A Novel Approach for Power Generation from Ocean Waves Using Ratchet and Pawl Mechanism

Year : 2024 | Volume :11 | Issue : 01 | Page : 1-7

Adith Krishnan R. Krishnan R.,

Akhil Das,

Anoop Chandran,

Karthik R.,

Maneesha J,

Arun M. S,

  1. UG Scholars,, College of engineering Perumon,, Kerala ,, India
  2. UG Scholars,, College of engineering Perumon,, Kerala ,, India
  3. UG Scholars,, College of engineering Perumon,, Kerala ,, India
  4. UG Scholars,, College of engineering Perumon,, Kerala ,, India
  5. UG Scholars,, College of engineering Perumon,, Kerala ,, India
  6. 6Assistant Professor,, College of engineering Perumon,, Kerala ,, India


Renewable energy sources collectively contribute around 29% to 30% of global electricity generation. Solar and wind power’s intermittency and weather dependency pose challenges for unreliable energy generation, requiring storage solutions like batteries and environmental considerations. By considering the above-mentioned factors, ocean wave energy stands out as a promising and consistent renewable source. Ocean wave energy is highly predictable and consistent, offering a dependable power supply with minimal greenhouse gas emissions and other environmental issues. We are putting forth a brand-new, innovative technique for producing energy from ocean waves by utilizing a ratchet and pawl mechanism. The cumulative torque of the ratchet and pawl mechanism is fed as input to the variable speed AC induction generator. This innovation reduces corrosion susceptibility and simplifies maintenance procedures by strategically placing operational components mostly on the ocean’s surface and along the shoreline.

Keywords: Wec, Rachet-Pawl, Renewable, Waves, Converter, energy, ocean waves.

[This article belongs to Recent Trends in Fluid Mechanics (rtfm)]

How to cite this article:
Adith Krishnan R. Krishnan R., Akhil Das, Anoop Chandran, Karthik R., Maneesha J, Arun M. S. A Novel Approach for Power Generation from Ocean Waves Using Ratchet and Pawl Mechanism. Recent Trends in Fluid Mechanics. 2024; 11(01):1-7.
How to cite this URL:
Adith Krishnan R. Krishnan R., Akhil Das, Anoop Chandran, Karthik R., Maneesha J, Arun M. S. A Novel Approach for Power Generation from Ocean Waves Using Ratchet and Pawl Mechanism. Recent Trends in Fluid Mechanics. 2024; 11(01):1-7. Available from: https://journals.stmjournals.com/rtfm/article=2024/view=175729

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Regular Issue Subscription Original Research
Volume 11
Issue 01
Received May 6, 2024
Accepted May 29, 2024
Published June 27, 2024

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