Development of a Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Based Model Aimed at Forecasting the Prognostic Impact of C-Reactive Protein in Myocarditis

Year : 2024 | Volume :14 | Issue : 02 | Page : 12-24

indra singh,

Abdul Kareem,

  1. Professor & HOD Department of AI & ML and data Science, Moddlakatte Institute of Technology, Kundapura Karnataka India
  2. Professor, Principal & Chairman Department of AI & ML and data Science, Moddlakatte Institute of Technology, Kundapura Karnataka India


The specific role of inflammation markers in myocarditis remains uncertain. We investigated the diagnostic and prognostic significance of C-reactive protein (CRP) levels at the initial diagnosis among myocarditis patients. Our retrospective study enrolled patients clinically suspected (CS) or biopsy-proven (BP) with myocarditis, with available CRP data at diagnosis. We collected patient information, including clinical, laboratory, and imaging findings at diagnosis and follow-up visits. We utilized machine learning methods, specifically random forest for survival data analysis, to identify factors predicting death or the need for a heart transplant (Htx). Our cohort included 409 patients, predominantly male (74%), with an average age of 37 ± 15 years and a median follow-up period of 2.9 years. Elevated CRP levels were observed in 288 patients, particularly in those with CS myocarditis (p < 0.001), recent viral infections, shorter symptom duration (p = 0.001), chest pain (p < 0.001), better functional status at diagnosis (p = 0.018), and higher troponin I levels (p < 0.001). Among the 13 patients experiencing death or requiring heart transplant, 10 had BP myocarditis, yielding an overall 10-year survival rate of 94%. However, survival rates did not significantly differ based on CRP levels (p = 0.23). The most robust predictors of survival were left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF), presence of anti-nuclear autoantibodies (ANA), and biopsy-confirmed myocarditis. In conclusion, elevated CRP levels at diagnosis may suggest CS myocarditis and milder clinical manifestations but do not significantly contribute to predicting long-term survival. Primary predictors of adverse outcomes include reduced LVEF, biopsy-proven diagnosis, and the presence of ANA.

Keywords: Myocarditis, C-reactive protein (CRP), diagnosis, prognosis, survival analysis, random forest, machine learning, biopsy-proven myocarditis, clinically suspected myocarditis, troponin I levels, left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF), anti-nuclear autoantibodies (ANA), chest pain, viral infections

[This article belongs to Research & Reviews: A Journal of Health Professions(rrjohp)]

How to cite this article: indra singh, Abdul Kareem. Development of a Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Based Model Aimed at Forecasting the Prognostic Impact of C-Reactive Protein in Myocarditis. Research & Reviews: A Journal of Health Professions. 2024; 14(02):12-24.
How to cite this URL: indra singh, Abdul Kareem. Development of a Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Based Model Aimed at Forecasting the Prognostic Impact of C-Reactive Protein in Myocarditis. Research & Reviews: A Journal of Health Professions. 2024; 14(02):12-24. Available from:


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Regular Issue Subscription Review Article
Volume 14
Issue 02
Received June 24, 2024
Accepted July 2, 2024
Published August 16, 2024

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