Energy Storage in Vietnam Power Systems

Year : 2024 | Volume :15 | Issue : 03 | Page : 1-10

Le Thi Thuy Hang,

Cu Thi Thanh Huyen,

Le Cong Thinh,

  1. Research Scholars,, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology,, Vietnam, Vietnam,
  2. Research Scholars,, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology,, Vietnam, Vietnam
  3. Research Scholars,, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology,, Vietnam, Vietnam


Energy transition is taking place around the world due to the strong penetration of renewable energy sources in modern power systems. However, the most important disadvantage of these power sources is their instability. As a result, power systems are facing major challenges in transmission and distribution with unpredictable daily and seasonal fluctuations to meet the demands of human activities. Energy storage is being considered as one of the potential solutions to address these challenges, whereby energy is stored and converted to electrical energy when needed. There are many types of energy storage technology with different applications in modern energy systems. This paper provides an up-to-date review of these storage technologies and energy storage systems in Vietnam’s power system today. Finally, there are a few perspectives on the opportunities and challenges of these storage systems in Vietnam power systems today.

Keywords: Energy storage, renewable energy, power system, Vietnam, fossil fuels

[This article belongs to Journal of Alternate Energy Sources & Technologies (joaest)]

How to cite this article:
Le Thi Thuy Hang, Cu Thi Thanh Huyen, Le Cong Thinh. Energy Storage in Vietnam Power Systems. Journal of Alternate Energy Sources & Technologies. 2024; 15(03):1-10.
How to cite this URL:
Le Thi Thuy Hang, Cu Thi Thanh Huyen, Le Cong Thinh. Energy Storage in Vietnam Power Systems. Journal of Alternate Energy Sources & Technologies. 2024; 15(03):1-10. Available from:


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Regular Issue Subscription Review Article
Volume 15
Issue 03
Received 25/08/2024
Accepted 31/08/2024
Published 30/09/2024

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