Reasons For Not Studying in The Young Generation and Its Solutions

Year : 2024 | Volume :14 | Issue : 02 | Page : 34-41

Bakhti Khan Mushtaq

1.1 Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs, Pamir University Khost, Afghanistan.

1.2 Lecturer, Department of Law & Political Science Faculty, Khost, Afghanistan.


However, two decades ago, the education process in Afghanistan was promoted more than before, the level of literacy increased, many public and private schools, universities, and other semi-higher education institutions were established, numbers of printing houses and publications were created, and many magazines and other types of books were printed every month. The culture of learning and studying was moving forward rapidly. Unfortunately, in the last decade, the learning and studying process declined again. The publishing of books, magazines, and the interest in studying returned to its lowest peak. The level of poverty, unemployment, illiteracy and corruption has also increased, and social media spread its veil over the young generation, which the level of study among the students has also decreased, but the international community has not taken any concrete steps to prevent this disaster, which is related to the future of a big human society. Additionally, the problem of non-studying is currently an international issue that has drawn the attention of scholars, university lecturers, and college teachers from different countries. They have pointed out various reasons for it and are trying to find suitable solutions. Some reasons for not studying in different countries are similar, while most of them are different from each other. Afghanistan is also one of those countries whose learning and study culture has recently weakened and is getting weaker day by day. Therefore, this study emphasizes the individual and social factors that have caused the young generation, particularly the students of the country, to not study. It also suggests appropriate and suitable solutions for them.

Keywords: Factors, motivation, not studying, solution ways, young generation

[This article belongs to Omni Science: A Multi-disciplinary Journal(osmj)]

How to cite this article: Bakhti Khan Mushtaq. Reasons For Not Studying in The Young Generation and Its Solutions. Omni Science: A Multi-disciplinary Journal. 2024; 14(02):34-41.
How to cite this URL: Bakhti Khan Mushtaq. Reasons For Not Studying in The Young Generation and Its Solutions. Omni Science: A Multi-disciplinary Journal. 2024; 14(02):34-41. Available from:


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Regular Issue Subscription Review Article
Volume 14
Issue 02
Received February 17, 2024
Accepted March 13, 2024
Published April 30, 2024