Overview of Diabetic Neuropathy: A Comprehensive Examination

Year : 2024 | Volume : | : | Page : –

Gagan Devi,

gyanendra Gupta,


India has earned the
unfortunate distinction of being the
global epicenter for diabetes, with an

alarming projection of 109 million
individuals expected to be afflicted by
the condition by 2035The global
influence of diabetic neuropathy is
significant, with an estimated 132
million individuals affected as of 2010,
constituting roughly 1.9% of the global
populace. Notably, within the diabetic
population, there exists a significantly
heightened prevalence The prevalence of
sensory peripheral neuropathy stands at
60.4%, with an incidence rate of 8.76%.
trend is particularly concerning as
individuals age, with the likelihood of
neuropathy increasing over time.The
pervasive nature of this disease extends
beyond national borders, presenting a
burgeoning global challenge that
profoundly influences daily life. The
repercussions of diabetic neuropathy are
multifaceted, encompassing sensory
impairments, motor dysfunction, and an
array of complications that compromise
overall well-being. Tasks as seemingly
mundane as walking, grasping objects, or
even maintaining balance become
formidable challenges for those affected.
Moreover, the socioeconomic
ramifications of diabetic neuropathy are
substantial, as individuals contend with
reduced productivity, increased
healthcare expenditures, and diminished
quality of life. Furthermore, the burden
extends to caregivers and healthcare
systems, amplifying the strain on
resources and exacerbating healthcare
disparities. Essentially, the widespread
and increasing occurrence of diabetic
neuropathy emphasizes the critical
necessity for comprehensive approaches
focused on preventing, detecting early,
and managing it effectively. Addressing
this multifaceted challenge demands a
concerted global effort, encompassing
research, policy initiatives, public
awareness campaigns, and accessible healthcare services. Only through
collective action can we hope to mitigate
the profound impact of this global health
crisis and alleviate the suffering endured
by millions worldwide

Keywords: Keywords:Diabetes capital,Sensory peripheral neuropathy,Global problem

How to cite this article: Gagan Devi, gyanendra Gupta. Overview of Diabetic Neuropathy: A Comprehensive Examination. Research & Reviews: A Journal of Toxicology. 2024; ():-.
How to cite this URL: Gagan Devi, gyanendra Gupta. Overview of Diabetic Neuropathy: A Comprehensive Examination. Research & Reviews: A Journal of Toxicology. 2024; ():-. Available from: https://journals.stmjournals.com/rrjot/article=2024/view=137107


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Ahead of Print Subscription Review Article
Received February 5, 2024
Accepted February 9, 2024
Published March 30, 2024