Metabolic Reprogramming in Carcinogenesis: An Overview

Year : 2024 | Volume :14 | Issue : 02 | Page : 32-38

Sharique Ahmad,

Nishat I. Iram,

Priyesh Srivastava,

Sidrah Fatima,

Sharique Ahmad,

Raushan Kumar,

  1. Professor Department of Pathology, Era’s Lucknow Medical College and Hospital, Era University, Lucknow Uttar Pradesh India
  2. Juinor Resident Department Pathology, Era’s Lucknow Medical College and Hospital, Era University Uttar Pradesh India
  3. Juinor Resident Department Pathology, Era’s Lucknow Medical College and Hospital, Era University Uttar Pradesh India
  4. Juinor Resident Department Pathology, Era’s Lucknow Medical College and Hospital, Era University Uttar Pradesh India
  5. Research Scholar Department of Biochemistry, Era’s Lucknow Medical College and Hospital, Era University, Lucknow Uttar Pradesh India
  6. Research Analyst Department of Pathology, Era’s Lucknow Medical College and Hospital, Era University Uttar Pradesh India


Metabolic reprogramming is a crucial mechanism via which cells modify their metabolic pathways to adjust to changes in the environment and maintain growth, survival, and function. This phenomenon is of utmost importance in a wide range of physiological and pathological situations, specifically in cancer, immunological responses, and stem cell biology. In cancer, metabolic reprogramming facilitates fast cell growth and survival, as demonstrated by the Warburg effect, where cancer cells prioritize glycolysis over oxidative phosphorylation, even when oxygen is available. This alteration allows for the generation of ATP and metabolic intermediates that are crucial for biosynthesis and growth. Crucial controllers, including oncogenes and tumor suppressors, coordinate these alterations in metabolism by regulating glycolytic enzymes and glucose transporters. Cancer cells demonstrate metabolic flexibility by utilizing oxidative phosphorylation in addition to glycolysis, adjusting their metabolism based on environmental factors and energy requirements. Signaling molecules like AMPK and mTOR have essential functions in maintaining the equilibrium of these pathways. This review paper offers a thorough examination of the mechanisms that drive metabolic reprogramming, its significance in disease, and its possible therapeutic uses. Ongoing research holds the potential for innovative therapeutic approaches in several diseases, such as cancer, immunological disorders, and degenerative ailments. As our comprehension of cellular metabolism becomes more profound, our capacity to control it for therapeutic advantage will also increase.

Keywords: Metabolic reprogramming, Mitochondrial membrane potential, Carcinogenesis, Warburg effect, glycolysis, oncogenes

[This article belongs to Research & Reviews: A Journal of Medicine(rrjom)]

How to cite this article: Sharique Ahmad, Nishat I. Iram, Priyesh Srivastava, Sidrah Fatima, Sharique Ahmad, Raushan Kumar. Metabolic Reprogramming in Carcinogenesis: An Overview. Research & Reviews: A Journal of Medicine. 2024; 14(02):32-38.
How to cite this URL: Sharique Ahmad, Nishat I. Iram, Priyesh Srivastava, Sidrah Fatima, Sharique Ahmad, Raushan Kumar. Metabolic Reprogramming in Carcinogenesis: An Overview. Research & Reviews: A Journal of Medicine. 2024; 14(02):32-38. Available from:


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Regular Issue Subscription Review Article
Volume 14
Issue 02
Received June 7, 2024
Accepted June 26, 2024
Published August 22, 2024

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