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Dr. Satishkumar Ramanlal Shah

Dr. Satishkumar Ramanlal Shah

Assistant Professor
Lalbhai Dalpatbhai College of Engineering, Gujarat, India
Editor in Chief
International Journal of Chemical Engineering and Processing
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Focus and Scope


About the Journal

International Journal of Chemical Engineering and Processing [2455-5576(e)] is a peer-reviewed open-access journal of engineering and scientific journals launched in 2015 focused on the rapid publication of fundamental research papers in all areas concerning chemical engineering and processing, which are covered under the domain of Chemical Engineering. 

Focus and Scope

  • Equipment & plant miniaturization: Systems engineering, design, remote measurement, control using intelligent sensors, biological process systems engineering, advanced manufacturing robotics,

  • Alternative energy conversion & transport mechanisms: Energy Systems for Transportation, Energy/Power Management, Electric Vehicles, Battery Management Systems, Intelligent Transport Systems, Sustainable chemistry and energy, Waste-to-chemicals, Electrocatalysis, CO2, Late transition, metal nanostructures, Energy conversion, Energy storage, biomass valorization, NH3 direct synthesis, Solar Energy, Sintering Transport processes, Materials processing, Mathematical modeling, Microstructure, Powder Technology, Carrier transport, facilitated transport, membrane separation, amine gas separation.

  • Structured environments:  Graphical method, autocorrelation, Environmental enrichment, Structural preference, Olfactory search, Topological exploration, Odor source localization, informationally structured environment, Intelligent space, Distributed sensor, Service robot, Robot operating system, Motion planning.

  • Intensified plant operation: Industrial plant, utilities, wastewater treatment plants, power plants or chemical plants, gas extraction facilities, petrochemical or oil refineries, heat transfer, reaction, separation, mixing, fluidization, dust disengagement, and filtration.

  • Numerical Methods: Object-oriented programming, numerical library, Wind energy, Weibull function, Monte Carlo simulation, Performance, Random variable, Kolmogorov–Smirnov test, Energy efficiency, Fuzzy system of linear equations, Iterative methods, rough contact problems, multi-level multi-summation, Conjugate gradient techniques.

  • Thermodynamics:  Equilibrium constant, Van’t Hoof equation, Thermodynamic parameters of adsorption, Isotherm models, Biosorption, Kinetics, Rate law, Electron transfer, Electrocatalysis, Oxygen reduction, Hydrogen evolution, Oxygen evolution.

  • Chemical Reaction Engineering: Optimization of chemical reactors, feed composition, operating conditions, catalytic reaction, homogeneous or heterogeneous catalyst, reactive separations vessels, the interactions of flow phenomena, mass transfer, heat transfer, and reaction kinetics.

  • Mechanics of Granular Materials: Transport mechanism, Quasistatic regime, Rapid-Flow regime, Granular flow, Physical properties, contact models, Constitutive relations, Critical state theory, Granular material, Particle shape, Shear behavior, Breakage, Plasticity, Micromechanics, Dissipation, probability and statistics, Stress-strain relationship, Packing anisotropy, Elastic-plastic model.

  • Modeling in Chemical Engineering: Multiscale, Homogeneous–heterogeneous reactors, Monte Carlo Mesoscopic modeling, Quantum calculations, Surface diffusion, Adsorption, Isotherm, Linear, Nonlinear, Error function, Pseudo-first order, Pseudo-second order.

  • Polymer Science and Engineering: Electroactive biomaterial, Neural probes, Biosensors, Tissue engineering, Polythiophene, Cell attachment, Cell pattern formation, Ionic complementarity, Molecular switch, Neurite outgrowth, Peptide matrices, Structural transformation, Surface engineering, Drug delivery, Gene therapy, Bioimaging, Polymer gels, Polymerization, Porous polymer, Microemulsion, Electrochemical polymerization, Conductive polymer, Nanofluid, Supramolecular fluid, Solvents, Suspension polymerization, Hybrid device, Kinesin, Myosin, Microtubule.

  • Modern Instrumental Analysis: Metabolic processes, Spectroscopic analysis, Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, Emission Mossbauer spectroscopy, Sensory quality, Texture profile analysis, Mass-spectrometry, particle characteristics, physicochemical properties, functional properties, Nanocapsules, X-ray diffraction, 3D scan techniques, Gas chromatography–olfactometry, rheometry, electro-analytical techniques, ultrasound, laser.

  • Process Controlling: Establish standards, measure performance, compare actual performance with standards, identification of any deviations, the reason for deviations, desired operating conditions, modern control room, computer graphics screens, electronic processors and graphic displays, computer-based algorithms, control loop, help maintain throughput, quality, yield, and energy efficiency.

  • Colloidal and Interfacial Science: Thermoelectric materials, Interfaces, Grain boundaries, Crystallographic texture, Nanostructures, Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy, Diffusion, Soft matter, Colloids, Dispersion, Surface chemistry, FTIR, Optical microscopy, TEMPO-mediated oxidation, Hydrogels, Thermodynamics, Fundamental equation.

  • Biochemical Engineering: Cavitation reactors, Microbial cell disruption, Water disinfection, Biodiesel production, Machine learning, Data-driven modeling, Industrial biotechnology, Digitalization, Digital twin, Biochemistry, Genetics, Biofuels, Environmental, Microalgae, Research, Education, Practice, Multi-layered view, Immersive learning, Process engineering, Learning design, Industry 4.0, Biomolecules, Engine performance, Molecular marker, Plant tissue culture, Transesterification, Transformation.

  • Molecular Dynamics and Chemical Kinetics: Clathrate hydrates, Kinetic inhibitors, Water, Multiphase system, Interfacial tension, Polymer pyrolysis, Pyrolysis kinetics extraction, Char formation, Activation energy, Thermal decomposition, Epoxy, Magnetic nanoparticles, Chitosan, Molecular dynamics simulation, Graphene gasification, Biodegradation, Bioremediation, Multiscale, Precipitation, Kinetic Monte Carlo.

  • System Engineering: Service Engineering, Product–Service Systems, Literature review, design, integration, managing complex systems, reliability, logistics, work processes, optimization methods, risk management tools, INCOSE (International Council on Systems Engineering), project management, Communication, Organizational skills, Time management, Installing, configuring, testing, application software.

  • Chemical Modeling: Quantum chemical modeling, Co-C bond activation, bioinorganic chemistry, computational study, density functional theory, high-performance concrete (HPC), moisture transport, energy conservation laws, Theoretical chemical kinetics initio electronic structure theory, Transition state theory, Master equation, Combustion Chemistry, Soil organic matter (SOM), Sorption isotherms, Density Functional Theory (DFT).

Last Update: 31-Dec-22