Kum Gwon Choe,
Yu Mi Sin,
Sol Song Pak,
Ji Yong Ri,
Jong Gil Pak,
- Faculty, Kim Il Sung University, Pyongyang, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, North Korea, Korea
- Faculty, Kim Il Sung University, Pyongyang, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, North Korea, Korea
- Faculty, Kim Il Sung University, Pyongyang, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, North Korea, Korea
- Faculty, Kim Il Sung University, Pyongyang, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, North Korea, Korea
- Faculty, Kim Il Sung University, Pyongyang, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, North Korea, Korea
The geometric complication caused by the “rings” and “sails” used to make the parachutist’s canopy provides a considerable computationally problem, which is the focus of this paper’s fluid–structure interaction (FSI) modeling of ringsail parachutes. Based on the sustained space-time FSI (SSTFSI) method, we have developed an FSI simulation of ringsail jumping devices. The FSI Geometric Smoothing Technique and the Homogenized Modeling of Geometric Porosity represent a pair of the above interface projection methods. We outline our use of one of these supplemental methods to ringsail parachutes in FSI simulations. We consider a single primary parachute in the simulations we give here, which carries one-third of the overall vehicle’s entire burden. Researchers show the findings from FSI simulation of unloading, that involve drifting under cross wind influence and, as a specific instance, losing warmth shielding.
Keywords: Ringsail parachute, Orion space vehicle, fluid–structure interaction, offloading, drifting
[This article belongs to Journal of Experimental & Applied Mechanics (joeam)]
Kum Gwon Choe, Yu Mi Sin, Sol Song Pak, Ji Yong Ri, Jong Gil Pak. Understanding Side-wind Dynamics and Deciphering Ringsail Parachute Drift. Journal of Experimental & Applied Mechanics. 2024; 15(01):1-12.
Kum Gwon Choe, Yu Mi Sin, Sol Song Pak, Ji Yong Ri, Jong Gil Pak. Understanding Side-wind Dynamics and Deciphering Ringsail Parachute Drift. Journal of Experimental & Applied Mechanics. 2024; 15(01):1-12. Available from: https://journals.stmjournals.com/joeam/article=2024/view=150705
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Journal of Experimental & Applied Mechanics
Volume | 15 |
Issue | 01 |
Received | 23/04/2024 |
Accepted | 25/05/2024 |
Published | 14/06/2024 |