Study and Analysis of Labour Management on Building Construction Project

Year : 2024 | Volume : | : | Page : –

Prasad Dagade,

Om Chakke,

Harshal Gade,

Atharva Chorge,

Akash Patole,

M. Kapote,

  1. Student Department of Civil Engineering, RMDSSOE, Pune
  2. Student Department of Civil Engineering, RMDSSOE, Pune
  3. Student Department of Civil Engineering, RMDSSOE, Pune
  4. Student Department of Civil Engineering, RMDSSOE, Pune
  5. Student Department of Civil Engineering, RMDSSOE, Pune
  6. Assistant Professor Department of Civil Engineering, RMDSSOE, Pune


The term “labour management” describes a business’s procedures and guidelines for adhering to national and international labour laws as well as client demands. In order to increase labour productivity, this study sought to measure the efficacy of a number of implemented management strategies, such as resource scheduling, advanced construction methods, labour management, training, communication, supervision, planning, and incentive programs. Labour management is an important parameter considered on site because the cost of labour is about 30%-50% of overall project cost. This paper emphasizes better labour management process. The questionnaire survey was done with 71 labours and 25 project managers. A simple purposive sampling technique was adopted to collect the data. It helped to illustrate a better framework for effective labour management and effective labour productivity. The outcome of the study will help the construction professionals to improve labour productivity and effective labour management in a construction industry.

Keywords: Framework, labour management, labour productivity, planning, scheduling

How to cite this article: Prasad Dagade, Om Chakke, Harshal Gade, Atharva Chorge, Akash Patole, M. Kapote. Study and Analysis of Labour Management on Building Construction Project. Journal of Structural Engineering and Management. 2024; ():-.
How to cite this URL: Prasad Dagade, Om Chakke, Harshal Gade, Atharva Chorge, Akash Patole, M. Kapote. Study and Analysis of Labour Management on Building Construction Project. Journal of Structural Engineering and Management. 2024; ():-. Available from:


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Ahead of Print Subscription Original Research
Received June 18, 2024
Accepted July 16, 2024
Published July 18, 2024

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