‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Journal of Geotechnical Engineering understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

joge uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to joge explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • joge will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with joge provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of joge is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At joge, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

joge‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Concrete Technology understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijct uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijct explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijct will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijct provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijct is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijct, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijct‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Structural Engineering and Analysis understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijsea uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijsea explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijsea will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijsea provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijsea is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijsea, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijsea‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Transportation Engineering and Traffic System understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijtets uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijtets explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijtets will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijtets provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijtets is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijtets, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijtets‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Construction Engineering and Planning understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijcep uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijcep explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijcep will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijcep provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijcep is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijcep, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijcep‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Water Resources Engineering understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijwre uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijwre explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijwre will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijwre provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijwre is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijwre, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijwre‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Geological and Geotechnical Engineering understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijgge uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijgge explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijgge will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijgge provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijgge is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijgge, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijgge‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

E-Commerce for Future & Trends understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ecft uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ecft explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ecft will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ecft provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ecft is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ecft, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ecft‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Algorithms Design and Analysis understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijada uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijada explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijada will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijada provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijada is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijada, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijada‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Computer Science and Programming Language understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijcspl uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijcspl explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijcspl will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijcspl provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijcspl is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijcspl, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijcspl‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Data Structures understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijds uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijds explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijds will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijds provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijds is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijds, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijds‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Distributed Computing and Technology understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijdct uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijdct explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijdct will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijdct provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijdct is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijdct, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijdct‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Image Processing and Pattern Recognition understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijippr uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijippr explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijippr will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijippr provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijippr is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijippr, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijippr‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Information Security and Software Engineering understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijisse uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijisse explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijisse will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijisse provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijisse is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijisse, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijisse‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Mobile Computing Devices understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijmcd uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijmcd explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijmcd will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijmcd provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijmcd is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijmcd, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijmcd‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Software Computing and Testing understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijsct uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijsct explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijsct will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijsct provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijsct is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijsct, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijsct‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Wireless Network Security understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijwns uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijwns explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijwns will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijwns provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijwns is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijwns, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijwns‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Journal of Advanced Database Management & Systems understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

joadms uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to joadms explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • joadms will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with joadms provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of joadms is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At joadms, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

joadms‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Journal of Advancements in Robotics understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

joarb uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to joarb explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • joarb will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with joarb provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of joarb is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At joarb, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

joarb‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Journal of Advances in Shell Programming understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

joasp uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to joasp explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • joasp will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with joasp provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of joasp is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At joasp, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

joasp‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research & Advances understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

joaira uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to joaira explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • joaira will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with joaira provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of joaira is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At joaira, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

joaira‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Journal of Computer Technology & Applications understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

jocta uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to jocta explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • jocta will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with jocta provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of jocta is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At jocta, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

jocta‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Journal of Image Processing & Pattern Recognition Progress understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

joipprp uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to joipprp explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • joipprp will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with joipprp provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of joipprp is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At joipprp, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

joipprp‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Journal of Mobile Computing, Communications & Mobile Networks understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

jomccmn uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to jomccmn explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • jomccmn will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with jomccmn provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of jomccmn is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At jomccmn, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

jomccmn‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Journal of Multimedia Technology & Recent Advancements understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

jomtra uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to jomtra explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • jomtra will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with jomtra provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of jomtra is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At jomtra, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

jomtra‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Journal of Open Source Developments understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

joosd uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to joosd explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • joosd will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with joosd provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of joosd is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At joosd, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

joosd‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Journal of Operating Systems Development & Trends understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

joosdt uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to joosdt explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • joosdt will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with joosdt provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of joosdt is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At joosdt, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

joosdt‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Journal of Software Engineering Tools & Technology Trends understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

josettt uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to josettt explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • josettt will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with josettt provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of josettt is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At josettt, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

josettt‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Journal of Web Engineering & Technology understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

jowet uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to jowet explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • jowet will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with jowet provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of jowet is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At jowet, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

jowet‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Recent Trends in Parallel Computing understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

rtpc uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to rtpc explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • rtpc will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with rtpc provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of rtpc is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At rtpc, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

rtpc‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Recent Trends in Programming languages understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

rtpl uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to rtpl explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • rtpl will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with rtpl provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of rtpl is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At rtpl, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

rtpl‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Research & Reviews: Discrete Mathematical Structures understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

rrdms uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to rrdms explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • rrdms will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with rrdms provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of rrdms is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At rrdms, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

rrdms‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Current Trends in Information Technology understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ctit uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ctit explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ctit will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ctit provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ctit is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ctit, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ctit‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Journal Of Network security understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

jons uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to jons explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • jons will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with jons provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of jons is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At jons, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

jons‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Journal of Instrumentation Technology & Innovations understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

joiti uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to joiti explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • joiti will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with joiti provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of joiti is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At joiti, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

joiti‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Journal of Communication Engineering & Systems understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

joces uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to joces explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • joces will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with joces provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of joces is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At joces, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

joces‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Journal of Power Electronics and Power Systems understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

jopeps uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to jopeps explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • jopeps will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with jopeps provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of jopeps is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At jopeps, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

jopeps‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Trends in Electrical Engineering understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

tee uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to tee explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • tee will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with tee provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of tee is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At tee, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

tee‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Journal of Control & Instrumentation understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

joci uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to joci explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • joci will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with joci provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of joci is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At joci, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

joci‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Electrical Machines and Drives understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijemd uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijemd explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijemd will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijemd provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijemd is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijemd, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijemd‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Journal of VLSI Design Tools and Technology understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

jovdtt uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to jovdtt explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • jovdtt will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with jovdtt provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of jovdtt is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At jovdtt, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

jovdtt‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Analysis of Electrical Machines understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijaem uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijaem explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijaem will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijaem provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijaem is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijaem, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijaem‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Electrical Power System and Technology understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijepst uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijepst explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijepst will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijepst provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijepst is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijepst, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijepst‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Microelectronics and Digital Integrated Circuits understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijmdic uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijmdic explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijmdic will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijmdic provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijmdic is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijmdic, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijmdic‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Analog Integrated Circuits understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijaic uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijaic explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijaic will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijaic provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijaic is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijaic, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijaic‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Power Electronics Controllers and Converters understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijpecc uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijpecc explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijpecc will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijpecc provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijpecc is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijpecc, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijpecc‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Electrical Communication Engineering understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijece uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijece explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijece will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijece provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijece is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijece, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijece‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Automatic Control System understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijacs uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijacs explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijacs will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijacs provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijacs is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijacs, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijacs‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Journal of Electronic Design Technology understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

joedt uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to joedt explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • joedt will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with joedt provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of joedt is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At joedt, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

joedt‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Current Trends in Signal Processing understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ctsp uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ctsp explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ctsp will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ctsp provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ctsp is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ctsp, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ctsp‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Trends in Opto-electro & Optical Communication understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

toeoc uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to toeoc explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • toeoc will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with toeoc provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of toeoc is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At toeoc, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

toeoc‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Journal of Semiconductor Devices and Circuits understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

josdc uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to josdc explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • josdc will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with josdc provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of josdc is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At josdc, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

josdc‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Journal of Microelectronics and Solid State Devices understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

jomsd uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to jomsd explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • jomsd will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with jomsd provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of jomsd is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At jomsd, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

jomsd‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Recent Trends in Electronics Communication Systems understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

rtecs uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to rtecs explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • rtecs will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with rtecs provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of rtecs is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At rtecs, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

rtecs‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Journal of Microcontroller Engineering and Applications understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

jomea uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to jomea explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • jomea will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with jomea provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of jomea is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At jomea, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

jomea‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Journal of Microwave Engineering and Technologies understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

jomet uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to jomet explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • jomet will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with jomet provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of jomet is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At jomet, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

jomet‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Journal of Telecommunication, Switching Systems and Networks understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

jotssn uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to jotssn explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • jotssn will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with jotssn provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of jotssn is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At jotssn, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

jotssn‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Recent Trends in Sensor Research & Technology understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

rtsrt uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to rtsrt explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • rtsrt will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with rtsrt provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of rtsrt is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At rtsrt, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

rtsrt‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Radio Frequency Design understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijrfd uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijrfd explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijrfd will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijrfd provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijrfd is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijrfd, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijrfd‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of VLSI Design and Technology understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijvdt uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijvdt explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijvdt will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijvdt provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijvdt is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijvdt, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijvdt‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Embedded Systems and Emerging Technologies understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijeset uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijeset explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijeset will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijeset provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijeset is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijeset, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijeset‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Digital Electronics understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijde uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijde explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijde will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijde provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijde is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijde, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijde‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Digital Communication and Analog Signals understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijdcas uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijdcas explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijdcas will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijdcas provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijdcas is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijdcas, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijdcas‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Microwave Engineering and Technology understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijmet uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijmet explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijmet will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijmet provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijmet is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijmet, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijmet‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Satellite Communication Remote Sensing understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijscrs uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijscrs explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijscrs will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijscrs provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijscrs is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijscrs, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijscrs‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Broadband Cellular Communication understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijbcc uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijbcc explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijbcc will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijbcc provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijbcc is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijbcc, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijbcc‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Telecommunications & Emerging Technologies understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijtet uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijtet explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijtet will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijtet provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijtet is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijtet, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijtet‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Solid State Materials understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijssm uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijssm explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijssm will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijssm provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijssm is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijssm, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijssm‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Journal of Nuclear Engineering & Technology understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

jonet uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to jonet explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • jonet will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with jonet provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of jonet is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At jonet, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

jonet‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Journal of Alternate Energy Sources & Technologies understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

joaest uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to joaest explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • joaest will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with joaest provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of joaest is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At joaest, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

joaest‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Journal of Energy, Environment & Carbon Credits understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

joeecc uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to joeecc explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • joeecc will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with joeecc provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of joeecc is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At joeecc, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

joeecc‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Journal of Thermal Engineering and Applications understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

jotea uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to jotea explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • jotea will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with jotea provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of jotea is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At jotea, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

jotea‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Recent Trends in Fluid Mechanics understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

rtfm uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to rtfm explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • rtfm will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with rtfm provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of rtfm is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At rtfm, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

rtfm‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Journal of Human Rights Law and Practice understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

jhrlp uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to jhrlp explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • jhrlp will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with jhrlp provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of jhrlp is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At jhrlp, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

jhrlp‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Journal of Intellectual Property rights Law understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

jiprl uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to jiprl explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • jiprl will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with jiprl provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of jiprl is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At jiprl, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

jiprl‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Journal of Corporate Governance and International Business Law understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

jcgibl uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to jcgibl explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • jcgibl will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with jcgibl provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of jcgibl is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At jcgibl, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

jcgibl‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Journal of Banking and Insurance Law understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

jbil uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to jbil explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • jbil will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with jbil provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of jbil is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At jbil, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

jbil‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

National Journal of Real Estate Law understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

njrel uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to njrel explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • njrel will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with njrel provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of njrel is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At njrel, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

njrel‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

National Journal of Environmental law understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

njel uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to njel explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • njel will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with njel provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of njel is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At njel, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

njel‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Journal of Taxation and Regulatory framework understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

jtrf uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to jtrf explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • jtrf will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with jtrf provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of jtrf is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At jtrf, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

jtrf‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Journal of Constitutional Law and Jurisprudence understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

jclj uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to jclj explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • jclj will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with jclj provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of jclj is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At jclj, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

jclj‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Journal of Family and Adoption Law understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

jfal uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to jfal explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • jfal will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with jfal provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of jfal is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At jfal, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

jfal‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Journal of Law of Torts and Consumer Protection Law understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

jltcpl uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to jltcpl explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • jltcpl will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with jltcpl provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of jltcpl is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At jltcpl, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

jltcpl‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

National Journal of Labour and Industrial Law understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

njlil uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to njlil explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • njlil will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with njlil provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of njlil is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At njlil, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

njlil‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

National Journal of Cyber Security Law understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

njcsl uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to njcsl explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • njcsl will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with njcsl provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of njcsl is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At njcsl, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

njcsl‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Indian Journal of Health & Medical Laws understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijhml uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijhml explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijhml will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijhml provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijhml is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijhml, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijhml‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Journal of Capital Market and Securities Law understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

jcmsl uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to jcmsl explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • jcmsl will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with jcmsl provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of jcmsl is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At jcmsl, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

jcmsl‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

National Journal of Criminal Law understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

njcl uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to njcl explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • njcl will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with njcl provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of njcl is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At njcl, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

njcl‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Research & Reviews : Journal of Herbal Science understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

rrjohs uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to rrjohs explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • rrjohs will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with rrjohs provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of rrjohs is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At rrjohs, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

rrjohs‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Research & Reviews : Journal of Botany understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

rrjob uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to rrjob explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • rrjob will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with rrjob provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of rrjob is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At rrjob, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

rrjob‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Research & Reviews : Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

rrjoast uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to rrjoast explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • rrjoast will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with rrjoast provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of rrjoast is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At rrjoast, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

rrjoast‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Research & Reviews : Journal of Crop science and Technology understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

rrjocst uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to rrjocst explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • rrjocst will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with rrjocst provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of rrjocst is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At rrjocst, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

rrjocst‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Research & Reviews : Journal of Food Science & Technology understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

rrjofst uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to rrjofst explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • rrjofst will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with rrjofst provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of rrjofst is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At rrjofst, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

rrjofst‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Research & Reviews : Journal of Dairy Science & Technology understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

rrjodst uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to rrjodst explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • rrjodst will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with rrjodst provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of rrjodst is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At rrjodst, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

rrjodst‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Research & Reviews : Journal of Veterinary Science and Technology understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

rrjovst uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to rrjovst explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • rrjovst will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with rrjovst provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of rrjovst is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At rrjovst, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

rrjovst‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Research & Reviews : Journal of Ecology understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

rrjoe uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to rrjoe explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • rrjoe will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with rrjoe provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of rrjoe is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At rrjoe, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

rrjoe‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Research & Reviews : A Journal of Life Sciences understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

rrjols uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to rrjols explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • rrjols will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with rrjols provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of rrjols is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At rrjols, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

rrjols‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Research & Reviews: A Journal of Microbiology & Virology understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

rrjomv uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to rrjomv explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • rrjomv will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with rrjomv provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of rrjomv is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At rrjomv, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

rrjomv‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Omni Science: A Multi-disciplinary Journal understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

osmj uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to osmj explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • osmj will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with osmj provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of osmj is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At osmj, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

osmj‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Journal of Advancements in Library Sciences understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

joals uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to joals explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • joals will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with joals provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of joals is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At joals, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

joals‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Research & Reviews : Journal of Statistics understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

rrjost uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to rrjost explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • rrjost will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with rrjost provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of rrjost is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At rrjost, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

rrjost‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

NOLEGEIN Journal of Management Information Systems understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

njmis uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to njmis explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • njmis will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with njmis provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of njmis is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At njmis, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

njmis‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

NOLEGEIN Journal of Business Ethics , Ethos & CSRw understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

njbeec uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to njbeec explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • njbeec will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with njbeec provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of njbeec is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At njbeec, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

njbeec‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

NOLEGEIN Journal of Entrepreneurship Planning, Development and Management understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

njepdm uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to njepdm explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • njepdm will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with njepdm provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of njepdm is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At njepdm, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

njepdm‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

NOLEGEIN Journal of Operations Research & Management understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

njorm uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to njorm explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • njorm will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with njorm provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of njorm is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At njorm, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

njorm‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

NOLEGEIN Journal of Supply Chain and Logistics Management understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

njsclm uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to njsclm explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • njsclm will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with njsclm provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of njsclm is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At njsclm, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

njsclm‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

NOLEGEIN Journal of Financial Planning And Management understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

njfpm uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to njfpm explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • njfpm will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with njfpm provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of njfpm is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At njfpm, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

njfpm‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

NOLEGEIN Journal of Performance Management & Retention Strategies understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

njpmrs uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to njpmrs explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • njpmrs will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with njpmrs provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of njpmrs is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At njpmrs, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

njpmrs‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

NOLEGEIN Journal of Human Resource Management & Development understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

njhrmd uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to njhrmd explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • njhrmd will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with njhrmd provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of njhrmd is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At njhrmd, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

njhrmd‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

NOLEGEIN Journal of Information Technology & Management understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

njitm uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to njitm explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • njitm will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with njitm provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of njitm is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At njitm, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

njitm‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

NOLEGEIN Journal of Business Risk management understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

njbrm uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to njbrm explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • njbrm will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with njbrm provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of njbrm is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At njbrm, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

njbrm‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

NOLEGEIN Journal of Corporate & Business Laws understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

njcbl uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to njcbl explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • njcbl will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with njcbl provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of njcbl is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At njcbl, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

njcbl‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

NOLEGEIN Journal of Organizational Behavior Management understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

njobm uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to njobm explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • njobm will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with njobm provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of njobm is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At njobm, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

njobm‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

NOLEGEIN Journal of Leadership and Strategic Management understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

njlsm uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to njlsm explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • njlsm will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with njlsm provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of njlsm is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At njlsm, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

njlsm‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

NOLEGEIN Journal of Global Marketing understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

njgm uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to njgm explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • njgm will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with njgm provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of njgm is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At njgm, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

njgm‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

NOLEGEIN Journal of Advertising and Brand Management understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

njabm uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to njabm explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • njabm will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with njabm provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of njabm is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At njabm, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

njabm‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

NOLEGEIN Journal of Consumer Behavior & Market Research understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

njcbmr uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to njcbmr explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • njcbmr will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with njcbmr provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of njcbmr is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At njcbmr, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

njcbmr‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Composite Materials and Matrices understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijcmm uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijcmm explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijcmm will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijcmm provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijcmm is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijcmm, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijcmm‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Energetic Materials understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijem uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijem explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijem will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijem provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijem is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijem, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijem‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Metallurgy and Alloys understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijma uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijma explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijma will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijma provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijma is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijma, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijma‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Biomedical Engineering understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijbe uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijbe explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijbe will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijbe provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijbe is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijbe, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijbe‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Ceramics and Ceramic Technology understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijcct uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijcct explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijcct will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijcct provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijcct is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijcct, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijcct‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Polymer Science & Engineering understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijpse uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijpse explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijpse will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijpse provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijpse is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijpse, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijpse‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Trends in Mechanical Engineering & Technology understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

tmet uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to tmet explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • tmet will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with tmet provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of tmet is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At tmet, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

tmet‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Journal of Experimental & Applied Mechanics understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

joeam uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to joeam explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • joeam will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with joeam provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of joeam is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At joeam, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

joeam‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Journal of Mechatronics and Automation understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

joma uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to joma explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • joma will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with joma provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of joma is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At joma, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

joma‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Trends in Machine design understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

tmd uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to tmd explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • tmd will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with tmd provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of tmd is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At tmd, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

tmd‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Journal of Automobile Engineering and Applications understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

joaea uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to joaea explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • joaea will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with joaea provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of joaea is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At joaea, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

joaea‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Journal of Refrigeration, Air conditioning, Heating and ventilation understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

jorachv uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to jorachv explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • jorachv will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with jorachv provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of jorachv is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At jorachv, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

jorachv‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Thermal Energy and Applications understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijtea uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijtea explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijtea will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijtea provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijtea is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijtea, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijtea‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Production Engineering understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijpe uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijpe explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijpe will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijpe provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijpe is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijpe, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijpe‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijmmp uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijmmp explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijmmp will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijmmp provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijmmp is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijmmp, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijmmp‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Mechanical Handling and Automation understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijmha uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijmha explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijmha will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijmha provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijmha is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijmha, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijmha‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Pollution and Noise Control understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijpnc uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijpnc explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijpnc will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijpnc provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijpnc is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijpnc, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijpnc‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Computer Aided Manufacturing understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijcam uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijcam explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijcam will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijcam provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijcam is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijcam, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijcam‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of I.C. Engines and Gas Turbines understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijicegt uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijicegt explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijicegt will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijicegt provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijicegt is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijicegt, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijicegt‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Mechanics and Design understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijmd uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijmd explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijmd will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijmd provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijmd is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijmd, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijmd‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Robotics and Automation understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijra uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijra explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijra will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijra provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijra is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijra, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijra‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Design understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijied uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijied explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijied will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijied provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijied is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijied, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijied‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Journal of Production Research & Management understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

joprm uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to joprm explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • joprm will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with joprm provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of joprm is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At joprm, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

joprm‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Research & Reviews : A Journal of Immunology understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

rrjoi uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to rrjoi explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • rrjoi will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with rrjoi provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of rrjoi is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At rrjoi, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

rrjoi‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Research & Reviews : A Journal of Medical Science and Technology understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

rrjomst uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to rrjomst explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • rrjomst will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with rrjomst provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of rrjomst is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At rrjomst, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

rrjomst‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Research & Reviews : Journal of Surgery understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

rrjos uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to rrjos explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • rrjos will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with rrjos provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of rrjos is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At rrjos, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

rrjos‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Research & Reviews: A Journal of Dentistry understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

rrjod uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to rrjod explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • rrjod will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with rrjod provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of rrjod is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At rrjod, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

rrjod‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Research & Reviews: A Journal of Health Professions understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

rrjohp uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to rrjohp explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • rrjohp will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with rrjohp provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of rrjohp is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At rrjohp, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

rrjohp‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Research & Reviews: A Journal of Medicine understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

rrjom uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to rrjom explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • rrjom will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with rrjom provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of rrjom is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At rrjom, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

rrjom‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Research & Reviews: A Journal of Neuroscience understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

rrjons uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to rrjons explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • rrjons will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with rrjons provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of rrjons is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At rrjons, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

rrjons‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Research & Reviews: A Journal of Toxicology understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

rrjot uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to rrjot explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • rrjot will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with rrjot provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of rrjot is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At rrjot, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

rrjot‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Research & Reviews: Journal of Oncology and Hematology understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

rrjooh uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to rrjooh explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • rrjooh will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with rrjooh provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of rrjooh is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At rrjooh, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

rrjooh‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Journal of Aerospace Engineering & Technology understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

joaet uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to joaet explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • joaet will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with joaet provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of joaet is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At joaet, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

joaet‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Research & Reviews : Journal of Space Science & Technology understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

rrjosst uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to rrjosst explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • rrjosst will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with rrjosst provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of rrjosst is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At rrjosst, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

rrjosst‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Journal of Remote Sensing & GIS understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

jorsg uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to jorsg explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • jorsg will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with jorsg provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of jorsg is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At jorsg, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

jorsg‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Journal of Water Pollution & Purification Research understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

jowppr uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to jowppr explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • jowppr will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with jowppr provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of jowppr is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At jowppr, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

jowppr‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Nano Trends-A Journal of Nano Technology & Its Applications understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

nts uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to nts explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • nts will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with nts provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of nts is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At nts, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

nts‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Journal of Nanoscience, NanoEngineering & Applications understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

jonsnea uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to jonsnea explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • jonsnea will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with jonsnea provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of jonsnea is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At jonsnea, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

jonsnea‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Applied Nanotechnology understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijan uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijan explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijan will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijan provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijan is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijan, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijan‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Nanomaterials and Nanostructures understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijnn uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijnn explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijnn will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijnn provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijnn is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijnn, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijnn‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journals of Nanobiotechnology understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijnb uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijnb explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijnb will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijnb provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijnb is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijnb, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijnb‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Composite and Constituent Materials understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijccm uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijccm explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijccm will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijccm provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijccm is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijccm, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijccm‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Journal of Nursing Science & Practice understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

jonsp uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to jonsp explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • jonsp will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with jonsp provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of jonsp is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At jonsp, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

jonsp‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Immunological Nursing understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijin uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijin explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijin will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijin provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijin is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijin, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijin‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijcn uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijcn explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijcn will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijcn provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijcn is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijcn, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijcn‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Neurological Nursing understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijnen uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijnen explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijnen will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijnen provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijnen is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijnen, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijnen‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Orthopedic Nursing and Practices understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijornp uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijornp explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijornp will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijornp provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijornp is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijornp, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijornp‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Oncological Nursing and Practices understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijonnp uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijonnp explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijonnp will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijonnp provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijonnp is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijonnp, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijonnp‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Obstetrics, Perinatal and Neonatal Nursing understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijopnn uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijopnn explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijopnn will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijopnn provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijopnn is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijopnn, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijopnn‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Pediatric Nursing understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijpn uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijpn explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijpn will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijpn provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijpn is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijpn, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijpn‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Emergency and Trauma Nursing and Practices understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijetnp uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijetnp explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijetnp will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijetnp provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijetnp is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijetnp, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijetnp‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Nursing Critical Care understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijncc uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijncc explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijncc will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijncc provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijncc is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijncc, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijncc‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Nursing Science Practice and Research understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijnspr uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijnspr explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijnspr will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijnspr provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijnspr is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijnspr, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijnspr‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Community Health Nursing And Practices understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijchnp uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijchnp explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijchnp will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijchnp provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijchnp is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijchnp, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijchnp‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Geriatric Nursing understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijgn uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijgn explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijgn will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijgn provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijgn is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijgn, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijgn‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Women’s Health Nursing And Practices understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijwhnp uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijwhnp explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijwhnp will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijwhnp provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijwhnp is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijwhnp, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijwhnp‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Medical Surgical Nursing understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijmsn uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijmsn explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijmsn will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijmsn provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijmsn is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijmsn, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijmsn‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Evidence Based Nursing And Practices understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijebnp uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijebnp explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijebnp will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijebnp provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijebnp is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijebnp, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijebnp‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Research & Reviews: A Journal of Pharmaceutical Science understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

rrjops uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to rrjops explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • rrjops will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with rrjops provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of rrjops is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At rrjops, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

rrjops‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Research & Reviews: A Journal of Pharmacology understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

rrjop uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to rrjop explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • rrjop will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with rrjop provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of rrjop is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At rrjop, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

rrjop‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Research & Reviews: A Journal of Drug Formulation, Development and Production understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

rrjodfdp uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to rrjodfdp explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • rrjodfdp will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with rrjodfdp provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of rrjodfdp is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At rrjodfdp, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

rrjodfdp‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Research & Reviews: A Journal of Drug Design & Discovery understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

rrjoddd uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to rrjoddd explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • rrjoddd will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with rrjoddd provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of rrjoddd is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At rrjoddd, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

rrjoddd‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Trends in Drug Delivery understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

tdd uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to tdd explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • tdd will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with tdd provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of tdd is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At tdd, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

tdd‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Optical Sciences understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijos uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijos explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijos will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijos provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijos is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijos, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijos‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Electro Mechanics and Mechanical Behaviour understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijemmb uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijemmb explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijemmb will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijemmb provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijemmb is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijemmb, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijemmb‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Research & Reviews : Journal of Physics understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

rrjophy uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to rrjophy explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • rrjophy will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with rrjophy provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of rrjophy is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At rrjophy, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

rrjophy‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Cell Biology and Cellular Functions understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijcbcf uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijcbcf explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijcbcf will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijcbcf provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijcbcf is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijcbcf, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijcbcf‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Molecular Biotechnological Research understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijmbr uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijmbr explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijmbr will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijmbr provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijmbr is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijmbr, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijmbr‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Biochemistry and Biomolecule Research understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijbbr uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijbbr explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijbbr will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijbbr provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijbbr is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijbbr, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijbbr‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijbcb uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijbcb explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijbcb will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijbcb provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijbcb is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijbcb, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijbcb‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Genetic Modifications and Recombinations understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijgmr uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijgmr explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijgmr will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijgmr provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijgmr is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijgmr, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijgmr‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Pollution: Prevention & Control understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijppc uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijppc explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijppc will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijppc provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijppc is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijppc, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijppc‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Midwifery Nursing And Practices understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijmnp uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijmnp explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijmnp will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijmnp provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijmnp is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijmnp, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijmnp‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Electrical Power and Machine Systems understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijepms uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijepms explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijepms will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijepms provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijepms is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijepms, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijepms‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Electrical Machine Analysis and Design understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijemad uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijemad explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijemad will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijemad provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijemad is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijemad, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijemad‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Electrical and Communication Engineering Technology understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijecet uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijecet explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijecet will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijecet provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijecet is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijecet, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijecet‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Algorithms Design and Analysis Review understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijadar uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijadar explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijadar will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijadar provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijadar is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijadar, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijadar‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Advanced Control and System Engineering understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijacse uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijacse explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijacse will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijacse provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijacse is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijacse, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijacse‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Information Security Engineering understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijise uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijise explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijise will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijise provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijise is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijise, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijise‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Computer Science Languages understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijcsl uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijcsl explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijcsl will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijcsl provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijcsl is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijcsl, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijcsl‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Mobile Computing Technology understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijmct uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijmct explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijmct will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijmct provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijmct is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijmct, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijmct‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Wireless Security and Networks understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijwsn uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijwsn explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijwsn will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijwsn provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijwsn is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijwsn, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijwsn‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Data Structure Studies understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijdss uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijdss explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijdss will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijdss provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijdss is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijdss, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijdss‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Electro-Mechanics and Material Behaviour understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijemb uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijemb explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijemb will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijemb provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijemb is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijemb, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijemb‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Mechanical Dynamics and Systems Analysis understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijmdsa uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijmdsa explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijmdsa will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijmdsa provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijmdsa is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijmdsa, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijmdsa‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Machine Systems and Manufacturing Technology understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijmsmt uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijmsmt explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijmsmt will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijmsmt provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijmsmt is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijmsmt, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijmsmt‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Industrial and Product Design Engineering understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijipde uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijipde explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijipde will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijipde provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijipde is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijipde, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijipde‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Advanced Robotics and Automation Technology understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijarat uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijarat explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijarat will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijarat provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijarat is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijarat, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijarat‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Environmental Noise and Pollution Control understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijenpc uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijenpc explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijenpc will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijenpc provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijenpc is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijenpc, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijenpc‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Fracture Mechanics and Damage Science understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijfmds uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijfmds explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijfmds will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijfmds provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijfmds is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijfmds, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijfmds‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Robotics and Automation in Mechanics understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijram uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijram explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijram will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijram provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijram is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijram, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijram‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Energy and Thermal Applications understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijeta uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijeta explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijeta will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijeta provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijeta is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijeta, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijeta‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Manufacturing and Production Engineering understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijmpe uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijmpe explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijmpe will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijmpe provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijmpe is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijmpe, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijmpe‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Crystalline Materials understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijcm uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijcm explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijcm will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijcm provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijcm is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijcm, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijcm‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Mineral understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijmi uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijmi explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijmi will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijmi provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijmi is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijmi, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijmi‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Nutritions understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijn uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijn explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijn will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijn provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijn is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijn, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijn‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Virus Studies understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijvs uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijvs explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijvs will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijvs provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijvs is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijvs, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijvs‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Forest Sciences understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijfs uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijfs explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijfs will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijfs provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijfs is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijfs, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijfs‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Atmosphere understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijat uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijat explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijat will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijat provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijat is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijat, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijat‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Pathogens understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijpg uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijpg explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijpg will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijpg provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijpg is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijpg, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijpg‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Vaccines understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijv uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijv explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijv will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijv provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijv is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijv, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijv‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Toxins understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijtn uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijtn explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijtn will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijtn provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijtn is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijtn, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijtn‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Brain Sciences understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijbs uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijbs explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijbs will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijbs provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijbs is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijbs, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijbs‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Antibiotics understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijab uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijab explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijab will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijab provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijab is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijab, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijab‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Fungi understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijf uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijf explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijf will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijf provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijf is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijf, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijf‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Emerging Trends in Personalized Medicines understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

etpm uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to etpm explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • etpm will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with etpm provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of etpm is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At etpm, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

etpm‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Recent Trends in Infectious Diseases understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

rtid uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to rtid explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • rtid will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with rtid provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of rtid is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At rtid, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

rtid‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Cheminformatics understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijci uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijci explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijci will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijci provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijci is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijci, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijci‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Toxics understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijtc uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijtc explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijtc will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijtc provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijtc is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijtc, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijtc‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Tropical Medicines understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijtm uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijtm explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijtm will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijtm provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijtm is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijtm, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijtm‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Sustainability understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijsu uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijsu explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijsu will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijsu provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijsu is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijsu, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijsu‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Recent Trends in Cosmetics understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

rtc uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to rtc explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • rtc will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with rtc provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of rtc is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At rtc, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

rtc‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Universe understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

iju uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to iju explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • iju will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with iju provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of iju is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At iju, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

iju‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Land understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijl uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijl explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijl will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijl provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijl is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijl, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijl‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Education Sciences understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijes uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijes explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijes will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijes provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijes is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijes, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijes‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Radio Frequency Innovations understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijrfi uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijrfi explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijrfi will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijrfi provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijrfi is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijrfi, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijrfi‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Electronics Automation understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijea uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijea explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijea will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijea provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijea is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijea, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijea‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of VLSI Circuit Design & Technology understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijvcdt uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijvcdt explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijvcdt will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijvcdt provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijvcdt is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijvcdt, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijvcdt‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Satellite Remote Sensing understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijsrs uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijsrs explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijsrs will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijsrs provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijsrs is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijsrs, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijsrs‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Solid State Innovations & Research understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijssir uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijssir explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijssir will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijssir provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijssir is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijssir, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijssir‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Optical Innovations & Research understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijoir uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijoir explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijoir will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijoir provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijoir is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijoir, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijoir‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Recent Trends in Sports understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

rts uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to rts explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • rts will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with rts provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of rts is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At rts, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

rts‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Membranes understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijm uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijm explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijm will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijm provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijm is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijm, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijm‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Emerging Trends in Languages understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

etl uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to etl explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • etl will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with etl provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of etl is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At etl, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

etl‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Research & Reviews: A Journal of Embedded System & Applications understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

rrjoesa uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to rrjoesa explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • rrjoesa will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with rrjoesa provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of rrjoesa is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At rrjoesa, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

rrjoesa‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Emerging Trends in Symmetry understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

etsy uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to etsy explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • etsy will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with etsy provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of etsy is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At etsy, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

etsy‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Climate Conditions understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijcc uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijcc explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijcc will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijcc provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijcc is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijcc, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijcc‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal on Drones understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijd uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijd explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijd will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijd provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijd is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijd, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijd‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Behavioral Sciences understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijbsc uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijbsc explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijbsc will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijbsc provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijbsc is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijbsc, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijbsc‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Marine Life understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijml uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijml explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijml will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijml provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijml is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijml, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijml‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Children understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijc uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijc explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijc will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijc provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijc is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijc, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijc‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Insects understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

iji uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to iji explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • iji will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with iji provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of iji is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At iji, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

iji‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Emerging Trends in Metabolites understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

etm uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to etm explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • etm will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with etm provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of etm is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At etm, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

etm‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Trends in Horticulture understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijthc uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijthc explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijthc will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijthc provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijthc is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijthc, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijthc‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Trends in Humanities understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijth uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijth explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijth will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijth provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijth is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijth, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijth‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Recent Trends in Social Studies understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

rtss uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to rtss explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • rtss will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with rtss provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of rtss is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At rtss, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

rtss‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Biomedical Innovations and Engineering understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijbie uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijbie explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijbie will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijbie provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijbie is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijbie, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijbie‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Advance in Molecular Engineering understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijame uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijame explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijame will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijame provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijame is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijame, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijame‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Photochemistry and Photochemical Research understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijppr uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijppr explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijppr will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijppr provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijppr is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijppr, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijppr‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

International Journal of Toxins and Toxics understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

ijtt uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to ijtt explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • ijtt will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with ijtt provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of ijtt is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At ijtt, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

ijtt‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Recent Trends in Mathematics understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

rtm uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to rtm explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • rtm will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with rtm provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of rtm is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At rtm, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

rtm‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Research & Reviews: A Journal of Bioinformatics understand the significance of upholding the integrity and comprehensiveness of the scholarly record for the benefit of researchers and librarians. We are deeply committed to maintaining trust in the authority of our electronic archive.

rrjobi uphold the fundamental principle of scholarly communication, which places the sole and independent responsibility for deciding which articles are to be published with the Journal’s editor. This decision-making process is guided by the policies set forth by the Journal’s editorial board and is subject to legal obligations concerning issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, or replacement are actions taken in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence of ethical violations, serious errors, or misconduct in published research articles. The responsibility of deciding which articles to publish lies solely with the editor, who is guided by the policies of the Journal’s editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Once an article has been published, it becomes part of the scholarly archive, which serves as a permanent record of scholarly transactions, and published articles are expected to remain unaltered as much as possible.

Article Withdrawal


  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to contain data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, it may be retracted to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.
  • Serious errors: If an article contains serious errors or inaccuracies that invalidate the findings or conclusions, it may be retracted to prevent dissemination of incorrect information.
  • Misconduct: If an author is found to have engaged in scientific misconduct, such as manipulation of data, conflicts of interest, or undisclosed funding sources, the article may be retracted.
  • Legal issues: If an article contains material that infringes on copyright, libel, or other legal issues, it may be removed to prevent legal action against the publisher or author.
  • Safety concerns: If an article contains information that may pose a risk to public health or safety, it may be retracted or removed.


  • If the author, conference organizers, or a third party requests to withdraw a manuscript within a week of the acknowledgment email, there will be no withdrawal penalty.
  • However, if the manuscript has already been submitted to a Journal for processing, the request for withdrawal will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty.
  • The author needs to submit a written letter to rrjobi explaining the reason for withdrawal along with Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • rrjobi will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal only after the withdrawal penalty has been paid in full.
  • Authors are allowed to publish other manuscripts with rrjobi provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines.


  • Ensure that the manuscript does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Obtain consent from all authors in the group for submission.
  • Ensure that students and researchers have obtained prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts to Journals.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been published partially or completely in any other Journal.
  • Properly withdraw the manuscript from any previous publishers if necessary.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal at the time of submission to the current Journal.
  • Avoid redundant publication, meaning publishing multiple similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Article Withdrawal Charge

$ 1500.00

Are you looking to withdraw your article?

Contact us at: [email protected]

Article Retraction

Article retraction states that the editor of a Journal is responsible for deciding whether to retract an article. The decision to retract an article is taken in exceptional circumstances, such as in cases of fraudulent data or unethical research. If a retraction is deemed necessary, the Journal will publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted article and the reason for the retraction. The retraction notice will be linked to the original article and will be prominently displayed on the Journal’s website. The Journal will also ensure that the retracted article is clearly marked as “retracted” in all versions of the article, including those in the Journal’s archives. The Journal will also inform any indexers or databases that have indexed the article about the retraction. In cases where the Journal becomes aware of a potential issue with an article, such as data or ethical concerns, the Journal will investigate the matter promptly and take appropriate action, including retraction if necessary.


  • Plagiarism: If an article is found to have plagiarized content from other sources, it may be retracted.
  • Data fabrication: If an article is found to have fabricated or falsified data, it may be retracted.
  • Ethical violations: If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, such as by conducting research on human subjects without proper consent, it may be retracted.
  • Errors or inaccuracies: If an article is found to contain errors or inaccuracies that significantly affect the conclusions, it may be retracted.
  • Duplication: If an article is found to be substantially similar to another previously published article, it may be retracted as a duplicate publication.
  • Legal issues: If an article is found to violate copyright laws or contain defamatory content, it may be retracted.


Manuscript retraction is an important matter in scholarly publishing. The aim of rrjobi is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record, and therefore we have established policies to govern the retraction of manuscripts.

  • Retractions may be necessary if:
    • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable or fraudulent, including but not limited to data fabrication or manipulation, plagiarism, or duplicate publication.
    • There is a serious error or flaw in the study that invalidates the findings.
    • The manuscript has been published in error, such as due to a technical or administrative issue.

In such cases, the retraction process will be initiated by the editor of the Journal, in consultation with the author(s) and any relevant third parties. The editor will make the final decision on whether to retract the manuscript, taking into account any relevant input and guidelines from external bodies. If a manuscript is retracted, it will be clearly marked as such, and a notice of retraction will be published prominently in the Journal, along with a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the retraction. The retracted manuscript will remain available online as a historical record, but will be clearly marked as retracted and its content should not be used or cited.

Article Retraction Charge

$ 2000.00

Is your article published anywhere else?

Article Removal

Manuscript removal is a serious matter that should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. At rrjobi, we have a policy in place for manuscript removal to ensure the integrity of our publications and safeguard the interests of our readers, authors, and publishers.

Article Replacement

rrjobi‘s policy regarding article replacement is that it is not a common practice and is usually only considered in exceptional cases. If an author identifies a major error in their published article, they should contact the editorial office of the Journal in which the article was published and request a correction or retraction.
If the error is significant and cannot be corrected through a simple correction, and the author can provide a corrected version of the article, then the editorial board may consider replacing the original article with the corrected version. However, this decision will ultimately be made by the editorial board and will depend on the nature of the error and the impact it has on the article.
It is important to note that article replacement is not a routine practice and is only considered in exceptional circumstances. The Journal may also require a fee to cover the cost of the replacement process.


Expressions of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Grounds for Issuing an Expression of Concern

Expressions of Concern are issued in situations where there is significant evidence of:

Process and Resolution

Requesting Article Changes: Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement

To request article withdrawal, replacement, retraction, or removal, follow the guidelines of the Journal or publisher where the article was published. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

It is important to note that there may be fees associated with some requests, such as manuscript withdrawal charges or replacement fees. Be sure to check the Journal or publisher’s policy regarding these fees before making a request.

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