Multi-factor Fused Lightpath QoT Prediction for Optical Networks: A Multiple Reservoir Analysis Strategy

Year : 2024 | Volume :14 | Issue : 01 | Page : 28-34

Qiuyue Li,

Difei Cao,

  1. Student Cambridge Institute of Technology, North Campus, China
  2. Student, Cambridge Institute of Technology, North Campus, China


Investigating the channel quality of transmission (QoT) in-depth is crucial for responsive and instant transparent optical network management. However, current lightpath QoT predictions are devoted to univariate modeling. Due to the QoT metrics complicated time-varying process and the existing effects of inter-channel factors, despite the use of an advanced and efficient echo state network (ESN), it is difficult to obtain ideal results in univariate prediction mode. Thus, this paper considers a multi-factor fused mode for lightpath performance prediction based in multiple ESN (MSEN). In fact, despite the optical backbone network’s ultra-high data rates, long-distance transmission networks are frequently subject to erratic and dynamic external factors that hurt service quality. As a result, network managers are forced to increase operating costs and add more design margins. Therefore, it is crucial to track the physical layer performance of optical networks to promptly and accurately detect and address optical link problems and provide transparent, real-time network intelligent management. Experimental results on real-world optical-layer characteristics from the Microsoft optical backbone network demonstrate that the proposed MESN performs much better in prediction than the classic ESN approaches.

Keywords: Quality of Transmission; Optical backbone network; Multiple echo state network; multi-factor prediction

[This article belongs to Trends in Opto-electro & Optical Communication(toeoc)]

How to cite this article: Qiuyue Li, Difei Cao. Multi-factor Fused Lightpath QoT Prediction for Optical Networks: A Multiple Reservoir Analysis Strategy. Trends in Opto-electro & Optical Communication. 2024; 14(01):28-34.
How to cite this URL: Qiuyue Li, Difei Cao. Multi-factor Fused Lightpath QoT Prediction for Optical Networks: A Multiple Reservoir Analysis Strategy. Trends in Opto-electro & Optical Communication. 2024; 14(01):28-34. Available from:

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Regular Issue Subscription Original Research
Volume 14
Issue 01
Received April 23, 2024
Accepted May 31, 2024
Published August 8, 2024

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