Year : 2024 | Volume : | : | Page : –

Ban Shaker Alushuker,

Sahira Ayyed Abdul-Sahib Almusawi,

Reissan Shakir Abdalamer,

Ghufran Shakir Abdalamer,

  1. Lecturer, Department of Biology, Faculty of Education for Girl, University of Kufa, , Iraq
  2. Assistant Professor, Technical Institution, Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University, Najaf, , Iraq
  3. Assistant Professor, Laser Department, Al-Nisour University College, , Iraq
  4. Assistant Professor, Department of Biology, Microbial Biotechnology, Najaf, , Iraq


The current study aimed to study the morphological characteristics of the tapeworm Tetrabothrius Rudolphi, 1819 by examining it using a light microscope. The present revision was accompanied in Najaf Governorate since January 4/10/2023 to December 1/12/2023. 10 tapeworms of Tetrabothrius sp. were insulated from the innards of 30 resident chickens Gallus gallus domesticus. The morphological features of the tapeworms were considered expending a sunlit optical microscope by tentative the bonce region, matured sectors and gravid segments. A perusing electron optical microscope (SEM) is a brand of electron microscope that fruitages metaphors of a classic by perusing the exterior with a concentrated beam of electrons. The electrons conjoin with atoms in the section, generating innumerable pointers that encompass evidence round the superficial topography and alignment of the section., Illustrations are commonly riding firmly on a variety pouch or end using a conductive paste. SEM is secondhand widely for fault enquiry of semiconductor wafers, and industrialists variety tools that can inspect any part of a 300 mm semiconductor cracker. Several implements have spaces that can tilt an objective of that magnitude to 45° and deliver constant 360° revolution., Predictably, a SEM case is compulsory to be entirely dry, meanwhile the variety cavity is below great vacuum. Solid, dry resources such as lumber, jaw, naps, desiccated pests, or missiles (counting egg shells) can be scrutinized with little more behavior, but existing cells and skins and entire, laidback-bodied beings necessitate chemical fixation to reserve and steady their arrangement. If the SEM is fortified with a cold phase for cryo microscopy, cryofixation may be castoff and low-malaise perusing electron microscopy achieved on the cryogenically immobile specimens.

Keywords: Tapeworm, Tetrabothrius Rudolphi, light microscope, Gallus gallus.

How to cite this article:
Ban Shaker Alushuker, Sahira Ayyed Abdul-Sahib Almusawi, Reissan Shakir Abdalamer, Ghufran Shakir Abdalamer. [226 wpautop=0 striphtml=1]. Research & Reviews : A Journal of Life Sciences. 2024; ():-.
How to cite this URL:
Ban Shaker Alushuker, Sahira Ayyed Abdul-Sahib Almusawi, Reissan Shakir Abdalamer, Ghufran Shakir Abdalamer. [226 striphtml=1]. Research & Reviews : A Journal of Life Sciences. 2024; ():-. Available from:

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Ahead of Print Subscription Original Research
Received September 15, 2024
Accepted September 24, 2024
Published September 30, 2024

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