Smart Dustbin for Household Using Internet of Things (IoT)

Year : 2024 | Volume :11 | Issue : 02 | Page : 38-48

Raju R. Kulkarni,

Priti Prakash Kadam,

Komal Manohar Dahiphale,

Pooja Vasantrao Vharkate,

Supriya Nagnath Kute,

Gaurav Madhukarrao Itkare,

  1. Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering Department, Shri Shivaji Institute of Engineering Studies, M.S. India, ,
  2. U.G. Student, Civil Engineering Department, Shri Shivaji Institute of Engineering Studies, M.S. India, ,
  3. U.G. Student, Civil Engineering Department, Shri Shivaji Institute of Engineering Studies, M.S. India, ,
  4. U.G. Student, Civil Engineering Department, Shri Shivaji Institute of Engineering Studies, M.S. India, ,
  5. U.G. Student, Civil Engineering Department, Shri Shivaji Institute of Engineering Studies, M.S. India, ,
  6. U.G. Student, Civil Engineering Department, Shri Shivaji Institute of Engineering Studies, M.S. India, ,


This article, titled “Smart Dustbin for Household Using Internet of Things (IoT)”, introduces an
innovative solution to manage household waste effectively. In today’s fast-paced world, many
individuals find it challenging to dispose of garbage regularly due to busy schedules. This IoT-based
system aims to address this issue by employing sensors and connectivity to monitor the fill-level of
dustbins in real time. By utilizing ultrasonic sensors and microcontrollers like the ESP32, this system
accurately detects and measures the level of waste inside the dustbin. When the dustbin reaches its
capacity, the system sends alerts to users or authorities via mobile apps or web interfaces. This
proactive approach not only ensures timely waste collection but also prevents overflow and the
associated environmental hazards. The implementation of IoT technology in waste management systems
not only enhances efficiency but also promotes a cleaner and healthier environment. It minimizes the
manual effort required for monitoring and managing garbage, thereby optimizing municipal resources
and reducing operational costs. Future enhancements could include integrating artificial intelligence
algorithms for smarter waste segregation and optimizing collection routes based on real-time data
analytics. Such advancements promise to further improve the effectiveness of urban waste management,
contributing to sustainable and smart city initiatives. This smart dustbin system integrates an
identification system, an automated lid system, a display system, and a communication system. Arduino
Uno serves as the central microcontroller to coordinate these components. Sensors are employed for
identification and to measure garbage levels. The system enables continuous monitoring of waste status
within the bin, displaying the fill percentage on a liquid crystal display. For communication, a Global
System for Mobile Communications module is utilized. This module notifies the relevant authorities
when the bin reaches capacity, prompting timely waste collection.

Keywords: Smart dustbin, internet of things (IoT), microcontroller, sensors, identification system, automated lid system, display system, communication system, liquid crystal display (LCD), waste monitoring, garbage level measurement, Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) module

[This article belongs to Journal of Geotechnical Engineering (joge)]

How to cite this article:
Raju R. Kulkarni, Priti Prakash Kadam, Komal Manohar Dahiphale, Pooja Vasantrao Vharkate, Supriya Nagnath Kute, Gaurav Madhukarrao Itkare. Smart Dustbin for Household Using Internet of Things (IoT). Journal of Geotechnical Engineering. 2024; 11(02):38-48.
How to cite this URL:
Raju R. Kulkarni, Priti Prakash Kadam, Komal Manohar Dahiphale, Pooja Vasantrao Vharkate, Supriya Nagnath Kute, Gaurav Madhukarrao Itkare. Smart Dustbin for Household Using Internet of Things (IoT). Journal of Geotechnical Engineering. 2024; 11(02):38-48. Available from:

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Regular Issue Subscription Case Study
Volume 11
Issue 02
Received June 27, 2024
Accepted July 13, 2024
Published July 15, 2024

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