Latent Fingerprint Development via Green Synthesis of PbO Nanoparticles Using Helianthus (Sunflower) Extract

Year : 2024 | Volume :26 | Issue : 02 | Page : 12-17

Tanmay Bhosale,

Gayatri Sarade,

Kunal Shelar,

  1. Student, Department of Nanoscience and Technology,Yashwantrao Chavan Institute of Science,Satara, Maharashtra, India
  2. Student, Department of Forensic Science,Yashwantrao Chavan Institute of Science,Satara, Maharashtra, India
  3. Student, Department of Nanoscience and Technology,Yashwantrao Chavan Institute of Science,Satara, Maharashtra, India


Fingerprints are crucial evidence in personal identification, categorized into three types: latent (invisible), patent (visible), and plastic (three-dimensional). To make the latent prints visible, various techniques are used like the powder method, chemical method, and different light sources. In the powder method, commercially available powders are used and are effective; however, incorporating nanoparticles enhances their effectiveness. In this study, a novel fingerprint powder is prepared through green synthesis using distilled water and sunflower extract. Subsequently, lead nitrate is added to the synthesis, resulting in the formation of PbO nanoparticles. The new powder gives good results and has longer-term durability than the commercially available powders. The newly synthesized powder demonstrated superior results and greater long-term durability compared to commercially available powders. Its nanoparticle composition allows for more precise and detailed visualization of latent fingerprints. The use of green synthesis methods promotes environmental sustainability by minimizing the dependence on hazardous chemicals employed in conventional synthesis processes. This enhanced fingerprint powder not only improves the accuracy of latent fingerprint detection but also offers a more durable and environmentally friendly alternative to traditional powders. As a result, it represents a significant advancement in forensic science, providing law enforcement and forensic professionals with a more effective tool for personal identification.

Keywords: Nanoparticles, Forensic science, Green Synthesis, Fingerprint Powder, SEM, EDAX

[This article belongs to Nano Trends-A Journal of Nano Technology & Its Applications (nts)]

How to cite this article:
Tanmay Bhosale, Gayatri Sarade, Kunal Shelar. Latent Fingerprint Development via Green Synthesis of PbO Nanoparticles Using Helianthus (Sunflower) Extract. Nano Trends-A Journal of Nano Technology & Its Applications. 2024; 26(02):12-17.
How to cite this URL:
Tanmay Bhosale, Gayatri Sarade, Kunal Shelar. Latent Fingerprint Development via Green Synthesis of PbO Nanoparticles Using Helianthus (Sunflower) Extract. Nano Trends-A Journal of Nano Technology & Its Applications. 2024; 26(02):12-17. Available from:

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  1. Gour A, Jain NK. Advances in green synthesis of nanoparticles. Artif Cells Nanomedicine Biotechnol. 2019 Dec 4; 47(1): 844–51.
  2. Yan L, Yu Y, Xia Z. Microwave-assisted in situ synthesis of fluorescent gold nanoclusters with BSA/montmorillonite and application on latent fingermark imaging. Sci China Chem. 2018 May; 61(5): 619–26.
  3. Li H, Wang T, Tang Y, Wu J, Yu P, Guo L, et al. Combining multi-scale composite windows with hierarchical smoothing strategy for fingerprint orientation field computation. Biomed Eng OnLine. 2018 Dec; 17(1):
  4. Bhagat DS, Suryawanshi IV, Gurnule WB, Sawant SS, Chavan PB. Greener synthesis of CuO nanoparticles for enhanced development of latent fingerprints. Mater Today Proc. 2021; 36(Pt 3): 747–50.
  5. Garg RK, Kumari H, Kaur R. A new technique for visualization of latent fingerprints on various surfaces using powder from turmeric: A rhizomatous herbaceous plant (Curcuma longa). Egypt J Forensic Sci. 2011 Mar; 1(1): 53–7.
  6. Girod A, Ramotowski R, Weyermann C. Composition of fingermark residue: A qualitative and quantitative review. Forensic Sci Int. 2012 Nov; 223(1–3): 10–24.
  7. Aswathi VP, Meera S, Maria CGA, Nidhin M. Green synthesis of nanoparticles from biodegradable waste extracts and their applications: a critical review. Nanotechnol Environ Eng. 2023 Jun; 8(2): 377–97.
  8. Ying S, Guan Z, Ofoegbu PC, Clubb P, Rico C, He F, et al. Green synthesis of nanoparticles: Current developments and limitations. Environ Technol Innov. 2022 May; 26:
  9. Su B. Recent progress on fingerprint visualization and analysis by imaging ridge residue components. Anal Bioanal Chem. 2016 Apr; 408(11): 2781–91.
  10. Kataria N, Garg VK. Green synthesis of Fe3O4 nanoparticles loaded sawdust carbon for cadmium (II) removal from water: Regeneration and mechanism. Chemosphere. 2018 Oct; 208: 818–28.
  1. Gour A, Jain NK. Advances in green synthesis of nanoparticles. Artif Cells Nanomedicine Biotechnol. 2019 Dec 4; 47(1): 844–51.
  2. Yan L, Yu Y, Xia Z. Microwave-assisted in situ synthesis of fluorescent gold nanoclusters with BSA/montmorillonite and application on latent fingermark imaging. Sci China Chem. 2018 May; 61(5): 619–26.
  3. Li H, Wang T, Tang Y, Wu J, Yu P, Guo L, et al. Combining multi-scale composite windows with hierarchical smoothing strategy for fingerprint orientation field computation. Biomed Eng OnLine. 2018 Dec; 17(1):
  4. Bhagat DS, Suryawanshi IV, Gurnule WB, Sawant SS, Chavan PB. Greener synthesis of CuO nanoparticles for enhanced development of latent fingerprints. Mater Today Proc. 2021; 36(Pt 3): 747–50.
  5. Garg RK, Kumari H, Kaur R. A new technique for visualization of latent fingerprints on various surfaces using powder from turmeric: A rhizomatous herbaceous plant (Curcuma longa). Egypt J Forensic Sci. 2011 Mar; 1(1): 53–7.
  6. Girod A, Ramotowski R, Weyermann C. Composition of fingermark residue: A qualitative and quantitative review. Forensic Sci Int. 2012 Nov; 223(1–3): 10–24.
  7. Aswathi VP, Meera S, Maria CGA, Nidhin M. Green synthesis of nanoparticles from biodegradable waste extracts and their applications: a critical review. Nanotechnol Environ Eng. 2023 Jun; 8(2): 377–97.
  8. Ying S, Guan Z, Ofoegbu PC, Clubb P, Rico C, He F, et al. Green synthesis of nanoparticles: Current developments and limitations. Environ Technol Innov. 2022 May; 26:
  9. Su B. Recent progress on fingerprint visualization and analysis by imaging ridge residue components. Anal Bioanal Chem. 2016 Apr; 408(11): 2781–91.
  10. Kataria N, Garg VK. Green synthesis of Fe3O4 nanoparticles loaded sawdust carbon for cadmium (II) removal from water: Regeneration and mechanism. Chemosphere. 2018 Oct; 208: 818–28.

Regular Issue Subscription Original Research
Volume 26
Issue 02
Received July 25, 2024
Accepted August 24, 2024
Published September 17, 2024

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