Year : 2024 | Volume :14 | Issue : 02 | Page : 26-40

Kurhade Nikita T.,

R. S. Londhe,

  1. Student Department of Applied Mechanics, Government College of Engineering, Chh.Sambhajinagar (Aurangabad), Maharashtra, India
  2. Professor Department of Applied Mechanics, Government College of Engineering, Chh.Sambhajinagar (Aurangabad), Maharashtra, India


This study investigates the dynamic behavior of shear walls in high-rise buildings, focusing on the impact of varying parameters like aspect ratio, geometry, and continuous-discontinuous structures. By accurately identifying and quantifying various loads and conducting comprehensive structural analysis. The high-rise complex features reinforced concrete shear walls designed to resist lateral forces, ensuring safety and stability.This topic is chosen because the dynamic behavior of shear walls in high-rise buildings is critical for ensuring structural integrity and stability against lateral forces like wind and earthquakes. By investigating aspects such as aspect ratio, geometry, and continuous-discontinuous wall structures, this study aims to optimize the design and placement of shear walls. Low Aspect Ratio Walls having best performance due to high stiffness. Continuous Wall having high stability and load distribution than Discontinuous Wall. C-Shaped, I-Shaped, T-Shaped and T-Shaped walls are good for design and structural stability but the displacement in minimum in this shaped.

Keywords: Shear wall, Stability, Parameter, Aspect Ratio, Geometry, Lateral Displacement, Base Shear, Response Spectrum Method, High Rise Structures, Comparative Study

[This article belongs to Recent Trends in Civil Engineering & Technology(rtcet)]

How to cite this article: Kurhade Nikita T., R. S. Londhe. INFLUENCE OF ASPECT RATIO, GEOMETRIC CONFIGRATION AND CONTINUTY ON SHEAR WALL PERFORMANCE. Recent Trends in Civil Engineering & Technology. 2024; 14(02):26-40.
How to cite this URL: Kurhade Nikita T., R. S. Londhe. INFLUENCE OF ASPECT RATIO, GEOMETRIC CONFIGRATION AND CONTINUTY ON SHEAR WALL PERFORMANCE. Recent Trends in Civil Engineering & Technology. 2024; 14(02):26-40. Available from:


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Regular Issue Subscription Review Article
Volume 14
Issue 02
Received June 1, 2024
Accepted July 9, 2024
Published July 10, 2024

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