Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are the subscription rates?

Subscription rates vary depending on the journal and the type of subscription. Please visit our Subscription Rates page to view current pricing.

2. How do I renew my subscription?

To renew your subscription, log in to your account and follow the renewal instructions. You can also contact our Customer Support for assistance.

3. Can I access journals online?

Yes, subscribers have full online access to the journals they subscribe to. Visit our Online Access Instructions page to learn how to access your journals digitally.

4. What should I do if I miss an issue?

If you have not received an issue, please contact our Customer Support within three months of the publication date for domestic claims and six months for international claims.

5. Do you offer Open Access options?

Absolutely! Authors can choose to make their articles open access. Learn more about our open access policies on the Open Access Options page.

6. How can I subscribe to STM Journals?

You can subscribe to STM Journals either online or by contacting our subscription department. Visit our How to Subscribe page for detailed instructions on the subscription process.

7. What types of subscriptions are available?

We offer both individual and institutional subscriptions. Individual subscriptions are intended for personal use, while institutional subscriptions are designed for universities, libraries, and organizations. Learn more on our Subscription Information page.

8. How can librarians manage subscriptions?

We provide various resources for librarians, including access to usage statistics and MARC records. Visit our Librarian Resources page for tools and information.

9. Can I cancel my subscription?

Yes, subscriptions can be canceled according to our cancellation policy. Please contact Customer Support for assistance and refund information.

10. Do you offer trial subscriptions?

We occasionally offer trial access to our journals. Keep an eye on our website or subscribe to our newsletter for updates on promotional offers.

11. How do I claim a missing online article?

If you cannot access an article that should be available to you, please contact Customer Support with the details, and we will assist you promptly.

12. What payment methods do you accept?

We accept all major credit cards, bank transfers, and checks. For detailed payment information, please refer to our How to Subscribe page.

13. What are your customer support hours?

Our customer support team is available Monday to Saturday, 9 AM to 6 PM IST. You can reach us via email or phone as listed on our Customer Support page.

14. How do I update my contact or delivery information?

You can update your personal information by logging into your account on our website. Alternatively, you can contact Customer Support to update your details.

15. Are there any discounts for bulk or consortia subscriptions?

Yes, we offer special rates for bulk and consortia subscriptions. Please visit our Consortia Sales and Licensing page for more information.

Customer Support




Mon-Sat, 9 AM - 6 PM IST

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