Investigating the Dynamics of Quantum Plasmas: Current Advancements and Prospective Trajectories

Year : 2024 | Volume :13 | Issue : 01 | Page : 22-34

Punit Kumar,

  1. Assistant Professor Department of Physics, University of Lucknow, Lucknow Uttar Pradesh India


Plasma is regarded as quantum if its macroscopic properties are significantly affected by the quantum
nature of its constituent particles. A proper description is necessary to comprehend the importance of
collective quantum plasma effects. In this entry, the field of quantum plasmas, a generic exotic state of
highly ionized matter where quantum effects are relevant, is discussed, for example, by dense plasmas
arising from strong laser irradiation of solid targets in compact astrophysical objects such as white
dwarfs or neutron stars, solid-state plasmas, and ultrasmall electronic devices. In addition, many
condensed matter systems, including the electron gas in metals, metallic nanoparticles, and electron-hole systems in semiconductors and heterostructures, exhibit quantum plasma behavior. The early developments in this subject have been described. The most commonly used microscopic approaches to
describe quantum plasma are discussed along with their related assumptions and restrictions. In
particular, the quantum hydrodynamic (QHD) model for finite-temperature plasmas has been
consistently described, and the range of applicability of the QHD is discussed.

Keywords: Quantum plasma, QHD model, Kinetic models, Nanoplasmas, Nanoparticles

[This article belongs to Research & Reviews : Journal of Physics(rrjophy)]

How to cite this article: Punit Kumar. Investigating the Dynamics of Quantum Plasmas: Current Advancements and Prospective Trajectories. Research & Reviews : Journal of Physics. 2024; 13(01):22-34.
How to cite this URL: Punit Kumar. Investigating the Dynamics of Quantum Plasmas: Current Advancements and Prospective Trajectories. Research & Reviews : Journal of Physics. 2024; 13(01):22-34. Available from:


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Regular Issue Subscription Review Article
Volume 13
Issue 01
Received April 4, 2024
Accepted July 26, 2024
Published August 3, 2024

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