Platelets A Tiny Cell Fragments

Year : 2024 | Volume :13 | Issue : 02 | Page : 22-28

Jagrati shakya,

Ajit Pal Singh,

  1. Student Department of Medical Lab Technology, SSAHS, Sharda University, Gr. Noida Uttar Pradesh India
  2. Assistant Professor Department of Medical Lab Technology, SSAHS, Sharda University, Gr. Noida Uttar Pradesh india


Platelets are disc-shaped, anucleate cells that are approximately 2-3 μm in diameter. Their primary function is to control hemostasis, or blood clotting, but they also play important roles in angiogenesis (the formation of new blood vessels) and innate immunity (the body’s first line of defence against infection). With a diameter of just 2-3 microns, platelets are tiny, disc-shaped cells that lack a nucleus. While their main responsibility is to ensure proper blood clotting, they also contribute to wound healing and immune function. Platelets, disc-like cells measuring around 2-3 μm in diameter and lacking a nucleus, are essential for blood clotting (hemostasis). However, their roles extend beyond this, as they also support the formation of new blood vessels (angiogenesis) and the body’s innate immune response. While adult humans have about one trillion platelets constantly circulating, their regeneration mechanism remains largely unknown. Platelets originate from nucleated cells known as megakaryocytes, primarily located in the bone marrow. These cells range in size from 30 to 100 μm. During development, megakaryocytes extend proplatelet elongations into sinusoidal blood vessels, releasing platelets. These platelets develop distinct structural features, including a well-defined plasma membrane, an open canalicular system (OCS), a dense tubular system (DTS), and various organelles like peroxisomes, lysosomes, mitochondria, and dense granules. Understanding the increasingly varied and numerous biological roles of circulating platelets requires an understanding of the complex and multiple process of proplatelet elongation and platelet formation, which defines the morphology and ultrastructure of circulating platelets. Physiological hemostasis involves the quick formation of a platelet plug to stop bleeding following arterial injury. High platelet residual reactivity promotes thromboembolic problems in individuals on antiplatelet medication, whereas qualitative and/or quantitative platelet abnormalities promote bleeding. The molecular mechanisms behind the different phases of platelet activation—adhesion, shape change, release reaction, and aggregation—have been well-defined, although their complete translation into laboratory experiments has not yet been accomplished. Laboratory tests of platelet function, such as bleeding time, Lumi aggregometry, light transmission platelet aggregation, impedance aggregometry on whole blood, and platelet activation assessed by flow cytometry, have historically been used to diagnose hemostatic disorders and treat patients with platelet and hemostatic defects.

Keywords: Cells, Bleeding, membrane, morphology, adhesion.

[This article belongs to Research & Reviews: Journal of Oncology and Hematology(rrjooh)]

How to cite this article: Jagrati shakya, Ajit Pal Singh. Platelets A Tiny Cell Fragments. Research & Reviews: Journal of Oncology and Hematology. 2024; 13(02):22-28.
How to cite this URL: Jagrati shakya, Ajit Pal Singh. Platelets A Tiny Cell Fragments. Research & Reviews: Journal of Oncology and Hematology. 2024; 13(02):22-28. Available from:


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Regular Issue Subscription Review Article
Volume 13
Issue 02
Received February 26, 2024
Accepted March 4, 2024
Published August 22, 2024

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