A Novel and Efficient Transmission System for Harnessing Hydro Kinetic Power from Ocean Currents

Year : 2024 | Volume :11 | Issue : 03 | Page : –

Sheeja Janardhanan,

Vidya Chandran,

Gijo George Netticadan,

Ajay S Kumar,

Anand Rajeev,

Anand Rajeev,

Ashwin T,

  1. Associate Professor, School of Naval Architecture & Ocean Engineering, Indian Maritime University, Tamil Nadu, India
  2. Associate professor and Head, School of Naval Architecture & Ocean Engineering, Indian Maritime University, Tamil Nadu, India
  3. Student, School of Naval Architecture & Ocean Engineering, Indian Maritime University, Tamil Nadu, India
  4. Assistant Professor, School of Naval Architecture & Ocean Engineering, Indian Maritime University, Tamil Nadu, India
  5. Student, School of Naval Architecture & Ocean Engineering, Indian Maritime University, Tamil Nadu, India
  6. Student, School of Naval Architecture & Ocean Engineering, Indian Maritime University, Tamil Nadu, India
  7. Student, School of Naval Architecture & Ocean Engineering, Indian Maritime University, Tamil Nadu, India


This paper presents the design principles of a novel power transmission system for an indigenous device known as “Hydro Vortex Power Generator” that harnesses the power of vortices from low velocity streams of water. The flow induced motions of an elastically mounted cylinder that is free to oscillate in the cross-flow direction is converted to electricity by the power generator. To convert the oscillations with non-uniform amplitude and frequency to uniform rotations a novel transmission system is designed and modelled. A ratchet integrated gear mechanism is incorporated to convert the bi-directional rotations to unidirectional. Power output from a single cylinder module of the power generator using the novel transmission system is estimated in this paper. The work also quantifies various efficiencies of the system. A complete mathematical model of the transmission system is presented in this paper, through which the transmission efficiency is estimated to be 78.7 %. A computer aided design model with design specifications of each component of the transmission device is also presented. Based on the model, transmission system is fabricated and is tested for its efficiency on a standalone generator module. The overall efficiency of the power generator with the novel transmission system was observed to be 60.2 % for an output power of 19. 8 W. The model developed is scalable and can be deployed in irrigation canals, rivers and streams for harnessing clean power.

Keywords: Hydro Vortex Power Generator (HVPG), Vortex Induced Vibration (VIV), Cross Flow (CF), Barrel Cam, Transmission System

[This article belongs to Recent Trends in Fluid Mechanics (rtfm)]

How to cite this article:
Sheeja Janardhanan, Vidya Chandran, Gijo George Netticadan, Ajay S Kumar, Anand Rajeev, Anand Rajeev, Ashwin T. A Novel and Efficient Transmission System for Harnessing Hydro Kinetic Power from Ocean Currents. Recent Trends in Fluid Mechanics. 2024; 11(03):-.
How to cite this URL:
Sheeja Janardhanan, Vidya Chandran, Gijo George Netticadan, Ajay S Kumar, Anand Rajeev, Anand Rajeev, Ashwin T. A Novel and Efficient Transmission System for Harnessing Hydro Kinetic Power from Ocean Currents. Recent Trends in Fluid Mechanics. 2024; 11(03):-. Available from: https://journals.stmjournals.com/rtfm/article=2024/view=177053

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Regular Issue Subscription Review Article
Volume 11
Issue 03
Received August 16, 2024
Accepted August 27, 2024
Published October 5, 2024

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