AI Hindi Poem Generator

Year : 2024 | Volume :11 | Issue : 02 | Page : –

Ashwini Garole,

Rohit Valsetwar,

Ganesh Sapani,

Atul Thakur,

Kunal Bombe,

  1. Professor Department of Computer science and engineering, Vishwaniketan’s Institute of Management Entrepreneurship and Engineering Technology (ViMEET), Khalapur Maharashtra India
  2. Student Department of Computer science and engineering, Vishwaniketan’s Institute of Management Entrepreneurship and Engineering Technology (ViMEET), Khalapur Maharashtra India
  3. Student Department of Computer science and engineering, Vishwaniketan’s Institute of Management Entrepreneurship and Engineering Technology (ViMEET), Khalapur Maharashtra India
  4. Student Department of Computer science and engineering, Vishwaniketan’s Institute of Management Entrepreneurship and Engineering Technology (ViMEET), Khalapur Maharashtra India
  5. Student Department of Computer science and engineering, Vishwaniketan’s Institute of Management Entrepreneurship and Engineering Technology (ViMEET), Khalapur Maharashtra India


The Hindi Poetry Generator project represents a pioneering initiative in the domain of computational creativity, blending machine learning algorithms and natural language processing methodologies to craft poetic expressions in the Hindi language. Rooted in the vast landscape of Hindi literature, this project harnesses the power of deep learning models to generate evocative and culturally significant poetry.
At its core, the system relies on neural networks and sophisticated language modeling techniques to grasp the intricacies of Hindi poetic structures, including rhyme schemes, meter, and thematic elements. By training these models on a diverse corpus of Hindi poetry, the project achieves a level of understanding that enables it to craft verses that resonate deeply with readers, capturing the essence of Hindi literary traditions while also exploring new creative horizons.
The fusion of artificial intelligence with creative expression in this project opens up exciting possibilities for computational creativity in poetry. Through the iterative process of training and fine-tuning, the system refines its ability to generate poetry that not only adheres to established conventions but also pushes boundaries and introduces innovative poetic forms and themes. This adaptive approach ensures that the generated poetry maintains a balance between tradition and innovation, appealing to a wide range of audiences.
Furthermore, the project explores the potential of transfer learning and reinforcement learning techniques to enhance the quality and diversity of generated poetry. By leveraging pre-trained models such as GPT-3 and incorporating context-aware generation strategies, the system can produce poems that reflect a deep understanding of context and thematic nuances.
In summary, the Hindi Poetry Generator project showcases the transformative potential of artificial intelligence in the realm of creative writing, offering a glimpse into a future where machines collaborate with human creativity to produce compelling and culturally resonant literary works in languages as rich and expressive as Hindi.

Keywords: AI-driven poetry generation, Natural language processing (NLP), Generative models, Neural networks, Hindi poetry, Creative writing, Language models, Transformer-based architectures, GPT-3, Fine-tuning, Attention mechanisms, Recursive neural networks, Context-aware generation.

[This article belongs to Recent Trends in Programming languages(rtpl)]

How to cite this article: Ashwini Garole, Rohit Valsetwar, Ganesh Sapani, Atul Thakur, Kunal Bombe. AI Hindi Poem Generator. Recent Trends in Programming languages. 2024; 11(02):-.
How to cite this URL: Ashwini Garole, Rohit Valsetwar, Ganesh Sapani, Atul Thakur, Kunal Bombe. AI Hindi Poem Generator. Recent Trends in Programming languages. 2024; 11(02):-. Available from:


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Regular Issue Subscription Review Article
Volume 11
Issue 02
Received May 7, 2024
Accepted June 13, 2024
Published July 10, 2024