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Dr. Udai Jha
Lovely Professional University, Panjab, India
Editor in Chief
International Journal of Energetic Materials
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About the Journal
International Journal of Energetic Materials [2456-3978(e)] is a peer-reviewed hybrid open-access journal launched in 2015 that establishes an international forum for all aspects of energetic materials. Journal focuses on the emerging trends in the field of propellants, thermal protection material, and detonation. International Journal of energetic material publishes good-quality original research articles and review papers.
Focus and Scope
Explosives: Quantum cascade laser, remote detection, partial least squares, high explosives, artificial intelligence, machine learning, Underwater noise modeling, decommissioning, explosives, sound exposure level, marine mammals, fish, Underwater noise modeling, decommissioning, conductor and pile severance, explosives, sound pressure level, GFETs, TNT explosive, sensor, TNT peptide receptor, graphene sheet, N14, N18, density functional theory (DFT), high energy, stability, overall risk, technical infrastructure, major accident, explosive for civil use, terrorist attack, effects of explosions, blast loading, SDOF systems, thermochemistry of explosives, fragments, crater formation, damage to people.
Pyrotechnic compositions: Pyrotechnic compositions cloud, dust, heliosphere, sublimation, LIC, Reactions of Free, Exothermic Chemical Reactions, interstellar organic matter, Behavior, model, transition, criticality, Field Theory, reaction barrier, Tricritical, Exothermic Chemical, sphere, flow, exothermic, discrete, heat, equations, radiation, modeled, steady, heat transfer, mass transfer, convection-radiation, surface reaction, diffusion approximation, finite difference, Adsorption, Calculated Sticking, chemical reactions, Density functional theory, energy dissipation, Exothermic Surface, fingerprints, Press, prevalent, Sticking.
Rocket and Missile Propellants: Bonding agents (BA), composite solid rocket propellants (CSRP), Reichardt’s ET(30) polarity scale, mechanical properties of CSRP, missile guidance and control, dynamic surface control, state constraints, input saturation, actuator faults, guided artillery rockets, rocket launcher aircraft, hybrid rocket engine, sounding rocket, carbon fiber composite, engine test, total impulse, lightweight design, vibrations, dynamics, sounding rocket, vibration filtering, signal processing, space engineering, Sitophilus zeamais, COXⅡ, Soluble proteins, Enzyme activity, AITC, process improvement, ewe’s cheese, systemic design, intermetallic, refractory metal, tribological property, toughening, WSN, RSSI, Voronoi diagram, vector similar degrees, Lagrange, BCI, recognition, feature extraction, ACCLN network, RBF network.
synthesis and sensitivity of energetic materials: Li-ion cell, Thermal runaway, Accelerating rate calorimeter (ARC), Pressure Change, explosion, energetic material, electromagnetic radiation, characteristic, The BCC/B2 Morphologies in AlxNiCoFeCr High-Entropy Alloys, sublimation, explosive, FTIR, thermogravimetric analysis, grazing angle, MoS2, composite, anode, low cost, Li-ion battery, vanadium pentoxide, lithium-ion batteries, hollow spheres, cathode, micro-arc oxidation, antibacterial ability, Ag, Cu, Zn, W18O49, microstructure, phase transformation, photocatalytic activity, nonlinear vibration, imperfection, curved SWCNT, nonlocal theory, differential quadrature method (DQ), piezoresistive sensor, electron microscope, in situ mechanical test, nano-cube, heterostructures, bottom-up growth, electron microscopy, bandgap, Ag-WO3.
Molecular orbital calculations: Solar System, Planetary System, Planet, Satellite, Sun, Earth, Moon, Topology, Circle, Ellipse, Orbit, Trajectory, Orbital Mechanics, local Hubble expansion, Solar system, Titan, laws of conservation of energy, and angular momentum, Orbital angular momentum, free-space optical communications, turbulence mitigation, electron molecular scattering, R-matrix, expert system, Molpro, cross sections, molecular beam scattering, charge transfer, coupled cluster, excited states, ionization potential, electron affinity, interaction potential, stereoselectivity, Correlated Materials, Battery Materials, DMFT, DFT, MoO2, drill, gorilla, mandrill, nonhuman primates, Papio, stress, structure prediction, superhard material, anisotropic properties.
Thermal decomposition and hazards testing: Fire detection, upwelling radiation, diurnal variation, training data, geostationary sensors, Brominated butyl rubber, Thermal decomposition, Lifetime, tactile sensors, assistive technologies, power wheelchair, medical systems, robotic, joystick, strain-gauge, spasticity.
Thermal decomposition and hazards testing: Micro-Doppler, FMCW radar, through-the-wall, classification, ammonium–arsenic jarosite, characterization, chemical decomposition, thermal decomposition, limited sensor data, structural health monitoring, strain/stress response reconstruction, empirical mode decomposition, Wood-filled PLA, Thermal Decomposition, Starch, 3D printing, TGA, DTG, DSC, thermogravimetric analysis, differential scanning calorimetry, municipal solid waste, organic waste, proximate analysis, process kinetics, Coats–Redfern method, prevention of explosion risks, fireball, thermal radiation, computational geometry, geometric algorithms, Selective Solar Absorber, Solar Absorptance, Thermal Emittance, Evacuated Flat Panel, Calorimeter, High Vacuum Flat Panel, Solar Simulator, noise, noise-induced hearing loss, noise apps, weather stressors, psychological stressors, tractor safety, seatbelt use, dust, air quality.
Detonation and/or Deflagration Processes: Understory species, allometric biomass equation, species-specific and multispecies, temperate coniferous and broadleaved mixed forest, Process monitoring, Welding, Additive manufacturing, Digitization, Sensors, Industry 4.0, Digital twin, Software Process Analysis, Software Process Improvement, Data Prove-nance, Diffusion decomposition, LSW, asymptotic behavior.