Impact of Urbanization on Biodiversity Hotspot: A case study of Bhubaneswar City

Year : 2024 | Volume :15 | Issue : 03 | Page : –

Dibya Jyoti Mohanty,

Pravasini Behera,

Jajnaseni Rout,

  1. Ph.D. Research Scholar,, Ravenshaw University, Ravenshaw University, Cuttack,, Odisha,, India.
  2. Post Graduate student,, Ravenshaw University, Ravenshaw University, Cuttack,, Odisha,, India
  3. Assistant Professor,, Ravenshaw University, Ravenshaw University, Cuttack,, Odisha,, India


Urbanization has also contributed to pollution and generation of waste heat leading to changes in the urban heat balance therefore influencing its microclimate. Urban regions confront heightened heat wave conditions due to Urban Heat Island (UHI) impact which is a result of anthropogenic effects on both surface and atmospheric temperature patterns relative to the natural environment. The investigation was carried out in a 20-kilometer radius around the city of Bhubaneswar.  The goal of the project is to identify the built-up settlement area and potential causes that may be interfering with wildlife movement and activity in biodiversity hotspots, as well as to investigate the effects of urbanization on biodiversity in the 20 km buffer zone surrounding the city of Bhubaneswar. The remote sensing and GIS technique is used for the research purpose. Three sets of time series data of the year 2004, 2014 and 2024 have been used to study the status of the study area. The NDVI, NDBI, Landuse/Landcover (LU/LC) analysis showing the vegetation and built up are growing tremendously. Urban expansion was a major driver of forest land loss in Bhubaneswar city region. The maximum NDVI value is increasing 0.42 to 0.57 during the period due to plantation program done by the forest department and also the maximum NDBI value increasing from 0.23 to 0.58. The biodiversity of the Chandaka and Bharatpur forest area is affecting due to the expansion of the built-up area though huge plantation programmer has done for sustain the natural resource and also the environment. Both the proportional cover and spatial pattern of developed land significantly affected forest fragmentation in the biodiversity areas.

Keywords: UHI, NDVI, NDBI, Remote Sensing, GIS, LU/LC, Time series

[This article belongs to Journal of Remote Sensing & GIS (jorsg)]

How to cite this article:
Dibya Jyoti Mohanty, Pravasini Behera, Jajnaseni Rout. Impact of Urbanization on Biodiversity Hotspot: A case study of Bhubaneswar City. Journal of Remote Sensing & GIS. 2024; 15(03):-.
How to cite this URL:
Dibya Jyoti Mohanty, Pravasini Behera, Jajnaseni Rout. Impact of Urbanization on Biodiversity Hotspot: A case study of Bhubaneswar City. Journal of Remote Sensing & GIS. 2024; 15(03):-. Available from:


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Regular Issue Subscription Case Study
Volume 15
Issue 03
Received 17/08/2024
Accepted 02/09/2024
Published 04/10/2024

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