Monitoring eddy current density fluctuation and power management in doped Al 2 O 3

Year : 2024 | Volume :26 | Issue : 01 | Page : 35-45

Gizachew Diga,

  1. Associate Professor Department of Physics, Jimma University Jimma Ethiopia


Al2O3 nanowire presents fascinating electrical properties which span from insulating (dielectric) to superconducting. A model is designed to describe the Phenomenon of eddy electric current and eddy current density fluctuation. Ohmic type theorem is developed using the modified Green – Kubo theorem. With little modification Green-Kubo theorem is incorporated to explain the relationship between eddy current density, electric field, and electric conductivity. Then factor contributing eddy current density fluctuations are demystified. The current density fluctuation is therefore, responsible for the resulting power dissipation in Al2O3 based transmission lines. A systematic approach is required in order to reduce the dissipative effects and current density fluctuation. Electrical conductivity test is conveyed from J-E ⃗ graph while electrical parameters characterizing electrical transport phenomenon are determined from J-Δn graph. Then the effect of coating nanowire, wireless sensor networking systems, electrical power distribution monitoring and management systems are expect to minimize electric power fluctuations caused by eddy current density fluctuations. Whence, this research presents insight into electric current density fluctuations and stimulating new vision toward monitoring power dissipations caused by eddy current fluctuation.

Keywords: Al2O3 nanowire, eddy current, density fluctuation, Power management

[This article belongs to Nano Trends-A Journal of Nano Technology & Its Applications(nts)]

How to cite this article: Gizachew Diga. Monitoring eddy current density fluctuation and power management in doped Al 2 O 3. Nano Trends-A Journal of Nano Technology & Its Applications. 2024; 26(01):35-45.
How to cite this URL: Gizachew Diga. Monitoring eddy current density fluctuation and power management in doped Al 2 O 3. Nano Trends-A Journal of Nano Technology & Its Applications. 2024; 26(01):35-45. Available from:

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Regular Issue Subscription Original Research
Volume 26
Issue 01
Received June 4, 2024
Accepted July 26, 2024
Published July 31, 2024

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