Efficiency analysis of the floating breakwater with mooring system

Year : 2024 | Volume : | : | Page : –

Pravin M. Sarwade,

Vaibhav B. Chavan,

  1. Student Department of civil, Shreeyash College of Engineering & Technology, Maharashtra, India
  2. Associate Professor Department of civil, Shreeyash College of Engineering & Technology, Maharashtra, India


Floating structures are new advance method for the water based structures. Floating structures
can eliminate land issue. The floating structures are being used since ancient time for emergency
and temporary purposes. For permanent structures the floating structure should overcome and
completely resistant to water forces i.e. wave forces, water current forces, and wind forces and
water static forces. In which the wave forces and water forces are major forces which exerts
maximum magnitude of force and produce higher stresses in the floating structures. The floating
structures are should be capable of resisting these forces. The wave forces and the water current
forces make the floating structure unstable and sway. By using floating breakwater and
breakwaters with mooring system the floating structures can be made more stable and
equilibrium. Floating Breakwaters are like the coastal breakwaters. Their purpose is same as to
absorb the wave energy. Just they are kept afloat in the water. Mooring system is providing a
strong support with the help of the cables from the bottom topography and from the land.
Breakwaters can consume the wave energy at some extent for supporting the floating structure in
stability and equilibrium. In this study the efficiency of the floating breakwaters is calculated in
the laboratory on the scale models of the pontoons and breakwaters.

Keywords: Floating breakwaters, Pontoons, mooring system.

How to cite this article: Pravin M. Sarwade, Vaibhav B. Chavan. Efficiency analysis of the floating breakwater with mooring system. Journal of Offshore Structure and Technology. 2024; ():-.
How to cite this URL: Pravin M. Sarwade, Vaibhav B. Chavan. Efficiency analysis of the floating breakwater with mooring system. Journal of Offshore Structure and Technology. 2024; ():-. Available from: https://journals.stmjournals.com/joost/article=2024/view=166850


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Ahead of Print Subscription Original Research
Received July 17, 2024
Accepted July 25, 2024
Published July 30, 2024

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