Decoding Big Data: A Practical Comparison between Hadoop and Spark

Year : 2024 | Volume :11 | Issue : 03 | Page : –

Saunved Palve,

Ammar Abdulhussain,

Om Sawant,

Ayush Yadav,

Aditya Kasar,

  1. Student, Department of Computer Engineering, SVKM’S NMIMS, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
  2. Student, Department of Computer Engineering, SVKM’S NMIMS, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
  3. Student, Department of Computer Engineering, SVKM’S NMIMS, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
  4. Student, Department of Computer Engineering, SVKM’S NMIMS, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
  5. Assistant Professor, School of Technology, SVKM’S NMIMS, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India


This paper conducts a comprehensive comparison of Apache Hadoop and Apache Spark, two essential frameworks in the big data era. The rapid expansion of data possesses challenges in terms of volume, variety, and velocity, which necessitate advanced processing solutions. Hadoop, utilizing its MapReduce paradigm, provides scalable and fault-tolerant storage, whereas Spark, built upon Hadoop, introduces in-memory processing to increase speed and flexibility. This study includes a detailed examination of their features, strengths, and limitations, offering insights through experiments in statistical analysis, machine learning, and database operations. The research contributes valuable perspectives for both practitioners and researchers, enabling them to make informed decisions in the ever-changing landscape of big data analytics. Our experiments reveal that Apache Spark achieves a notable average speedup of 41.57% over Apache Hadoop in statistical and machine learning applications, underscoring its superiority in big data analytics. However, it is important to note that Hadoop excels in database management systems, demonstrating superior performance in particular scenarios.

Keywords: Hadoop, MapReduce, Spark, Sqoop, Average Word Length, Machine Learning, DBMS

[This article belongs to Recent Trends in Parallel Computing(rtpc)]

How to cite this article: Saunved Palve, Ammar Abdulhussain, Om Sawant, Ayush Yadav, Aditya Kasar. Decoding Big Data: A Practical Comparison between Hadoop and Spark. Recent Trends in Parallel Computing. 2024; 11(03):-.
How to cite this URL: Saunved Palve, Ammar Abdulhussain, Om Sawant, Ayush Yadav, Aditya Kasar. Decoding Big Data: A Practical Comparison between Hadoop and Spark. Recent Trends in Parallel Computing. 2024; 11(03):-. Available from:


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Regular Issue Subscription Review Article
Volume 11
Issue 03
Received June 24, 2024
Accepted August 8, 2024
Published September 16, 2024

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