Innovative Garbage Sorting Solutions for the Glass Industry

Year : 2024 | Volume :11 | Issue : 01 | Page : 9-17

Rishab Rao Chauhan

Sulakshana Patil

  1. Student Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Sinhgad Institute of Technology, Kurvande Maharashtra India
  2. Professor Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Sinhgad Institute of Technology, Kurvande Maharashtra India


One of the main factors contributing to global pollution, which is increasingly becoming a serious health concern, is the growing amount of trash in our cities. Furthermore, the continuous exposure of garbage collectors to solid waste can result in health issues and labor scarcity. We provide a novel solution to these problems: an autonomous trash collector that can go around and look for rubbish. Trash is collected by the automatic garbage collector and placed in a specified container. Garbage can be picked up and moved to the container by the manipulator arm fitted on the collector. To avoid impediments, the manipulator arm can move by means of a vehicle. Moreover, the collector’s camera recognizes trash when it is in front of it, enabling the manipulator arm to remove it. The suggested system locates and gathers trash in a region using sensors and a camera. While the camera is used to determine the sort of rubbish and its position, the sensors are utilized to detect its existence. When the trash is recognized, the manipulator arm goes over to pick it up. After that, the gathered trash is kept in the designated receptacle, which can be routinely cleaned and emptied. An inventive way to lessen the pollution in our towns is with this robotic rubbish collector. Additionally, it can lessen garbage collectors’ exposure to solid waste, which can result in fewer health issues and a safer working environment.

Keywords: Robot, garbage, automatic, obstacle, collector, dustbin, image recognition

[This article belongs to Journal of Microelectronics and Solid State Devices(jomsd)]

How to cite this article: Rishab Rao Chauhan, Sulakshana Patil. Innovative Garbage Sorting Solutions for the Glass Industry. Journal of Microelectronics and Solid State Devices. 2024; 11(01):9-17.
How to cite this URL: Rishab Rao Chauhan, Sulakshana Patil. Innovative Garbage Sorting Solutions for the Glass Industry. Journal of Microelectronics and Solid State Devices. 2024; 11(01):9-17. Available from:

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Regular Issue Subscription Original Research
Volume 11
Issue 01
Received May 1, 2024
Accepted May 15, 2024
Published May 28, 2024