Year : 2024 | Volume :14 | Issue : 02 | Page : 1-9

Swapnil Ramlal Shinde,

L.G. Kalurkar,

  1. Student Department of Civil Engineering, Jawaharlal Nehru Engineering College, Chh.Sambhajinagar (Aurangabad), Maharashtra, India
  2. Professor Department of Civil Engineering, Jawaharlal Nehru Engineering College, Chh.Sambhajinagar (Aurangabad), Maharashtra, India


We live in a fast-paced world where every aspect of life has evolved. In this technological era, the need for change is constant. Many consumer goods have been adapted to fit the new circumstances.. Post Tensioned slabs are the evolution in the field of design which got enhanced due to need of today’s world and in this requirement of architect or customers are also increased by creating opening in slabs which has column to column support greater than 10 m. In this case we have to do post tensioning with opening. Post Tension slab is more suitable for more than 10 m column supports and with less depth requirement also with less percentage of steel requirement. Due to opening in slab it is important to check the behavior of PT slab that the opening is favorable to it or not. This project involves the use of computer program to perform analysis of Post Tensioned slab structure. ETABS 17.0.1 is used to perform analysis and design of PT slab. Slab with non opening and different opening slabs were studied by using this software. In this project mainly four models were modelled in which one model is of non opening slab and remaining three are of different opening slab by same materials and sections. Then comparison is done by using analysis and design results and then observe the displacement, story drift, stiffness, stresses and reinforcement details.

Keywords: Post tensioned slab, Opening, Story Drift, Story Displacement, ETABS 17

[This article belongs to Recent Trends in Civil Engineering & Technology(rtcet)]

How to cite this article: Swapnil Ramlal Shinde, L.G. Kalurkar. DESIGN OF POST-TENSIONED SLAB & ITS BEHAVIOUR WITH OPENING. Recent Trends in Civil Engineering & Technology. 2024; 14(02):1-9.
How to cite this URL: Swapnil Ramlal Shinde, L.G. Kalurkar. DESIGN OF POST-TENSIONED SLAB & ITS BEHAVIOUR WITH OPENING. Recent Trends in Civil Engineering & Technology. 2024; 14(02):1-9. Available from:


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Regular Issue Subscription Original Research
Volume 14
Issue 02
Received June 19, 2024
Accepted July 20, 2024
Published July 22, 2024

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