ChatGPT’s Drawbacks and Benefits as a Study Aid for Students

Year : 2024 | Volume :15 | Issue : 02 | Page : 62-69

Rajesh Yadav,

  1. Assistant Professor Department of Computer Science, South Indian Education Society College of Arts, Science and Commerce (Empowered Autonomous), Mumbai Maharashtra India


This study aims to investigate the opportunities and problems that come with using ChatGPT as a student assistance tool. A survey was completed by 60 students who had utilised ChatGPT for school-related reasons. The study examined the views of the students regarding the usefulness of ChatGPT, its impact on their learning, and any challenges they had when utilising it. Based on its prompt and accurate responses to students’ inquiries, ChatGPT appears to have the potential to be a helpful supplementary tool for learners. The study also discovered that ChatGPT enhanced students’ educational experiences by providing them with a multitude of information. The study highlighted several problems students faced with ChatGPT, including technical difficulties and a desire for more interpersonal communication. The study’s conclusions expand on our understanding of ChatGPT’s potential as a teaching aid and suggest future research directions. This study highlights the benefits of employing technology to support student learning while also discussing the potential challenges that may occur.

Keywords: ChatGPT, artificial intelligence, education, learning, Open AI

[This article belongs to Journal of Computer Technology & Applications(jocta)]

How to cite this article: Rajesh Yadav. ChatGPT’s Drawbacks and Benefits as a Study Aid for Students. Journal of Computer Technology & Applications. 2024; 15(02):62-69.
How to cite this URL: Rajesh Yadav. ChatGPT’s Drawbacks and Benefits as a Study Aid for Students. Journal of Computer Technology & Applications. 2024; 15(02):62-69. Available from:


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Regular Issue Subscription Review Article
Volume 15
Issue 02
Received July 18, 2024
Accepted July 24, 2024
Published August 1, 2024

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