Analyzing And Predicting the Battery Health of Battery Energy in EV’s

Year : 2024 | Volume : | : | Page : –

M. Gayathri,

Mrs. P. Arthi,

A Thenmozhi,

  1. UG Scholars, TPGIT, Bagayam, Vellore District, Tamilnadu, India
  2. Assistant Professor, TPGIT, Bagayam, Vellore District, Tamilnadu, India
  3. UG Scholars, TPGIT, Bagayam, Vellore District, Tamilnadu, India


The most widely used energy storage components in products like electric cars, portable electronics, and energy storage systems are lithium batteries. On the other hand, if lithium batteries are not regularly checked, they may perform worse, have a shorter lifespan, or even explode or cause serious harm. Our proposal is to develop a state of health monitoring system for lithium batteries and an algorithm for estimating the state of charge based on the state of health results, to avert such mishaps. Additionally, since speed control affects the rotational speed of motors and other machinery, it is required in electric cars. This directly affects how the machine operates and is essential to the calibre and result of the work. Li-ion batteries have a lot of energy in them, and thermal runaway accelerates quicker the more power is in the battery itself. If the battery is fully charged and something happened inside it, then thermal runaway would happen quickly. To overcome this, fire protection of electric vehicles is necessary.

Keywords: Lithium batteries, rotational speed, health monitoring, accelerates, energy storage

How to cite this article: M. Gayathri, Mrs. P. Arthi, A Thenmozhi. Analyzing And Predicting the Battery Health of Battery Energy in EV’s. Journal of Nuclear Engineering & Technology. 2024; ():-.
How to cite this URL: M. Gayathri, Mrs. P. Arthi, A Thenmozhi. Analyzing And Predicting the Battery Health of Battery Energy in EV’s. Journal of Nuclear Engineering & Technology. 2024; ():-. Available from:


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Ahead of Print Subscription Review Article
Received July 1, 2024
Accepted July 26, 2024
Published August 16, 2024

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