Review Article on Biomedical Lubricant Hydrogels as Cartilage Substitutes

Year : 2024 | Volume :13 | Issue : 01 | Page : 35-48

Amit Medhavi,

Utkarsh Kumar Sharma,

Daya Shanker,

  1. Research Scholar Department of Mechanical Engineering, KNIT Sultanpur Uttar Pradesh India
  2. Research Scholar Department of Mechanical Engineering, KNIT Sultanpur Uttar Pradesh India
  3. Associate Professor Department of Physics, University of Lucknow, Lucknow Uttar Pradesh India


This article underscores the increasing popularity of hydrogel lubricants in the biomedical domain and
presents a comprehensive exploration of their potential as substitutes for cartilage. This understanding
forms the foundation for the development of hydrogel-based lubricants that are designed to emulate
these natural functionalities. Providing detailed insights, this article navigates through cutting-edge
bio-inspired architecture techniques tailored to create hydrogels for cartilage. The emphasis is on
achieving superior strength through diverse network architectures, substantiated by case studies and
experimental results. To address tribological properties, novel surface modification techniques have
been introduced to augment the strength of hydrogel lubricants, thereby enhancing their performance
in biomedical applications. Practical applications of synthetic joint materials and natural bone tissues
are discussed, offering a tangible perspective, further detailing the application of hydrogels to surfaces,
and exploring methods for their incorporation into synthetic joint materials or natural bone tissues. A
comprehensive overview of the techniques and considerations is presented, focusing on the effective
applications across various biomedical settings. Reviewing the current challenges from diverse
viewpoints, this article outlines potential research directions for hydrogel lubricants inspired by
cartilage. Insightful guidance is provided to guide future studies on the development of novel materials
for biomechanics and technology. In conclusion, this study emphasizes the pivotal role of hydrogel
lubricants in biomedical applications. It underscores the ongoing need for exploration and innovation,
drawing inspiration from the remarkable properties of natural articular cartilage to propel
advancements in this evolving field. For instance, during the mixing or gelation process of hydrogel
precursors, fluid flow can influence factors such as the distribution of crosslinking agents,
polymerization kinetics, and overall homogeneity of the hydrogel structure. Achieving a controlled and
uniform structure within the hydrogel is crucial for optimizing its mechanical properties, including its
strength. In summary, the Reynolds number may be more relevant in the processing steps affecting
hydrogel formation rather than directly analyzing the internal structure of the hydrogel itself.
Techniques such as microscopy and spectroscopy are often employed for detailed structural analysis
of hydrogels. Fluid dynamics plays a role in the analysis of the hydrogel structure by influencing the
processing conditions during hydrogel formation. Fluid dynamics can impact the structural analysis of
hydrogels in several ways

Keywords: Hydrogels, Cartilages, Bones of human body, Tribological Properties, Lubricants of human bone movement

[This article belongs to Research & Reviews : Journal of Physics(rrjophy)]

How to cite this article: Amit Medhavi, Utkarsh Kumar Sharma, Daya Shanker. Review Article on Biomedical Lubricant Hydrogels as Cartilage Substitutes. Research & Reviews : Journal of Physics. 2024; 13(01):35-48.
How to cite this URL: Amit Medhavi, Utkarsh Kumar Sharma, Daya Shanker. Review Article on Biomedical Lubricant Hydrogels as Cartilage Substitutes. Research & Reviews : Journal of Physics. 2024; 13(01):35-48. Available from:


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Regular Issue Subscription Review Article
Volume 13
Issue 01
Received June 5, 2024
Accepted June 21, 2024
Published July 25, 2024

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