Thermodynamics (ijtck)
ISSN: 2456-6977
Toxins and Toxics (ijtt)
ISSN: 3048-507X
Vaccines (ijv)
ISSN: 3048-5681
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ISSN: 2349-4352
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ISSN: 2278-2214

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Total Articles : 3283

  Open Access Article Published on :- 07-Jan-2023
Haydar U. Zaman,
AbstractPolymers are more reinforced with nano metal oxides, a completely flexible composite of engineering that simplifies the way of exhibiting good . . .

[This section belongs to Emerging Trends in Chemical Engineering (etce)]

  Open Access Article Published on :- 07-Jan-2023
Sunil Kumar, Adarsh Kumar,
AbstractQuality monitoring of welded joints is still quite a tedious job for many industries. The surface defects on welded joints arises from the improper . . .

[This section belongs to Research & Reviews : Journal of Computational Biology (rrjocb)]

  Open Access Article Published on :- 07-Jan-2023
Nivedita Sahu, Sundergopal Sridhar,
AbstractThe present invention discloses an inexpensive import substitute compact design of low-cost membrane process for the production of ultrapure water for . . .

[This section belongs to Research & Reviews : A Journal of Biotechnology (rrjobt)]

  Open Access Article Published on :- 07-Jan-2023
Dolly Chandrawanshi1, Debashis Sanyal,
AbstractThis project aims to design an eco-tourism hub in Bastar and construct it in accordance with environmentally friendly principles. It also aims to . . .

[This section belongs to International Journal of Town Planning and Management (ijtpm)]

  Open Access Article Published on :- 07-Jan-2023
D.S.V.G.K. Kaladhar, Akhilesh Tiwari, Shristi Sharma,
AbstractPeptic ulcers are also called as or duodenal ulcers or gastric ulcers that are open sores generally develop in the lining of the stomach due to food . . .

[This section belongs to Research & Reviews : Journal of Computational Biology (rrjocb)]

  Open Access Article Published on :- 07-Jan-2023
Prabha Rai Kalal, Ayushi Gupta, Anjana Jajoo,
AbstractThe present study investigated the impact of foliar spray of zinc oxide nanoparticles on physiological and biochemical reactions in wheat (Triticum . . .

[This section belongs to Research & Reviews : A Journal of Biotechnology (rrjobt)]

  Open Access Article Published on :- 07-Jan-2023
Sushmitha M., B.P. Annapurna, Bhagyashri P, Chethan K,
AbstractModal evaluation is the technique of figuring out the inherent dynamic traits of the shape in phrases of herbal frequencies and mode shapes and the . . .

[This section belongs to Journal of Structural Engineering and Management (josem)]

  Open Access Article Published on :- 07-Jan-2023
Tushita Thakur,
AbstractHomeopathy treats the patient as a whole in mental and physical plane together based on symptom similarity. Homoeopathy rejects mind-body duality. . . .

[This section belongs to Journal of AYUSH: Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy (joayush)]

  Open Access Article Published on :- 07-Jan-2023
Rahul Kumar Gupta, V.K Paul, Sushil Kumar Solanki,
AbstractIndustrialization and modernization play a major role in construction industry and influence the development of infrastructure in all the related . . .

[This section belongs to International Journal of Architecture and Infrastructure Planning (ijaip)]

  Open Access Article Published on :- 07-Jan-2023
Neha Kumari, Taran Sidana, V.K. Paul,
AbstractMalls, like any other retailing centre, are vulnerable to a variety of hazards, including fire, which is a common occurrence in shopping malls. Fires . . .

[This section belongs to International Journal of Town Planning and Management (ijtpm)]

  Open Access Article Published on :- 07-Jan-2023
Megha Gupta, Ayush Jain,
AbstractNowadays the information is being produced increasingly more by means of the enterprises and is being elevated swiftly that want will be saved and . . .

[This section belongs to Research & Reviews : Journal of Computational Biology (rrjocb)]

  Open Access Article Published on :- 07-Jan-2023
Ukpaka C.P.,
AbstractModel development was carried out to examine the ratio of hydrochloric acid gas and water in a packed bed reactor. The research predicted increase in . . .

[This section belongs to Emerging Trends in Chemical Engineering (etce)]

  Open Access Article Published on :- 07-Jan-2023
Tanu Shree,
AbstractOne of the intense problems that the planet is facing Environment pollution. In India, increasing population, industrialization and urbanization are . . .

[This section belongs to International Journal of Landscape Planning and Architecture (ijlpa)]

  Open Access Article Published on :- 07-Jan-2023
Mahanthesh Soumya S.V., N.S. Shettar, Sanathkumar D.G.,
AbstractKatigraha is a Vataja Nanatmaja Vyadhi and it is explained as a condition characterized by Shula and restricted movements of Kati caused by Shuddha or . . .

[This section belongs to Research & Reviews : A Journal of Ayurvedic Science, Yoga & Naturopathy (rrjoasyn)]

  Open Access Article Published on :- 07-Jan-2023
Manoj Kumar,
AbstractClimate change is unavoidable due to the dynamic character of global ecosystems. The reasons of these environmental changes are both man-made and . . .

[This section belongs to International Journal of Environmental Chemistry (ijec)]

  Open Access Article Published on :- 07-Jan-2023
Deep Jayesh Mistry, Amit D. Raval, Jayesh R. Pitroda,
AbstractToday, because of globalization, there have been a number of improvements in the construction of modern technology worldwide, as a result of the quick . . .

[This section belongs to Recent Trends in Civil Engineering & Technology (rtcet)]

  Open Access Article Published on :- 28-Mar-2024
Madeswaran Arumugam, Brahmasundari Shanmugavel,
AbstractThe objective of this study was to investigate the α-amylase inhibitory activity of certain commercially available terpenoids using in silico docking . . .

[This section belongs to Research & Reviews : Journal of Computational Biology (rrjocb)]

  Open Access Article Published on :- 07-Jan-2023
Akshara Bhatnagar1,
AbstractDebris has always been a matter of great concern in the field of space sciences. All the junk that can also be referred as the remains of the space . . .

[This section belongs to Journal of Materials & Metallurgical Engineering (jomme)]

  Open Access Article Published on :- 07-Jan-2023
Virendra Kumar Paul, Chaitali Basu, Abhijit Rastogi, Kuldeep Kumar,
AbstractHealthcare infrastructure in India is undergoing transformation in techno-physical aspects adding to an unprecedented rate of accessibility and . . .

[This section belongs to International Journal of Architecture and Infrastructure Planning (ijaip)]

  Open Access Article Published on :- 07-Jan-2023
Ashika Jain, Ankita Shrivastava,
AbstractToday in the buzzing world where people hardly get time for themselves and the world where the pollution level continuously rises it is a major need . . .

[This section belongs to International Journal of Landscape Planning and Architecture (ijlpa)]

Total: 598

Open Access

Abstract Submission deadline : November 30, 2024
Mansusript Submission deadline : December 25, 2024
Keywords: WAN , Digital economy , Sustainable e-business , Online Channel , Commercial transaction ,
Participating Journals: E-Commerce for Future & Trends
Open Access

Abstract Submission deadline : November 30, 2024
Mansusript Submission deadline : December 25, 2024
Keywords: Environmental modeling , Geographic information , Data models , Artificial neural network
Participating Journals: International Journal of Green Chemistry
Open Access

Abstract Submission deadline : November 30, 2024
Mansusript Submission deadline : December 25, 2024
Keywords: Soil , Sustainability , Hazardous elements , Charcoal , Toxic
Participating Journals: International Journal of Green Chemistry
Open Access

Abstract Submission deadline : November 30, 2024
Mansusript Submission deadline : December 25, 2024
Keywords: Biocatalysts , Enzymes , Pharmaceuticals , Fermentation , Biofuels , Sustainable , Immobilizationv ,
Participating Journals: International Journal of Advance in Molecular Engineering
Open Access

Abstract Submission deadline : November 30, 2024
Mansusript Submission deadline : December 25, 2024
Keywords: Chemical kinetics , Kinetics measurement , Reaction dynamics , Half-life , Natural path , CKA
Participating Journals: International Journal of Advance in Molecular Engineering
  Open Access Article Jan-2023

Anas Ansari,Divya Kundan,Harsh Mishra,

[This section belongs to International Journal of Animal Biotechnology and Applications (ijaba)]

  Open Access Article Jan-2023

Vásquez E.F.,

[This section belongs to Research & Reviews : A Journal of Biotechnology (rrjobt)]

  Open Access Article Jan-2023

Irfat Ara,Mehrukh Zehravi,Mudasir Maqbool,Imran Gani,

[This section belongs to Research & Reviews: A Journal of Health Professions (rrjohp)]

  Open Access Article Jan-2023

K Akinlolu,

[This section belongs to Journal of Catalyst & Catalysis (jocc)]

  Open Access Article Jan-2023

Kamlesh Gade,

[This section belongs to International Journal of Architectural Heritage (ijah)]

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