Health Implications of Electromagnetic Wave Exposure

Year : 2024 | Volume :13 | Issue : 01 | Page : 9-13

Rohitash Kumar,

Neelesh Kumar Maurya,

  1. Assistant Professor Department of Physics, Northern Institute for Integrated Learning in Management (NIILM) University, Kaithal Haryana India
  2. Assistant Professor Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, School of Allied Health Science, Sharda University, Greater Noida Uttar Pradesh India


From low-frequency radio waves to high-frequency gamma rays, electromagnetic waves have a wide
range of effects on human health. This diverse subject includes an extensive spectrum of waves. The
non-thermal effects of low-frequency waves, such as microwaves, are not completely understood despite
the fact that they predominantly represent thermal dangers, which could potentially lead to tissue
heating and damage similar to those caused by heating. High-frequency radiation, such as gamma and
X-rays, can harm cells and DNA because they are ionizing radiations. Other health problems, including
cancer, may arise from this damage. However, under regulated conditions, these waves are extremely
important in medical diagnoses and treatment. Visible light and certain ultraviolet rays are necessary
for activities such as vision and vitamin D production; nevertheless, excessive exposure to ultraviolet
light can cause damage to the skin and an increased risk of developing cancer. The phenomenon of
electromagnetic hypersensitivity, which is characterized by symptoms such as headache and
exhaustion, does not have any scientific evidence as a recognized disorder linked to electromagnetic
exposure. Investigations are still being conducted to determine the long-term implications of persistent
exposure to low-level electromagnetic fields, particularly regarding the chance of being diagnosed with
cancer. Considering the fact that the effects vary depending on the type of wave and the level of
exposure, it is usually recommended to take essential precautions to reduce unnecessary exposure,
particularly to ionizing radiation. This study focuses on the consequences for the human body and ways
to protect them. This study focuses on the consequences for the human body and ways to protect them.

Keywords: Electromagnetic waves, Need in present time, Effect on human body, Radio frequency, Navigating system

[This article belongs to Research & Reviews : Journal of Physics(rrjophy)]

How to cite this article: Rohitash Kumar, Neelesh Kumar Maurya. Health Implications of Electromagnetic Wave Exposure. Research & Reviews : Journal of Physics. 2024; 13(01):9-13.
How to cite this URL: Rohitash Kumar, Neelesh Kumar Maurya. Health Implications of Electromagnetic Wave Exposure. Research & Reviews : Journal of Physics. 2024; 13(01):9-13. Available from:


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Regular Issue Subscription Review Article
Volume 13
Issue 01
Received June 27, 2024
Accepted July 6, 2024
Published July 25, 2024

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