A study to access the knowledge of adolscents’s girls prevention of iron deficiency anemia in modern government girls inter college pantnagar U.S.,nagar, uttarakhand with a view to develop an information booklet on prevention and management of iron deficiency anemia

Year : 2024 | Volume :13 | Issue : 02 | Page : –

Nisha Joshi,

Aakansha Papola,


A study was conducted at Modern Government Girls Inter College in Pant Nagar, U.S. Nagar, Uttarakhand, aiming to assess adolescent girls’ knowledge of preventing iron deficiency anemia and to develop effective educational materials. The research employed a non-experimental design, selecting a sample of 100 adolescent girls through convenient sampling. Data collection involved two parts: Part A covered demographic variables, while Part B consisted of a 32-item knowledge questionnaire on anemia prevention.

Findings revealed that among the sampled girls, 49% had moderate knowledge, 22% had adequate knowledge, and 29% had inadequate knowledge about anemia prevention. In terms of demographics, most girls were aged 16 years (34%), followed by 15 years (20%). The majority were Hindu (85%), with 43% in 11th standard and 26% in 12th standard. Regarding menarche, 55% experienced it between ages 10-13, and 88% had previous knowledge about anemia prevention.

Statistical analysis using chi-square tests indicated significant associations between knowledge levels and demographic factors such as age, religion, education level, father’s occupation, family type, food pattern, residence, number of siblings, age of menarche, duration of menstruation, previous knowledge, and information sources. Specifically, lower p-values than the critical values indicated associations for these variables.

However, living status and father’s income showed no significant associations with knowledge levels. Chi-square values for living status (27.01) and father’s income (23.35) exceeded their respective critical values, suggesting no correlation with girls’ knowledge of anemia prevention.

In conclusion, the study highlighted that many adolescent girls possess moderate knowledge about preventing iron deficiency anemia. Recommendations included further research to generalize findings and enhance educational efforts on this critical health issue among adolescents.

Keywords: Iron – deficiency, anemia, adolescent’s girls, knowledge, prevention.

[This article belongs to Research & Reviews : Journal of Surgery (rrjos)]

How to cite this article:
Nisha Joshi, Aakansha Papola. A study to access the knowledge of adolscents’s girls prevention of iron deficiency anemia in modern government girls inter college pantnagar U.S.,nagar, uttarakhand with a view to develop an information booklet on prevention and management of iron deficiency anemia. Research & Reviews : Journal of Surgery. 2024; 13(02):-.
How to cite this URL:
Nisha Joshi, Aakansha Papola. A study to access the knowledge of adolscents’s girls prevention of iron deficiency anemia in modern government girls inter college pantnagar U.S.,nagar, uttarakhand with a view to develop an information booklet on prevention and management of iron deficiency anemia. Research & Reviews : Journal of Surgery. 2024; 13(02):-. Available from: https://journals.stmjournals.com/rrjos/article=2024/view=175827

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Regular Issue Subscription Original Research
Volume 13
Issue 02
Received July 2, 2024
Accepted April 12, 2024
Published July 30, 2024

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