OpenCV, AI, and Haar Cascade File: A Review

Year : 2024 | Volume :11 | Issue : 02 | Page : 39-46

Nitin Budania,

Mann Sethi,

Mohit Jeswani,

Khushi Agarwal,

Neetu Joshi,

  1. Student Department of Computer Engineering, Poornima College of Engineering, Jaipur Rajasthan India
  2. Student Department of Computer Engineering, Poornima College of Engineering, Jaipur Rajasthan India
  3. Student Department of Computer Engineering, Poornima College of Engineering, Jaipur Rajasthan India
  4. Student Department of Computer Engineering, Poornima College of Engineering, Jaipur Rajasthan India
  5. Assistant Professor Department of Computer Engineering, Poornima College of Engineering, Jaipur Rajasthan India


Real-time image processing applications using OpenCV encompass a diverse and crucial array of tasks in modern technology. OpenCV’s robust capabilities enable the implementation of object detection and tracking, which are vital for surveillance systems to monitor and analyze activities in real time. In the realm of security, face recognition technology, powered by OpenCV, provides accurate and efficient identification and authentication, enhancing safety measures. Gesture recognition, another significant application, facilitates intuitive human-computer interaction, allowing users to control devices through natural movements. Moreover, OpenCV’s support for document scanning applications plays a pivotal role in the digitization of physical documents. Through advanced text extraction and optical character recognition techniques, OpenCV converts paper documents into editable and searchable digital formats, streamlining workflows and improving accessibility. These applications not only demonstrate OpenCV’s versatility but also its practicality in addressing real-world challenges. OpenCV’s contributions extend across numerous domains, from security and surveillance to digital documentation and interactive technologies. By providing a comprehensive platform for these diverse applications, OpenCV drives significant advancements in computer vision technology, paving the way for future innovations and practical solutions in an increasingly digital world.

Keywords: Image processing, OpenCV, face detection, Haar cascade files, artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms

[This article belongs to Journal of Open Source Developments(joosd)]

How to cite this article: Nitin Budania, Mann Sethi, Mohit Jeswani, Khushi Agarwal, Neetu Joshi. OpenCV, AI, and Haar Cascade File: A Review. Journal of Open Source Developments. 2024; 11(02):39-46.
How to cite this URL: Nitin Budania, Mann Sethi, Mohit Jeswani, Khushi Agarwal, Neetu Joshi. OpenCV, AI, and Haar Cascade File: A Review. Journal of Open Source Developments. 2024; 11(02):39-46. Available from:


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Regular Issue Subscription Review Article
Volume 11
Issue 02
Received May 6, 2024
Accepted July 31, 2024
Published August 7, 2024

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