Performance Analysis of Schmitt Trigger Circuit for Noise-Free Chips

Year : 2024 | Volume :14 | Issue : 03 | Page : 11-20

Hetav Desai Desai,

Zaid Gugarman,

Pallavi Darji,

Mitesh Limbachia,

  1. UG graduate,, Dharmsinh Desai Institute of Technology,, Nadiad,, India
  2. UG graduate,, Dharmsinh Desai Institute of Technology,, Nadiad,, India
  3. Associate Professor,, Dharmsinh Desai Institute of Technology,, Nadiad,, India
  4. Assistant Professor, Dharmsinh Desai Institute of Technology,, Nadiad,, India


At lower nodes of CMOS technology, noise within a chip increase due to a drastic increment in interconnects within a given area. To improve the noise immunity of a chip, a Schmitt trigger circuit is used as a buffer instead of a simple CMOS inverter at various intervals along the metal interconnect. The use of a Schmitt trigger circuit not only makes the chip noise immune but also increases the speed of operation. Different typologies of Schmitt trigger circuits, such as 4T, 6T, and 6T with body bias, are studied, implemented, and analyzed based on speed, area, power, and hysteresis. Since there is a trade-off between these parameters, the Power Delay Product (PDP) is determined, and the best one will be chosen as per the requirement. The Schmitt trigger circuit is also used in IO pads surrounding the chip and in a bidirectional bus as a tri­state buffer in a communication system. The 4T Schmitt trigger is found82% lower Power-Delay Product (PDP) compared to the conventional 6T Schmitt trigger circuit. Modern electronics have become more susceptible to noise due to the shrinking of components and the growing complexity of integrated circuits. This can cause irregular behaviour and a deterioration in signal integrity. One common remedy for noise-related problems is the Schmitt trigger circuit. By supplying hysteresis, it guarantees steady signal processing and eliminates undesired noise in digital systems. Schmitt trigger circuit design, functionality, and performance are examined in this article, with a focus on their use in the production of noise-free semiconductors.

Keywords: CMOS, Schmitt Trigger, Power, Hysteresis, Propagation Delay, Noise, Buffer

[This article belongs to Journal of VLSI Design Tools and Technology (jovdtt)]

How to cite this article:
Hetav Desai Desai, Zaid Gugarman, Pallavi Darji, Mitesh Limbachia. Performance Analysis of Schmitt Trigger Circuit for Noise-Free Chips. Journal of VLSI Design Tools and Technology. 2024; 14(03):11-20.
How to cite this URL:
Hetav Desai Desai, Zaid Gugarman, Pallavi Darji, Mitesh Limbachia. Performance Analysis of Schmitt Trigger Circuit for Noise-Free Chips. Journal of VLSI Design Tools and Technology. 2024; 14(03):11-20. Available from:


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Regular Issue Subscription Original Research
Volume 14
Issue 03
Received 21/08/2024
Accepted 27/08/2024
Published 30/09/2024

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